George Washington Papers

To George Washington from François de Bruyeres, 30 March 1791

From François de Bruyeres

Crest, France, 30 March 1791. Recommends “M. Le Chevr Vaumane de Fonclaire, who after having served in the German War as an Officer of Dragoons in the french Service was disbanded at the peace. He is yet young, without estate or fortune, he goes to America to endeavour to obtain them by some honest means” and “has fixed his residence in the City of Johnstown.”1

Translation, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; ALS, in French, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters. Text is taken from translation prepared for GW; receiver’s copy appears in CD-ROM:GW.

François-Pons-Laurent-Louis, baron de Bruyeres de St. Michel (b. 1729), was maréchal of the French army in 1784 and commander at Crest, in Dauphiné, in 1790. He later joined the counterrevolutionary army of the emigré princes and died abroad.

1The 1790 federal census listed a John Vonde Fonclair as living in Caughnawaga Town, Montgomery County, N.Y., with four other free white males and two white females (Heads of Families [New York] description begins Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: New York. 1908. Reprint. Baltimore, 1966. description ends , 103).

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