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Results 8791-8820 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Time has so much obliterated so much of persons & things from my memory that I cannot always command the recollections for which I am called on. this is the case with respect to yourself. I know I have long been acquainted with you, during the revolution, I believe before it too I believe & since while acting for Oliver Evans . but the particulars of our intercourse have very much escaped my...
I shoud be very much obliged to you to give me all the information you can recollect respecting the Money expended in the Revolutionary War, by my Father General Thomas Nelson . I make no doubt Sir you recollect the Sacrifice my Father made of his Property to Raise Money to carry on the Proceedings of the War at that time. The Widow and Heirs of General Thomas Nelson are in want, and mean to...
Your favour of the 13 Nov has made me laugh and cry almost or quite like an ideot. The epitaph on the greasy tables I have never seen since I read it on the post. Although it must have been a stupid thing I would give an mille for a copy of it. The conflagration of the tables is a proof of the capacity of our country men equal to the inundation of the tea. The actors in both scenes have shown...
I also am an advocate first for universal suffrage 2dly. for universal emancipation 3dly for universal toleration & fourthly for universal education. But I must still inquire, what is meant by universal suffrage? If reading & writing were necessary, that rule would in the middle ages have excluded all mankind except the clergy and a greater part of them and even Charlemagne himself. I have...
I have presumed to address you for the purpose of offering as a present a Small pocket knife which I have lately made, and which you will find in a packet accompanying this letter. It is defective in many parts particularly the Spring which is rather weak, but its faults you will readily excuse when informed of the inexperience of the artist it being the first thing of the kind I ever...
I am well aware, Sir, of the Apology a Stranger Should make for intruding upon your time for a moment; and I offer the Subject of this Communication as that Apology. It is Simply to enquire of you, the fountain head, as we all Conceive, in this lower Country, when, in your Opinion, the university now erecting under your auspices, will go into Operation with any degree of Certainty—the probable...
Should like much to Know, if your honour has received the books, and my last letter .— RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “ Tho: Jefferson sq”; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Dec. 1821 and so recorded in SJL ; with FC of TJ to Mayo, 3 Dec. [1821], beneath endorsement.
I thank you for your favour of Nov 19. & for the address inclosed. The Ceremonial for at laying the corner Stone of St Mathews church & the address pronounced on that occasion, were solemn affecting & impressive. You have not in my humble opinion given too much credit to Luther I love & revere the memories of Huss Wickliff Luther Calvin Zwinglius Melancton and all the other reformers;—how...
I sympathise with Alexipharmacus in his resentment of the indignities offered to Richardson, Lock, Barrow &ca: yet I cannot approve of the principle of Clarissa Harlow’s history, because such virtue ought never to be rendered so unfortunate; for I believe it never is, even in this world; nor was ever so infernal a villain as Love-lace ever able to maintain, for so long a time, the esteem and...
Thanks for your No 5. I have now finished reading and hearing read the Four volumes of Hallam’s middle ages. It is a great work and deserves to be kept constantly in your view. It has a good Table of contents and an ample Index, without which accommodation, a book after the first reading, is commonly a useless piece of Lumber. I esteem it the greatest work of the 19th Century. He has made good...
I enclose you my report of the general state and condition of the University with my estimates of what will be required to complete the buildings and a statement of the am t drafts since 1 st oct: 1820 to the present time—I hope this will meet your views. I have not had time to make out more than one copy of the report if another should be wanting will make it after the meeting of the visitors...
Leitch Daybook MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand , p. 210, 3 Mar. 1821 :   . 395. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self         1 Co Orbis Pictus 7/6     1.25
When I wrote you last, I had not only considered the contents of the letter to which I replied—& therefore deem it necessary to make some addition to it On the subject of the Western insurrection, the Olive Branch contains some animadversions, sufficiently caustic, as I am persuaded you will allow, if you examine them. But had I been wholly silent on this tender topic, it wd. have been no...
Your welcome favor of the 12 th came to hand two days ago. I was just returned from Poplar Forest which I have visited four times this year. I have an excellent house there, inferior only to Monticello , am comfortably fixed and attended, have a few good neighbors, and pass my time there in a tranquility and retirement much adapted to my age and indolence. you so kindly ask an explanation of...
Under an expectation that after our personal interview at Cambridge, you would provide yourself with the Article of dress which you required, and a new Hat, at Mr Fairbanks’s, I have been less urgent to answer your Note which was received and acknowledged by your Aunt, in my absence from Quincy. I have now only to Say, that whatever Garments you or your brother may want, if not, like yours, of...
