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Results 8951-9000 of 184,431 sorted by author
Paris, 29 March 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 369–372). LbC ( Adams Papers ); notation by Thaxter: “Nos. 26, 27, 28 & 29 were delivered to Mr. Izard 29th. March 1780.” printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:578–580. This letter, received by...
Our amiable Professor, in the 5 th Page, informs us that “The free Commonwealth of the United States, which in all its ties, relations and dependencies, is animated with the pure Spirit of popular Representation, offers the highest Rewards to a Successfull cultivation of the Law, and the Utmost Encouragement to Genius.”— I Scarcely have the Courage, my dear son, to write even to you, my...
8953[November 1775] (Adams Papers)
 At the Rising Sun in Second Street between Market and Chestnut Streets. 2 ozs. Cinnamon £0: 6: 0 1 oz. Turkey Rhubarb 2: 6 1 oz. Cloves 2: 1 oz. Pink Root 1: £  11: 6 M-Ar : vol. 210. A printed form filled in. £ s d
Your Letter dear Sir of Nov. 15 from Poplar Forrest was Sent to me from the Post Office the next day after I had Sent “ The Analysis ” with my Thanks to you. “3. Vol s of Idiology!” Pray explain to me this Neological Title! What does it mean? When Bonaparte used it, I was delig h ted with it, upon the Common Principle of delight in every Thing We cannot understand. Does it mean Idiotism? The...
I received yesterday, at the Post Office, in this Town, the polite and obliging Letter, with which you favoured me, on the first of this month, and for which I pray you to accept of my best thanks. William Steuben Smith is my grandson, the oldest Son of my only Daugher and born in my House in Grosvenor Square in Westminster when I was Minister of the United States at the Court of Saint...
8956[December 1766] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Dr. Tufts’s. Drank Tea at Dr. Halls Pembroke. Lodged at Captn. Littles Kingston.—I find a general Opposition in the County of Plymouth, to Compensation. Jacobs tells me, that Scituate voted vs. it with great Warmth. Judge Cushing Moderator did not think fit to say a Word, nor was there a Word said or an Hand up in favour of the Bill, tho they had voted for it in October. Keen of...
89571782 November 11. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Whitefoord the Secretary of Mr. Oswald came a second Time, not having found me at home Yesterday, when he left a Card, with a Copy of Mr. Oswalds Commission attested by himself (Mr. Oswald). He delivered the Copy and said Mr. Oswald was ready to compare it to the original with me. I said Mr. Oswalds Attestation was sufficient as he had already shewn me his original. He sat down and We fell...
I had duely your Favours of 10 May, and another Since Rodneys Account of the Action of the 17 April. But have not been able to answer before. The Language which is held by the English both in and out of Parliament, is quite incomprehensible by me. Do they really believe what they say? Do they believe that America, will return to them? Well! next Winter, which approaches fast, there must be 22...
I am extreamly Sorry, to read in your Letter of the 8 th . that you think of embarking for America. Let me beg of you to reconsider that Project, if you persist in it, I shall repent of having written for my Family and wish I had it in my Power to go there too. The Committee to whom, the Dispatches by Thaxter were referred have reported that a Commission be sent to the 3 named in the...
89606. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Abby’s Chaillut and Arnaud. The Farmer General, Mr. and Mrs. Izzard, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Stevens, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd were there. After dinner the Abby invited Us to the French Comedy, where We saw the Malheureux imaginary and the Parti de Chasse d’Henri quatre.
I duely received yours of 24 of May, and Should have answered it sooner, if I had been in better Health: But both Mr Thaxter and I have been too ill, to have given that Attention to it, that We should otherwise have done. I return you inclosed, the Letter and Account, of Mr Frasink Pjasink . This Morning was brought me, yours of 31. May, with the two Accounts inclosed—one of Disbursements...
I have this moment received your favour of Nov. 30, and the Volume inclosed with it: an acceptable Present for which I thank you. I have not yet had the time to read it, and cannot therefore form any Opinion of its merits. By a kind of [ Sortes virgiane ] I Stumbled on the Anecdote of the Child drowning in [the Canal] at the Hague, which brought strongly to my Recollection the feelings We both...
