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Results 8971-8980 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It gives me no pleasure to meddle with departments not my own. But necessity is laid upon me to inform you (for I suppose you are as yet uninform’d) That Doctr. Loyd, who stands charged with being an Associator, and an addressor to Gen. Gage, and who, perhaps tomorrow, will be under arrest in order to be examined and punished for said Crimes, That this same Dr. Loyd is imploy’d to put up...
Were I as Ceremonious as I suppose the Ladies will be about their Tea visits, after the late Indulgence of Congress, I should hardly have taken up my pen at this time to disturb your repose, or Interrupt your Business. Are you Sensible how seldom you write to me or does it proceed from Choice or Necessity. My writeing at this Time is mearly to discharge A Duty of Friendship. I have scarcely A...
The Letter from which the Extract that accompanies this was taken, you may consider, as wrote by Capt Willson who lately arrivd from Bordeaux, in a Vessell belonging to Newbury-port. As he is a Gentleman of Reputation, it may be worth communicating to you. A Vessell I am told is also arrivd at Newbury port from Bilboa which brings Intelligence Nearly like this communicated by Cap Wilson—with...
I wrote you the 5th instant by my son William who was going to Philadelphia; but as he was to stay some time at New York, being employed by Col. Warren as Paymaster, I suppose you have not yet received that letter. In it I took the liberty to request your influence, that either my brother might be appointed sole Clerk of the Superior Court; or, if it should be thought best to have two, my son...
As a Multiplicity of public Business prevents my revisiting Philadelphia, I have embraced an Opportunity by Major Walton of enquiring after your Welfare; and as he is capable of giving you the amplest Account of the State of this Province, I wou’d take the Liberty of introducing him to your Notice and Acquaintance. I make no Doubt but it will afford you the highest Pleasure to see one...
It is almost too late to congratulate you upon our regaining Boston; but I may give you joy of our not having as yet relost it. We ought by this time to have had the harbour fortified so strongly, that a fleet could not have ventured in to have insulted the town, without paying dear for it: but there has been strange not-doings. You will ask me, who is to blame? Should I answer without...
The Necessity of the present address must be my apology for making it. I am engaged as Counsel for certain Heirs at Law to a Large real Estate, and to assist them in the settlement of it. A part of it indeed falls to them as heirs by Will. About this the Contest is settled. But there is one half of the real Estate which Said heirs think was wrested from them by a Deed made by their ancestor,...
Your Favour of the 27th: of April was put into my hands by Colonel Clinton, we had much conversation together upon the Critical and political State of this Country; He thinks with You, and I; and has besides a very Uncommon share of Knowledge, and penetration; I shall endeavour to Cultivate his Friendship, and Acquaintance. The Six Regiments under General Sullivan, are Saild for Albany, with a...
I suppose there were some dispatches went of f yesterday to your body respecting the late News of more Troops expected. I did not think they would have been Able to have procured so many Troops. By some London papers which Cap. Lee saw on board the Vessell bound to N.F.Land, not a Transport but a Vessell that came Out with them, itt seems the Ministry have Agreed to pay the K. of Prussia his...
I had the pleasure of receiving your agreeable favour of the 15th ultimo. I Delayed answering it till I could give you information how matters were Like to go in this City. Soon after I received your Letter I Sent for Colo. Sears Mr. John Smith and Some others (which I knew to be Staunch) to Spend An Evening with me that I might Converse with them upon the Subject. I was Some what at a Loss to...