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Results 8971-8980 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your favour of Decr. 24. was received in the regular course of the Mail and in good order. It refreshes me to See that you write in good Spirits. Your Family and private Friends must console you, under all your humiliations in public Life. For fifteen years, i.e from the year 1760 to 1775 I was in the Valley, the dark Valley of Grief Gloom and disappointment; Unalterably devoted to Principles...
I have never known in any Country the Prejudice in favour of Birth Parentage and Descent more conspicuous than in the Instance of Colonel Burr, That Gentleman was connected by blood with many respectable Families in New England: he was the Son of one President and the grandson of another President of Nassau Hall or Princeton University, the Idol of all the Presbyterians in New York, New...
Mr. Galloway. The Proposal I intended to make having been opposed, I have waited to hear a more effectual one. A general Non Importation from G. Britain and Ireland has been adopted, but I think this will be too gradual in its Operation for the Relief of Boston. A General Non Exportation, I have ever looked on as an indigested Proposition. It is impossible America can exist, under a total Non...
This Line is intended to go by Mr Bayard or Mr Gallatin, who are associated with you, or you with them in a Negotiation for Peace with G.B. under the Mediation of The Emperor. As I am and desire to be possessed of no Secrets, I cannot judge of the Probability of Success. The Gentlemen your Colleagues are well known to you to be able Men; and all of you must be Sensible of the delicacy of the...
89751774. Monday. Novr. 7. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Rice’s of Brookfield. Major Foster came to see us, and gave us an Account of the Proceedings of the Prov incial Congress. Lodged at Hunts in Spencer.
897629 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A little hail and rain fell to Day. We find our Selves capable of comprehending many Things, of acquiring considerable Degrees of Knowledge by our slender and contracted Faculties. Now may we not suppose our minds strengthened, and Capacities dilated, so as fully to comprehend this Globe of Earth, with its numerous appendages? May we not suppose them further enlarged to take in the Solar...
I have not yet answered your letter of the 26 of July. You guess well—I find that I shall have all the unpopular questions to determine: and shall soon be pronounced Hostes Republicani generis— What they will do with me I know not, but must trust to providence. You insinuate that I am accused “of deciding in favor of the power of the prime: because I look up to that goal” That I look up to...
It flatters me to find that from your lofty elevation, so near the summit of your Wachusett you sometimes look down upon our three blue hills and even over my montezillo all of which are Molehills in comparison with your superb high places. Can you see the Boylston hill in Brookline? Your barns have been seen from that enchanting spot. I look with longing eyes from one of my montezillo’s at...
8979November 17. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Have spent several Days in copying Mr. Jays dispatches. On Fryday the 15, Mr. Oswald came to Visit me, and entered with some Freedom into Conversation. I said many Things to him to convince him that it was the Policy of my Lord Shelburne and the Interest of the Nation to agree with Us upon the advantageous Terms which Mr. Stratchey carried away on the 5th. Shewed him the Advantages of the...
I have received with Pleasure your polite Letter of the 5th. and thank you for your kind Compliments. I am very much disposed to believe, that you have been misinformed concerning “Some very leading Characters in the State of N. york.” If they have been “disappointed” it has been in the Election of the V.P. not in mine: and that by no means on the Ground of “the known Independence of my mind”....