89631774 Sunday. Octr. 16. (Adams Papers)
Staid at Home all day. Very busy in the necessary Business of putting the Proceedings of the Congress into Order. That is, the final version of the Declaration of Rights? See entry of 14 Oct., note 2 , above. So far as the Journal shows, the Declaration had been approved on 14 Oct., but there is evidence to show that some points relative to it were debated in Congress as late as the 17th; see...
8964August 4. 1796 Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Of all the Summers of my Life, this has been the freest from Care, Anxiety and Vexation to me. The Sickness of Mrs. A. excepted. My Health has been better, the Season fruitful, my farm was conducted. Alas! what may happen to reverse all this? But it is folly to anticipate evils, and madness to create imaginary ones. Went over to Weymouth with Mrs. A., visited Mr. Norton and dined with Dr....
I have rec d the Letter you did me the Honour to write me Yesterday Although I am a Friend to all usefull Discoveries in Science and all ingenious Inventions in Mechanicks, I can not give you any Encouragement, of obtaining an exclusive Patent from Congress. It is at least questionable, whether that Body has, by our Confederation Authority to grant Such exclusive Priviledges, in all the United...
8966Oct. 24. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Visited the Church at Valenciennes. Saw a notre Dame De Hall. She appears pregnant. A Collection of Portraits ancient and modern, and a Picture of the Virgin Mary in the Air, sending by Angels a Cord round the City with an Inscription importing, Valenciennes surrounded with a Cord by the blessed Virgin, and saved from the Plague Anno 1008. Dined at Cambray, visited the Cathedral, saw the Tomb...
I have received your three last Letters. The Correspondence and Conversations which have passed between Us have been under the confidential Seal of Secrecy and Friendship. Any Violation of it will be a breach of Honor and plighted Faith. I Shall never release you from it; if it were in my Power: but it is not. After all the Permission that I could give, your Conscience ought to restrain you. I...
89681767 April 8th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Mounted my Horse in a very Rainy Morning for Barnstable leaving my Dear Brother Cranch and his family at my House where they arrived last Night, and my Wife, all designing for Weymouth this Afternoon to Keep the fast with my father Smith and my Friend Tufts.— Arrived at Dr. Tufts’s, where I found a fine Wild Goose on the Spit and Cramberries stewing in the Skillet for Dinner. Tufts as soon as...
pd. at Quaker Town 2 1/2 dollars. pd. at Johnsons at Bethlehem 8 dollars at Hartmans Reading 4 dollars at Parkers £4:18s:6d P.C. Fragmentary record of expenses, written on the last leaf of D/JA/28, during JA ’s journey from Philadelphia to Lancaster via Trenton, Easton, Bethlehem, and Reading. Congress sat in Lancaster for only one day, 27 Sept., adjourning on that day to meet at York on the...
you are engaged in an inquiry which I think the most important—which can occupy the human mind next to the first Philosophy— I wish I could attend you to the end of your Career but as age forbids it—I can only furnish you with such feeble helps as were the productions of former years I have sent you the first Volume of the “the Defence & which I again pray you to return—as I cannot replace it—...
Your favour of Decr. 24. was received in the regular course of the Mail and in good order. It refreshes me to See that you write in good Spirits. Your Family and private Friends must console you, under all your humiliations in public Life. For fifteen years, i.e from the year 1760 to 1775 I was in the Valley, the dark Valley of Grief Gloom and disappointment; Unalterably devoted to Principles...
I have never known in any Country the Prejudice in favour of Birth Parentage and Descent more conspicuous than in the Instance of Colonel Burr, That Gentleman was connected by blood with many respectable Families in New England: he was the Son of one President and the grandson of another President of Nassau Hall or Princeton University, the Idol of all the Presbyterians in New York, New...
Mr. Galloway. The Proposal I intended to make having been opposed, I have waited to hear a more effectual one. A general Non Importation from G. Britain and Ireland has been adopted, but I think this will be too gradual in its Operation for the Relief of Boston. A General Non Exportation, I have ever looked on as an indigested Proposition. It is impossible America can exist, under a total Non...
This Line is intended to go by Mr Bayard or Mr Gallatin, who are associated with you, or you with them in a Negotiation for Peace with G.B. under the Mediation of The Emperor. As I am and desire to be possessed of no Secrets, I cannot judge of the Probability of Success. The Gentlemen your Colleagues are well known to you to be able Men; and all of you must be Sensible of the delicacy of the...
