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The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was referred by an order of the House of Representatives of the 8th of January 1793, the petition of William Wirtz, thereupon respectfully reports as follows— It is stated by the petitioner, that he acted as Barrack Master and Assistant Commissary of Prisoners in the Borough of Lancaster during a certain period in the year 1782, for which Services he...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 210–11. I received yours of October 29, and November 2. Your December packet is not yet arrived. No insinuations of the kind you mention, concerning Mr. G—y have reached me, and if they had, it would have been without the least effect; as I have always had...
Several matters of Public Importance resting on the Hands of the Executive to be transacted to the Northward, we beg Leave to avail ourselves of your Journey thither to get them settled, being satisfied they may be much better done on your verbal representations than by anything which may go in writing from us. The Trade has been carried on to a very small extent between this State and the...
Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Gilpin for the pamphlet he has been so kind as to send him. no one wishes more ardently that a dissipation of our foreign difficulties might enable Congress , by a liberation of our revenues, to enter systematically on the work of canals & render our country the garden which nature has destined it to be. he salutes mr Gilpin with respect PoC ( DLC ); dateline...
In Colonel Hay’s absence I am Honord with your Excellency’s Letters of the 15th & 17th and Colo. Tilghmans of the 19th enclosing one for Governor Clinton, which has beene forwarded as directed. Have wrote Colonel Lewis to forward the Plank, Tar, and Oakum, am of opinion he is not posses’d of the latter article, but have taken measures to obtain a small supply ’till a quantity arrives which I...
Major General Arnold has it in Contemplation to establish a Settlement of Officers and Soldiers who have served with him in the present War, and to lay the necessary Foundation without Loss of Time. From a Desire to become a Citizen of New York he gives our State the Preferrence and now visits your Excellency to make the necessary Enquiries, it being out of our Power to give him any...
I am very desirous of seeing you, and request that you will be with me, as soon as you can, without injury to your health or overfatiguing yourself. I am Dr Sir with great regard & esteem Yr Most Obedt servt LS , owned (1996) by Mr. Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Florida. GW signed the cover, which was addressed to McDougall at Peekskill, New York. McDougall’s docket on the letter reads,...
Memom. 22d June 1802. to shew the President US. JB. wrote WShort 20th feby (tho not forwarded untill April—) this letter covered his a/c up to 18 feby. than Balance $3347 39/ in his favr—purporting JB intintions of purchasing $4000. 6 pCt deferred.—but owing to Various disappointmts. rise in Stock &c. &c. no purchase was affected— on or abt. 15 May. JB. had drafted a letter which he proposed...
I take the liberty of enclosing a letter from Mr. Winthrop of Boston who married a niece of Mr. Bowdoin & is his agent for transacting his business. I shall postpone an answer to Mr. Winthrop until I receive directions from you what answer to make.—a letter from Chouteau inform me that the Indians are not to come on, until autumn.—I have received an official account of the total destruction of...
Immediately on the receipt of your letter of the 22nd September I had an interview with Mr Long on the subject—He has promised me to use his best exertions to fulfil the wishes of the Visitors of the College—In addition I am carrying on a correspondence with Several literary men with a view to success— To the learned Professor Sandford of Glasgow I have written—my acquaintance with some of the...
I do myself the honor to transmit the Inclosed Letter from Major French, & at the same time to inform you, that his Exchange for Majr Meigs, whose parole I am advised you have, will meet my approbation—I would take the liberty also to propose an Exchange of any Captn you may chuse for Capn Dearborn whose parole I have heard was delivered you with Major Meig’s. Give me leave to assure you Sir,...
Articles of Agreement made Indented the First day of September One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty nine Between John Askew of the County of Fairfax Joiner of the one part and George Washington of the said County Gentleman of the other part Sheweth that the said John Askew for the Consideration’s herein after mentioned doth oblige himself to work true and faithfully at his trade as a joiner...
I have laid before the President your letter of the 16th. instant, and in consequence thereof have written to the Attorney General of the US. a letter of which I have the honor to inclose you a copy, and to add assurances of the respect with which I am Sir Your most obedt & most humble servt RC ( DLC : Genet Papers); at foot of text: “The Min. Pleny. of the Republic of France.” PrC ( DLC ). FC...
8 August 1812, Erie, Pennsylvania. His volunteer company having been ordered by the governor into service in defense of the frontier bordering on Lake Erie, as was their sole object when they tendered their service to the president, “this company now consider the motive of the President as well as their own at an end in the accomplishment of its object; and through me beg leave to signify...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Treaty & Conventions, entered into on the 30th. of April by our Ministers Extraordinary, at Paris with the French Government, were received here on Thursday evening last. For an outline of the Agreement I refer you to the enclosed Newspaper; to which is added a copy of Articles II III IV V & VI. To these the President wishes you to give all the...
