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Results 87451-87480 of 184,264 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor to inclose you the Copy of a letter I have received from Mr. Geo. Latimer of this City, relating to some concerns of his, with the Govt. of St. Domingo, to which I have answered in substance as heretofore communicated to you on a similar subject . I have the honour to be With Respect Sir Your Obed Servt RC ( DLC ); misdated; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Hamilton; at foot of...
The most prominent suspicion excited by the Report of the S. of the T. of Jan. 3. 1793. is that the funds raised in Europe and which ought to have been applied to the paiment of our debts there, in order to stop interest, have been drawn over to this country and lodged in the bank , to extend the speculations and increase the profits of that institution. To come at the truth of this, it...
The Public Papers will inform you that M r Jefferson has resigned and that M r Randolph is appointed Secretary of State. The Attorney General is not yet nominated. M r Lewis M r Lawrence M r Benson M r Gore, M r Potts &c have been mentioned in Conversation. The Motives to M r Jeffersons Resignation are not assigned, and are left open to the Conjectures of a Speculating World. I also am a...
Having imparted to our mutual Friends Mess rs: W. & J Willink of Amsterdam, my wish to procure the Appointment of American Consul at this Port, they very politely presented me with the enclosed Introduction, & recommendation to your Excellency, for that purpose, the Necessity of the Appointment, I make no doubt is well known to your Excellency, as well as the general Advantage and Conveniency,...
I have the honor to inclose to you an authenticated copy of an Act of the legislature of New York received this day from Mr. Lawrence, one of the Representatives in Congress from that State. I have to observe on this Act that the reservation of Jurisdiction contained in the proviso appears to be inconsistent with the intention of the last clause but one of the 8th. Section of the 1st. Article...
In compliance with the direction in your letter of the 2d. instant, I have the honor to inform you that the following persons are employed in this office. William Barton, principal Clerk at 800 Dollars ⅌ Annm. John Mease Clerk at 400. Peter Footman do. at 400 Ezekiel Forman do. at 400 Michael Gitts, Messenger & Office keeper
[ Philadelphia ] January 3, 1793 . “It is perfectly agreeable to me that Nathaniel Waters and Peter Cooper, the two persons mentioned in your letter of the 22nd ulto. should be employed as Inspectors at the prices following—Vizt. for Inspecting the Hats 7/6 ⅌ day and for inspecting the Boots and Shoes at the rate of half a Cent per pair round.” Extract, RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts,...
[ Philadelphia, January 3, 1793. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads: “Revoking the credit requested in favor of the bank’s cashier.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at Anderson Galleries, February 3–5, 1913, Lot 345. See H to the President and Directors of the New York Office of Discount and Deposit, December 14, 1792 .
Since the close of the last War with Great Britain the Mails for Canada, brought by the British Packets to New York have been transmitted to Albany by the carriers of the Mails of the United States; and from Albany by a Courier to Montreal. Mr Lansing the postmaster at Albany, was the agent in this business in behalf of the Deputy postmaster General for Canada. Mr Lansing made some...
In obedience to an Order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit sundry Statements, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, respecting the several foreign Loans, which have been made under his authority, by the United States, shewing, in conformity to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th of December, as far as the materials in the possession of the Treasury will now...
Statement of the Several Sums Which Have Been Borrowed for the Use of the United States by Virtue of the Acts of the Fourth and Twelfth of August 1790, Shewing the Particular Application of the Monies, to the First of January 1793, Inclusively, and the Balance Remaining Unapplied. Loans (A) Florins. Sts. d. First Loan, made at Amsterdam, commencing on the 1st of February 1790, at 5 per cent...
Statement Shewing the Particular Periods, when the Bonds Were Distributed, and the Monies Received upon the Different Loans. On the first Loan, dated the 1st. of February 1790. florins.   1790. February. Received by the Commissioners 1.167.000.    “ March   ditto 515.000.    “ April   ditto 232.000.    “ May   ditto 230.000.    “
A Statement of the Bills Which Have Been Drawn by the Treasurer of the United States, upon the Commissioners in Amsterdam, Shewing the Application of the Monies Arising from the Sales of Those Bills, and the Balance Which Remains Unapplied. Florins Sts. d. Dollars. Cts. The Amount of Bills sold by the Banks of North America and New York, as settled   at the Treasury, is 2.468.673.12. 8....
A Particular Statement of the Bills Drawn by the Treasurer of the United States, Shewing the Different Periods When Drawn—and Paid in Amsterdam—and the Balance Remaining Unpaid on the Sixth of September, 1792. Date of the Secretary’s direction. Amount of Bills directed to be drawn When drawn. In whose favor. Amount of Bills drawn by the Treasurer. When paid in Amsterdam. Amount of Bills paid...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, six lists, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, shewing the several persons employed in the different Offices of the Treasury Department, with the Salary allowed to each, And to be, with perfect respect, Sir,   Your most obedient and humble servant, Copy, RG 233, Reports of the Treasury Department, 1792–1793, Vol. III, National Archives. Journal of the House , I Journal...