89751774. Monday. Novr. 7. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Rice’s of Brookfield. Major Foster came to see us, and gave us an Account of the Proceedings of the Prov incial Congress. Lodged at Hunts in Spencer.
897629 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A little hail and rain fell to Day. We find our Selves capable of comprehending many Things, of acquiring considerable Degrees of Knowledge by our slender and contracted Faculties. Now may we not suppose our minds strengthened, and Capacities dilated, so as fully to comprehend this Globe of Earth, with its numerous appendages? May we not suppose them further enlarged to take in the Solar...
I have not yet answered your letter of the 26 of July. You guess well—I find that I shall have all the unpopular questions to determine: and shall soon be pronounced Hostes Republicani generis— What they will do with me I know not, but must trust to providence. You insinuate that I am accused “of deciding in favor of the power of the prime: because I look up to that goal” That I look up to...
It flatters me to find that from your lofty elevation, so near the summit of your Wachusett you sometimes look down upon our three blue hills and even over my montezillo all of which are Molehills in comparison with your superb high places. Can you see the Boylston hill in Brookline? Your barns have been seen from that enchanting spot. I look with longing eyes from one of my montezillo’s at...
8979November 17. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Have spent several Days in copying Mr. Jays dispatches. On Fryday the 15, Mr. Oswald came to Visit me, and entered with some Freedom into Conversation. I said many Things to him to convince him that it was the Policy of my Lord Shelburne and the Interest of the Nation to agree with Us upon the advantageous Terms which Mr. Stratchey carried away on the 5th. Shewed him the Advantages of the...
I have received with Pleasure your polite Letter of the 5th. and thank you for your kind Compliments. I am very much disposed to believe, that you have been misinformed concerning “Some very leading Characters in the State of N. york.” If they have been “disappointed” it has been in the Election of the V.P. not in mine: and that by no means on the Ground of “the known Independence of my mind”....
I have received your kind favour of the 26th: Happy Man! profound Philosopher! Pious Christian! I congratulate you with all my heart. I read and hear read a great deal too much Not upon Prophicies immidiately, for I have read and heard so much of them heretofore and have found the Prophets for 1500 indeed for 1800 years so uniformly out in their calculations that I have long since concluded...
I have Just received your favour of yesterday. You desire me to Send you, two Letters from Dr Franklin. I have no Remembrance of your ever leaving with me, more than one, which is the Drs Letter to you of the 4. Sept. 1781. This original Letter, I return you, herein inclosed. I have no other. I have indeed a Copy, which you gave me of the Drs Letter to you of 26 Octr. 1780. The original I...
The bearers of this letter, Mr. Stephen Collins and Mr. John Kaign, are of the peaceable society called Quakers or Friends, yet they are possessed of liberal sentiments, and are very far from being enemies to American principles or practices. They are warm, zealous friends of America, and hearty well wishers to her councils and arms, and have contributed much to promote both in this province....
The public Papers of this Morning inform Us, that Sir Joseph Yorke left the Hague on the Morning of the twenty fourth, without taking Leave of any body, and bent his Course to London by the Way of Antwerp and Ostend. Sometime in the Month of April last, a certain British Ambassador, who had an Inclination to take a few of the Pleasures of Paris in his Way to Germany, said in that City, where I...
89851774 Wednesday. Octr. 19. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home.
8986March 21st. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Memorandum. To enquire more particularly into the Practice in Weymouth—how they estimate a Days Work for a Man, Horse, Yoke of oxen, Carts, Tools, Pickaxes, Spades, shovells &c—how much Money or what a sum they assess upon the whole Town, annually, to amend their Ways?—whether the assessment is committed to the surveyor, of all within his District, &c. Enquire, too, at Boston of Cunningham,...
I am ashamed to have, let your Letter remain so long unanswered— I did not know untill I rec’d it that you had paid for me the Rent or sent so many Parcells to America. There is a small Difference between your Account and mine, but your’s may be the right one. if you can find it, consistent to come with M rs: Ingraham and my friend Duncan and take a Dinner with me, or alone, I will pay you the...
