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Results 89201-89250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Boston, March 30, 1791. “I wrote you 20 instant when I transmitted a duplicate Statement of the...
I take the liberty of writing to you on an affair which concerns a great number of Idividuals as...
The amount of the several kinds of Stock on the books of this office on which Interest is payable...
Biddeford [ District of Maine ] March 30, 1791 . “… The Bonds which Mr. Cutts gave the Collector...
89205[Diary entry: 30 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. The parties to whom I addressed myself yesterday evening, having taken the matter...
We the subscribers, in consideration of the great benefits we expect to derive from having the...
Crest, France, 30 March 1791. Recommends “M. Le Chevr Vaumane de Fonclaire, who after having...
89208Proclamation, 30 March 1791 (Washington Papers)
Whereas by a proclamation bearing date the 24th day of January of this present year, & in...
By the President of the U. S. of A. a Proclamation Whereas by a proclamation bearing date the...
On my arrival here a few days ago I found your letter of the 23d. of January. The statement which...
Your letter of the 24th. (private) accompanied that of the 23d. and was received here on my...
The Secy. of the Treasury is so able and has done so well that I have Scarcely permitted myself...
Philadelphia, March 31, 1791. A contract for the construction of the Cape Henry lighthouse by...
[ Philadelphia, March 31, 1791. On May 20, 1791, Habersham wrote to Hamilton : “I have to...
The publication of the laws of the U.S. and the purchase of those of the several states call on...
Providence, March 31, 1791. “I have received Mr. Coxe’s circular Letter of the 10th. instant. The...
[ Philadelphia, March 31, 1791. On April 4, 1791, Seton wrote to Hamilton concerning “the request...
The device intimated to me in your letter of the 26th. of January, I consider as a mere evasive...
89219[Diary entry: 31 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 31st. From this time, until the 7th. of April, I remained at Mount Vernon—visiting my...
Having been so fortunate as to reconcile the contending interests of Georgetown and Carrollsburg,...
I had the honor to inform you on the 27th of the murder of certain friendly Indians at the Big...
Since I had the honor to write to you on the 27th Instant, nothing of a public nature, worthy...
Separated by an immense Ocean from the more ancient Nations of the Earth, and little connected...
Mr. Madison has just recd. the inclosed letter under cover of one from Virginia. If Mr. Baynton...
The recess of Congress now permits me to resume the subject of my circular letter of Aug. 12....
The publication of the laws of the U. S. and the purchase of those of the several states call on...
Mafra, 31 Mch. 1791. He received packet last night from Mr. Bulkeley and information of a vessel...
I am happy to have a letter of yours to answer. That of Mar. 6. came to my hands on the 24th. By...
The recess of Congress permits me now to resume the subject of my letter of Aug. 12. and to...
Having been so fortunate as to reconcile the contending interests of Georgetown and Carrollsburg,...
You will think me a sad delinquent and You will have reason. I plead guilty & crave the mercy of...
You will find in this inclosure two copies of a contract with John McComb junr, of New York, for...
Your instructions of the 18th ulto and the copy of a letter to Mr Appleton came by the last Post....
I have transmitted to Richard Harison Esq. two copies of the Contract for the lighthouse executed...
[ Philadelphia, April 1, 1791. On April 11, 1791, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I have to...
Being accustomed to write to you respecting the grounds for the fedl City, I continue the...
Letter not found: from Fenwick, Mason, & Co., 1 April 1791. On 7 July Tobias Lear referred...
I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 27th ult. with the papers which accompanied...
Your letter of the 27th Ultimo was received last evening. Your proceeding upon the intelligence...
I was, by the post of last evening, honored with your letters of the 27th & 28th Ultimo and the...
The letters with which you were pleased to honor me dated the 24th of February and 12th of March...
Account of Salary due to the Secretary of State, his Chief and other Clerks, and the...
The recess of Congress now permitting me to resume the subject of my letter of Aug. 12. which was...
At Mrs. Trist’s desire I forward to you about a dozen beans of three different kinds, having...
Philadelphia, 1 Apr. 1791 . Acknowledges his of yesterday. Getting laws required by that of 12...
Having now leisure to resume the subject of my letter of Aug. 12. which was circular, I have the...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Daniel Ludlow, a merchant and citizen of New York, being about to go to...
Having now leisure, since the adjournment of Congress, to resume the subject of my circular...
I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 27th. ult. with the papers which...
I have just received your favour of the 22 d: inst t : thanks you know are “the exchequer of the...