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, with Their Salaries Annexed. Names. Rank. Salary. Alexander Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury Dollars, 3.500. John Meyer } principal Clerks, at { 800. Edward Jones 800 dollars each 800. Leighton Wood Clerk 600. Andrew G: Fraunces
List of the Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States on the 31st. of December 1792, and of the Salaries Per Annum Allowed to Each. Names of the persons employed. Their rank. Their Salary. Oliver Wolcott, junior, Comptroller of the Treasury Dollars 2400. Henry Kuhl principal Clerk 800. William Brodie Clerk 600. William M. Biddle ditto 600....
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue. Names. Station. Salary ⅌ ann. Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the revenue, 1900. William Barton principal Clerk   800. 2.700. John Mease Clerk 400. Peter Footman “ 400. Ezekiel Forman “ 400.
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Auditor of the Treasury of the United States. Names. Station. Salary ⅌ annum Total Amount Dollars. Richard Harrison. Auditor 1900. William Simmons. Principal Clerk   800. 2700. George Nixon Clerk 540. Robert Underwood “ 540. James Burnside
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, With Their Salaries Annexed. Names. Rank. Salary. Samuel Meredith. Treasurer of the United States Dollars, 2400. Andrew Graydon, Chief Clerk 800. John Thomson Clerk 500. Samuel Brook ditto 300. Alexander Frazier Messenger & Office keeper 100.
List of the Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Register of the Treasury, With the Salaries Allowed to Each. Clerks. Joshua Dawson Dollars. 700.   William Banks 700.   Joseph Stretch 700.   Miles F. Clossy 700.   Jacob S. Howell 700.   John Woodside 650.   Thomas O:Hara 600.   Charles Tomkins 550.   John Finley
The Wisdom & Equity of the Laws; the genuine Freedom, both Civil & Religious, that prevail in North America, are Objects of no small Importance to the thinking mind. Upon these endearing “Rights of Man,” I have formed a Determination (if God permit) to settle in that happy Land, and there spend my remaining Days. Permit me, Sir, to ask, what Place you would recommend, for a Person, or Persons,...
In Regard to the benevolent Design of the President, communicated to me by you the other Day, I have to inform you, that were I to attempt to furnish a List of the proper Objects, it would necessarily be a more contracted Application of the Bounty, than is intended: For altho, like other Citizens, I have Applications from Persons of different Communions, yet an annual Duty lying on me of...
Your favor by Majr Lee of the 29th. Sepr. was duly received. I am much oblige to you for your good wishes on my behalf while the election for Respres. ⟨to⟩ Congress was depending in this state. As I failed the Successfull Candidate stood first in my view, in whoom I hope you will find a sound republican, and good Representative; should this be the case I shall not (as to myself) so much regret...
No list of the Votes of the Electors of your district for a President and Vice President at the last election having yet been received by the President of the Senate, I do, in obedience to the law, send the Bearer hereof as special messenger, to desire that you will be pleased to transmit by him to the Seat of Government the list of the said Votes lodged in your hands by the Electors of your...
My St. Croix friends have mentioned that it might reach you, that a Mr. Durant would be more acceptable there as Mr. Yards successor than any other person. The enclosed letter respects the pretensions of another Gentleman for another place and which I have thought expedient to submit to your inspection. Sincerely I am yr. affectionate friend & servt RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 2...
Your several letters of the 6, 8th and 13th November (under one cover) and 20th of the same month by Mr. Tellier together with your private favor of the 3d December by packet with their several inclosures reached me in the course of yesterday and the day preceeding. I have only time to say by the present opportunity that their contents shall be duly attended to. I have strongly urged the...
Your favor of Oct. 5. has been duly recieved. The Consular fees recieved at Madeira and Lisbon had before been the subject of application to me by some of our merchants. I thereupon wrote to Colo. Humphreys to inform me what those fees were and on what foundation they were taken. I have not yet recieved his answer. I shall be glad if you will also give me information on the subject. It would...
My last private letter to you was of Oct. 16. since which I have recieved your No. 103. 107. 108. 109. 110. 112. 113. and 114. and yesterday your private one of Sep. 15. came to hand. The tone of your letters had for some time given me pain, on account of the extreme warmth with which they censured the proceedings of the Jacobins of France. I considered that sect as the same with the...
our son brought me your favour of the 19 december on sunday last, by which I find that the same Ideas have past through both our minds on a late Election amidst all that has been written upon the occasion, no one has ventured to state the comparative merrits, and services of the Candidates, but have contented themselves with saying that they would not bear a comparison, that clintons were...