I have received your kind letter of the 28th and the terse and nervous pamphlet inclosed My friend Mr Shaw of the Atheneum brought up that Pamphlet and read it to me a fortnight or three weeks ago I thank you for the present and feel a pride that a man of our name should have written it you I presume you are a sprig from the old Mount Wollaston stem and should be glad to know from which...
8989Novr. 10th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The Increase of my Business, within 12ve months, has been nothing. I drew fewer Writs last October Court than I drew the October Court before, tho I drew an uncommon Number at both.—Yet I have advanced a few Steps. Have procured my Brother, his office, abated Nathan Spears Writ, Battled it with Capt....
2. Samuel Chapt. 16. Verses 17. and 18. And Absalom Said to Hushai Is this thy Kindness to thy Friend? Why wentest thou not out with thy Friend? And Hushai Said unto Absolom, Nay but whom the Lord , and this People , and all the Men of Israel choose, his will I be, and with him will I abide, and to him will I Say God Save the King, God Save the King. Hushai, has here asserted the first...
Your address of the 4th of this month has been transmitted to me as you requested by one of my ancient and esteemed friends Judge Sewall. The mercenary views of the French Republick have been sufficiently maniffested for a course of years by their purchasing supplies without any thought of payment, by their continued depredations on our commerce & especially by the infamous law against all...
899218 [i.e. 19] Monday. (Adams Papers)
The Storm continues.
I do myself the Honour to enclose Papers, relative to affrican Affairs, altho M r Jefferson has transmitted them before, as it is possible his Conveyance may fail. The Intelligence all tends to confirm what has been more than once written to you before, that two or three hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling, will be necessary to obtain a perpetual Peace.— It is very clear, that a Peace would be...
So many Advantages might be derived to the united States in the Conduct of the War; in furnishing the Army and Navy; in augmenting the Value, or at least in preventing the further Depreciation of their Currency; in lowering the Prices of Goods; in Supplying the Wants of the People and in preventing Murmurs and Discontents, that I have ever thought it, of very great Importance, in some Way or...
8995[May 1767] (Adams Papers)
At Howlands in Plymouth. Returned this day from Barnstable. The Case of Cotton and Nye at Sandwich is remarkable. Cotton has been driving his Interest. This driving of an Interest, seldom succeeds. Jones of Weston, by driving his, drove it all away.—Where two Persons in a Town get into such a Quarrell, both must be very unhappy—Reproaching each other to their faces, relating facts concerning...
8996December 3. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Visited Mr. Brantzen Hotel de la Chine. Mr. Brantzen asked me, how We went on. I told him We had come to a full Stop, by signing and sealing the Preliminaries, on the 30. of November. I told him that We had been very industrious, having been at it, forenoon, Afternoon and Evening, ever since my Arrival, either with one another or with the English Gentlemen. He asked if it was definitive and...
I have recd your kind Letter of Jan. 24. and have read, Sealed and sent as you desired your Letter to General Knox, for whose bold Expressions, upon which you have remarked I was always sorry. I presume he did not mean that our Population had been destructive to Indians like the Cruelties of Pizarro &c. but that it had prevented their Population as much. The Expressions however were not well...
I have received your obliging Letter of the 2 d of this Month, with the Papers enclosed I have heard nothing from Congress nor from M r Morris respecting the last Loan, excepting a few Lines from that Superintendant of Finance, of Thanks for the Assistance given him. The Adjournment of Congress is I Suppose the Reason. In the latter End of October, Gentlemen you will be so good as to draw the...
8999[Monday April 13. 1778] (Adams Papers)
Monday April 13. 1778 This morning the Dutchess Dayen and her Daughter the Marchioness de La Fayette came to Passy to visit me, and enquire after the Marquis. This Morning Dr. Franklin, Mr. Lee and myself met in my Chamber and signed and sent the following Letters which I had written and had copied for Signature, in Answer to Letters received. The Papers you mention are in the disposition of...
Certain matters touching the public good requiring that the Session of the Senate for Executive Business should be continued, and that the Members thereof should convene on Tuesday the seventeenth day of July instant; you are desired to attend at the Senate Chamber in Philadelphia on that day, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to receive and deliberate on such communications as...