I have recd. your letter of the 17th. instant. The public Vessels which are or may be employed in the Mediterranean being all furnished with official Surgions, and there being also others in public pay waiting for employment, you will perceive the impossibility of providing for your son in the way you wish. He can not be otherwise accomodated than as a passenger, at his own expence. Should he...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library N’ayant pas eu l’honneur de vous trouver chez vous, je vous ay adressé par la poste une lettre de Madame de Pontenet de Besançon, relativement aux objets dont elle vous a parlé chez Mr. de la faye. Comme j’ay fort a coeur d’obliger cette Dame a laquelle M. de la faye s’interresse particulierement, j’ose vous prier Monsieur, de vouloir bien me mettre a...
I thank you, Sir, for the paper you have been so kind as to send me , and I have read with pleasure the disquisition on the origin of our Indians. this long contested question seems no nearer it’s solution now than when first proposed. I am glad to see the ingenuity of others employed in such investigations, but have lost all interest in them myself . the advance of years tells me they are not...
Your several letters of the twenty fifth of September, and of the fourth, sixth and seventh of October have been duly received. I agree with you as to the advantage which would be derived to the Soldiers from the use of Hunting shirts but a change of the public arrangements with respect to Clothing would involve difficulty. there is an observation which has frequently occurred to me on this...
The return lately sent me shews strongly the want of system of your Agents. Instead of an equal apportionment, while some Regiments are altogether without certain articles, others have a full or very ample supply of them. This appears particularly as to Muskets, Cartouch boxes, Knapsacks & Canteens . With regard to some of these articles, indeed, I know that orders have been given for supplies...
I did not expect to write to you again till my return to Philada., but as I think always of you, so I avail myself of every moment to tell you so which a life of business will permit. Such a moment is now offered while passing this lake and it’s border, on which we have just landed, has furnished the means which the want of paper would otherwise have denied me. I write to you on the bark of...
By the President’s direction T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury a Copy of the Resolution of the House of representatives relative to the Loans made in Holland; with which the President requests the Secretary to comply as soon as he conveniently can. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. The enclosed resolution, passed by the House of...
Let this letter be received with the same friendship and frankness, with which it is written, nothing would add more to the satisfaction this would give me, than your acceptance of the offer I am going to make you. Without further preface then, will you suffer me to nominate you to the office of Secretary of War? That I may give evidence of the candour I have professed above, I shall inform...
A public meeting will be held at the Exchange Hall on Thursday evening next at oclock for the purpose of adopting measures for the relief of Thomas Jefferson by a general subscription. The meeting will be addressed by some of the gentlemen, who will explain more fully the objects of it. It is confidently hoped that all liberal men of all parties will attend. The rich and the poor, the humble...
Your favour of the 25th inst., enclosing a letter for Genl. Dearbourn, & one for Mr. Gallatin I received this morning, & immediately after its receipt, I delivered Genl. Dearbourns into his own hand—He leaves this City for the Southward tomorrow morning. The letter for Mr. Gallatin, I have sent under cover, to the Post Master at New-York, with a request that, he will be pleased to have it...
It is proper I should inform Your Excellency that Congress have lately removed to this place. I cannot enter into a detail of the causes; but I imagine they will shortly be published for the information of the United States. You will have heared of a mutiny among the soldiers stationed in the barracks of Philadelphia, and of their having surrounded the state house where Congress was sitting....
I send you a Sacradotal Villain who came from new York the day before yesterday he effects a total Ignorance of every matter or thing Concerning the Enemy—but acknowledges that after being dismissed our Service—and Discarded by his flock —he in a fit of Desperation went Voluntarily into New York—with an Intention to go to England—(a place where Religion is so predominant, that any Clergyman...
I lay before you the communications of a deputation from the Cherokee Nation of Indians now in this City. And I request your advice, whether an additional Article shall be made to the Cherokee treaty, to the following effect—to wit. That the sum to be paid annually by the United States to the Cherokee nation of Indians, in consideration of the relinquishment of lands, as stated in the treaty...
I should divide New hampshire as followeth, The County of Rockingham to be one district for the recruiting service and Portsmouth or Exeter to be head quarters. The county of Hillsborough one district, & Amherst the head quarters. The county of Cheshire one district, & Keen the head quarters. The countys of Strafford & Grafton to be one district, & Plymouth or Gilmantown the head-quarters. I...
Yesterday about noon we arriv’d at this place where the loss of some Waggon Horses, want of Provisions for the Waggoners, and Forrage for the Horses oblig’d me to remain last night, I this morning sent to Reconnoitre Cedar Creek which is found immensely swell’d by the heavy Rains and deem’d impassable so that we are likely to remain here at least for this Day. I flatter myself that the Success...