James Madison Papers

James Madison to Robert Walsh, 15 July 1831

Montpellier July 15. 1831

Dear Sir

Your letter of was duly recd. Finding that I did not possess the means of complying with its request, I communicated it to Mr. Scott at Richmond who married the daughter of Bishop Madison, and was a Student at Wm. & Mary whilst he was President. Mr. Scott happening to be absent at the time, I have but just recd. his answer. He says that he will be under the necessity of consulting documents &c not at hand before he can give the information desired on some of the points; but that as soon as obtained he will lose no time in forwarding it to me; and I will lose none in hastening it to you. The Bishop tho’ often supposed to be my father, was in the relation of second cousin only; and our careers in life, rarely brought us together, with the exception of a year or two, whilst I resided in Williamsburg as a member of the Executive Council. He was truly an excellent man in all the features of his character Be pleased to accept my friendly salutations

James Madison

RC (ViW); draft (PHi).

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