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Results 8791-8820 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
8791Cash Accounts, November 1769 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 4— To Ditto [Cash] of Mr R[obert] Adam by Mr [Hector] Ross 200. 0. 0 Contra Novr 1— By Servants 4/—Expens. at Peytons Ordy 23/6 1. 7. 6 4— By Expences at [William] Parkers 1.15. 0 By Ditto at Todds Bridge 13/10 0.13.10 5— By Ditto at King Wm Ct Ho. 1. 7. 6 By Ditto at Ruffins 16/—Seeing Tyger 3/1½ 0.19. 1 1/2 By Servants 0. 2. 0
8792[Diary entry: 1 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 1. Came from Peyton’s to Colo. Lewis’s after breakfasting at my Mother’s.
8793[Diary entry: 1 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 1. Very Cloudy & sometimes Misty with but little Wind & that Eastwardly.
8794[Diary entry: 2 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. At Fredericksburg all day.
8795[Diary entry: 2 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. Misty & Raining all day. Wind Eastwardly tho but little of it.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Todd presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin and begs the favour of his Company to Dinner on Monday next at ½ past three to meet Major Trent, Mr. Wharton and Mr. Foxcroft. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Craven Street. Presumably to discuss the affairs of the Grand Ohio Company, of which Todd and his guests were members. See his earlier invitation...
8797[Diary entry: 3 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
3. About one Oclock set out and reachd Parker’s Ordy. Jacky Custis met the family in Fredericksburg, having come from Boucher’s school by prior arrangement to join in the trip to Williamsburg ( GW to Jonathan Boucher, 3 Oct. 1769 , MoSW : Meissner Collection; GW to Boucher, 14 Oct. 1769 , NN : Washington Collection).
8798[Diary entry: 3 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
3. Raing. in the Morning & misty afterwards till 4 Oclock, then clear. Wind Westwardly.
Many unforeseen engagements, and unavoidable accidents, furnish us with our only apology for not transmitting a seasonable answer to your favour of March last. We flatter ourselves you will be so kind as yet to accept of our most sincere thanks, for all your noble and generous expressions of regard for the Colonies. We yet too sensibly feel the loss of every right, liberty and privilege, that...
8800[Diary entry: 4 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
4. Set out from thence after Breakfast. Dined at Todds Bridge & lodgd at King Wm. Court House.
8801[Diary entry: 4 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
4. Clear. Wind westwardly.
8802[Diary entry: 5 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
5. Breakfasted at the Causey & Dind at Eltham & lodgd there. GW’s expenses today included 16s. at Ruffin’s ferry and 3s. 1½d. for “Seeing Tyger” ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 296). This animal may have been a North American cougar which American colonists often called red tiger.
8803[Diary entry: 5 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
5. Clear, Calm, & pleasant.
8804[Diary entry: 6 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. Came to Williamsburg. Dind at Mr. Carters with Lord Botetout Govr. Eden &ca. and suppd at Mrs. Vobes with Colo. Fitzhugh. Mrs. Washington and Patsy remained at Eltham today, while Jacky accompanied GW to town, where they lodged at Mrs. Campbell’s place ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 296,...
8805[Diary entry: 6 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. Lowering with a good deal of Rain Lightning & some thunder in the Night.
When you consider that all the Causes you have hither to tried, have been by a kind of Inspiration; you will need only a small degree of Enthusiasm to be persuaded, that my Lameness is a providential Mercy to You, by calling you to action again. If it was not for you or some other such Apostolic Lawyer, my Clients would be left in the Lurch this Court, as I am afraid I cannot attend myself;...
8807[Diary entry: 7 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
7. Dined at the Governors & supped at Anthony Hayes. The burgesses convened today. A moderate tone was set for this session by Governor Botetourt’s opening remarks to the house. Parliament, he assured the burgesses, would soon repeal all taxes for raising a revenue in America except the one on tea, and he pledged his own strong support for this action. The burgesses were not fully appeased by...
8808[Diary entry: 7 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
7. Tolerably pleasant, & clear, Wind Northwardly.
A.6. ✓ Resolved that a question being once determined must stand as the judgment of the house, and cannot again be drawn into debate. A.9. ✓ Ordered that the orders for the business appointed for the day be read by the clerk before any other matter be proceeded on. A.5. ✓ Ordered that when a question shall arise between the greater and lesser sum or the longer and shorter time , the question...
ALS : Haverford College Library These few Lines comes hopping that you may not forget your promise of putting me in the way of getting a pensylvanian Stove time enough to enjoy the benefit of it this Winter: have you spoken to the Man to whose Eyes you addressed a proof that could not reach his Understanding? Will you fix a time for him to come hither, and will you fix such a time as will be...
8811[Diary entry: 8 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at the Speakers & supped at Mrs. Campbells.
8812[Diary entry: 8 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Clear and very pleasant with but little wind and that Southwardly.
AL : American Philosophical Society [Dated merely Thursday night; probably November 9, 1769. A note in the third person to inform Franklin that Wharton has just received via Bristol a letter from the latter’s wife, dated Sept. 20, 1769, saying that the Franklin family was well.] The brigantine Concord cleared from Philadelphia for Bristol at the right time to have carried a letter written on...
8814[Diary entry: 9 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
9. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons and supped at Mrs. Campbells.
8815[Diary entry: 9 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
9. Very pleast. Morning with the Wind at south. Afternoon Lowering with an Eastwardly wind & a good deal of Rain in the Night.
AL : American Philosophical Society [Dated merely Friday afternoon; probably November 10, 1769. A note in the third person, to send Franklin the American newspapers received that day in the New York mail. Has heard nothing by the packet; expects a letter from “his Friend” by Capt. Jeffries, who was to sail from Philadelphia on Oct. 7.] A New York mail reached London on Nov. 10; London Chron. ,...
8817[Diary entry: 10 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined at the Treasurers and supped at Mrs. Campbells. GW today paid 5s. to have his watch repaired and gave Jacky £2 in cash for pocket money. Another £1 10s. were lost at the card table ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 296).
8818[Diary entry: 10 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
10. Clear & pleasant but somewhat cool Wind being Northwardly.
This just serves to acknowledge receipt of yours per Cap Lowndes which was delivered me Yesterday. The truth of Cap Lightbourn & Lowndes information is now verifyd by the Presence of your Father and Sister for whose safe arrival I Pray, and that they may convey that Satisfaction to your Soul that must naturally flow from the sight of Absent Friends in health, and shall for news this way refer...
8820[Diary entry: 11 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. Clear & pleast. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons and went up to Eltham. Today being Saturday, the burgesses adjourned, after transacting the lengthy business of the day, until 11:00 A.M. Monday morning ( JHB H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia . 13 vols. Richmond, 1905–15. , 1766–69 , 247–53).