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Results 8761-8770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am writing some essays on the situation & policy of this Country, previous to the revolution—and am desirous of obtaining information on the following points. Was the balance of trade between Great Britain & the southern Colonies, particularly Va. against the latter? Was there a heavy balance due from the Colonies to Great Britain? Can you form any idea of the amount? Your obt. hble. servt....
You will excuse, I hope, the liberty I take in requesting information, of some importance in a discussion in which I am engaged. Can you inform me what was the situation of the people of Virginia , & the other southern states, respecting their engagements to the merchants of Great Britain previous to the Revolution ? Were they not, generally, deeply in debt? Was not the balance as generally...
Your not having informed me, that I was appointed by the Board of Visitors at the meeting last Spring to examine the Bursars Acco ts —( M r Garrett being under the impression you so informed him)—and being desirous to have his Acco ts passed, we have to ask the favor of you to refer to the proceedings of that meeting and give us the necessary information to enable us to proceed with proper...
The only entries entry made on our journal formally is that of Oct. 3. 20. (on the subject of your letter ) & is in these words. ‘resolv d that Joseph C. Cabell be, & he is hereby desired and authorised to examine & verify the accounts of the preceding year not already examined & verified.’ mr Cabell , at the time expressed some fears he might not att be able to attend, and proposed to...
The Corporation of this University desire to unite with other Institutions in presenting to Congress the Memorial , of which a printed copy is herewith sent. They have authorized me to subscribe it officially, to transmit it to the several Colleges, Academies, and literary Societies, and to request their concurrence by the signatures of their respective principals. If you shall approve the...
to the HONORABLE THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES . The Memorial of divers Colleges , Academies , and literary and scientific Societies within the United States humbly shows , T hat the several Institutions, who, by their respective presiding officers, have subscribed this Memorial, are deeply interested in the progress of good knowledge; and regret to find from...
THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA , To the LITERARY FUND ,    DR.     FOR LOANS. FIRST LOAN. 1820—April 13,  To  warrant on the treasury in favor of A. Garrett , Bursar, for which a bond of the
DR. THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA , in account with THE LITERARY FUND , CR.   FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION OF $15,000.   1819.     To  the following warrants for this year’s annuity, viz:    
  UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA , } P roctor ’ s O ffice , November 26, 1821. In compliance with the duty enjoined on me, I now lay before you, the following report of the state and condition of the buildings of the University of Virginia , accompanied with a statement of the amount of the Proctor’s drafts on the Bursar for the last 12 or 14 months, and the balance that will be required to complete...
A STATEMENT of the amount of the Proctor ’s Drafts on the Bursar of the University of Virginia , on account of the Buildings and the contingent expences, from the 1 st day of October, 1820 , to the 26 th day of November, 1821 , both days inclusive. This sum to  John M. Perry , on account of his several contracts for brick and wood work, lumber, &c.