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Results 8751-8760 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have now before me your letters of the 15th, 17th and 18th of October last. I am sorry to find that your Health has suffered by the climate, but hope that the setting in of the winter has e’er this reestablished it—I am not directed to return any answer to your request to come home, should I obtain the sense of Congress upon it before this is closed, it will be transmitted by this...
Genl. Roberdeau & his Friends attributed his escape from Death, while in the flying Camp of 77 under a mortal Dysentery, intirely to the use of the arrow-Root, much famed in the W Indies. Though I abominate all quack Interferences, yet my affectionate Esteem for your Family will not let me omit to send Part of what I happen to possess of that rare Powder; having, or thinking I have,...
Thursday is My Red Letter Day. then I usually get your favours, and a package of papers. the last thursday was particularly so. I received yours of the 10 13 15 & 17 th of Feb ry , and two Letters from our Dear Sons one dated Helveotsluice Nov br 7 th from the Minister, the other of the 9 th from the Hague. the wind had been contrary for near three weeks, and he poor fellow cooped up in a...
This morning I was honoured with your letter of the 2d.—Yesterday I saw Dr. Rush at this place. His information agrees with what I have heard from others, that very few persons have the yellow fever in the city of Philadelphia. The sickness is principally among the poor people in Southwark . The Doctor is now about four miles from Trenton, & I will endeavour to see him before he returns to...
Permit me to congratulate you, on this glorious event. The Constitution Capt. Hull has captured and sunk the British Frigate Guerreer, after a short but Brilliant Action, inclos’d are the particulars. I have the honor to be, / with great Respect / Sir / your most Obedt. Servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
Previous to my departure from Baltimore for this place, I address’d a few lines to you at Philada. but learn’d afterwards that you had not then come forward from the Eastward. From the knowledge I had acquired from the commerce of this Country during the late War, I was fully perswaded that a commercial intercourse, to a much greater extent than has been carried on since the peace, might have...
The Army marched from Middle Brook yesterday and arrived here last Evening and encamped. I presume we shall not remain in this place long. If Howe moves up the North River, or towards New England, I suppose we shall immediately push after him; but at present I apprehend the designs of the Enemy are not known, and therefore we must remain some time longer in a suspense. The unsettled state of...
Worn out by fatigue parties influenza and all sorts of weariness both of mind and body I have really been too idle to attend to my correspondence and have scarcely taken a pen in my hand—The apology is a poor one but such as it is you must be content to accept it for it is the truth— The City has been profoundly dull since the adjournment of Congress and we have had but one event to enliven us...
I have just received your letter of the 24th.—During the late session of Congress, Mr. Thatcher spoke to me once or twice, proposing Mr. Savage for the agent of the U. States at Jamaica; and left with me a letter from Mr. Savage on the subject. This letter was mislaid; and the business postponed. However, information of the impress of our seamen on that station, and the suffering of the sick,...
This Letter will reach you I hope on Saturday evening and present you the sincere congratulations of your Mother who is truly happy to have given birth to a Son hitherto so worthy of her fondest affection—may evry future year add to the joy which at present fills her heart and insure not only her love but every blessing of which mankind is susceptible; the respect of your fellow Citizens, and...