I thank you D. S. for the volume you have been so kind as to send me on the gigantic enterprize of N.Y. which will immortalize the govmt of N.Y. by her canal commncns. this will add an 8 th wonder to the world, to which I wish all possible success, and to yourself health & happiness with the assur ce of my const t frdshp & respect. FC ( MHi ); on verso of
The repeated trouble you have been so kind as to take in having me furnished with some of the Scupernon wine makes it a duty to inform you that the 2 d cask was rec d which went to sea, came safely and about half full, and but perfectly pure & unadulterated which I considered as a favor redeem g the necessity which had arisen
I thank you, Sir, for your kind attention in sending me a copy of your valuable treatise on Descriptive geometry. I felicitate the Student of the present day on this important Supplement to his knolege of the theory of geometry, and those of our country particularly in on their fortunate acquisition of so able an instructor in it. we are sometimes disposed to think with regret that we have...
Absence at an occasional, but distant residence prevented my recieving your friendly letter of Oct. 20. till three days ago. a line from my good old friends is like balm to my soul. you ask me what you are to do with my letter of Sep. 19 . I wrote it, my dear Sir, with no other view than to pour my thoughts into your bosom. I knew they would be safe there, and I believed they would be welcome....
Sales 46 Blls: super & 4 fine Flour by B. Peyton for ℀ M r Thomas Jefferson 1821  Rich d 20 Nov r   To Cap t          for Cash in store
I have rec d . your letter of the 20 th . instant. Since I wrote to you last Mary’s Cough has increased & I am not without anxiety concerning it. During the first part of her confinement she was so well that she was perhaps she was not sufficiently prudent. The Child is quite hearty. I am happy that Marias Complaints are more moderate & hope she will pay us a visit. I understand that the new...
1821 November 22 Rece d of the Proctor of the University of Virginia his Df t on the Bursar for One hundred and fifty Dollars for a Hoisting Machine for the use of the said University MS ( ViU: TJP-PP ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ; endorsed in same clerk’s hand: “Hoisting Machine to Thomas Jefferson 22
on my return from Pop. For. the day before yesterday I found here your fav r of the 1 st inst. which must apologize for the tardiness of my answer. I accept with pleasure your proposn to visit us this winter, as well for that of your company as for the benefit my paintings will recieve from your hands. I have housed myself now for the winter, and shall not leave my quarters again till the...
Above I hand you sales your last parcel 50 Blls: Flour at $6, which was the best I could do with it, I postponed a sale for several days, in the hope of an advance, but each mail brings us worse & worse accounts of the article from the Northern markets, particularly New York , which in a great degree governs this, last sales there $6 ¼ @ ⅜ dull— I rec d yesterday your esteemed favor from...
I send you, Sir, a copy of the 1 st edn of the Parl. Man l the only one of which I have a duplicate. a neater edn was printed in 1812. by Millegan in Geo. T. of which doubtless a portion still remains on hand. be pleased to accept this with the assurce of my respect FC ( MoSHi: TJC-BC ); on verso of RC of Wiatt to TJ, 29 Oct. 1821 ; in TJ’s hand; partially dated. Enclosure: TJ, A Manual of...
I have not forgotten your favor of Feby. last, tho’ I am so tardy in acknowledging it. The truth is, I find as generally happens, that age is daily increasing my disinclination to use the pen, as it possibly may, tho’ I am less sensible of it, an inclination for the other mode of communicating our thoughts. I might find an apology also, in a very afflicting fever of the typhoid character which...
the Roman cement is a native production of the Isle of Thanet . it is an earth impregnated with iron ore, the vitriolic acid & Manganese. and it is said may be found wherever there is an iron ore. MS ( DLC: TJ Papers , 214:38127); entirely in TJ’s hand; undated; on address leaf of William J. Coffee to TJ, 7 Nov. 1818 , with date conjectured from that letter’s date of receipt.
I most heartily regret to be under the necessity of again apologizing for my absence from the meeting of the Visitors . The cause of my disappointment is an inflamed ulcer on one of my ears, the character & tendency of which Gen l Cocke will more particularly explain to you. I am pursuing a course recommended by two Physicians in Richmond , and thus far approved by Doct: Smith of this place....
I have been for some time a debtor for your favor of June 21. which was accompanied by the “Apochryphal New Testament.” Accept my thanks for both. I have not yet seen any notice in this Country of Godwin’s last work; nor has it been reviewed by any of the English critics which have fallen under my eye. I think with you however that it can scarcely fail to attract public attention. It merits a...
Altho’ you have retired from public life, yet I have supposed, the great interests of our Country are very near your heart & that you would be gratified with hearing of the success of American Agriculture—& the native genius of our Country men in Mechanism— under those impressions I have taken the liberty of enclosing you a Sample of flax— which the plant of which grew upon my farm in New...