87451To Thomas Jefferson from Alexander Hamilton, 4 January 179[3] (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to inclose you the Copy of a letter I have received from Mr. Geo. Latimer of...
87452Notes on Alexander Hamilton’s Report on Foreign Loans, [after 4 January 1793] (Jefferson Papers)
The most prominent suspicion excited by the Report of the S. of the T. of Jan. 3. 1793. is that...
87453John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 3 January 1793 (Adams Papers)
The Public Papers will inform you that M r Jefferson has resigned and that M r Randolph is...
87454From William Lake to John Adams, 3 January 1793 (Adams Papers)
Having imparted to our mutual Friends Mess rs: W. & J Willink of Amsterdam, my wish to procure...
87455To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
I have the honor to inclose to you an authenticated copy of an Act of the legislature of New York...
87456To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
In compliance with the direction in your letter of the 2d. instant, I have the honor to inform...
87457From Alexander Hamilton to John Miller, Junior, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Philadelphia ] January 3, 1793 . “It is perfectly agreeable to me that Nathaniel Waters and...
87458From Alexander Hamilton to the President and Directors of the New York Office of Discount and Deposit of the Bank of the … (Hamilton Papers)
[ Philadelphia, January 3, 1793. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads:...
87459To Alexander Hamilton from Timothy Pickering, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
Since the close of the last War with Great Britain the Mails for Canada, brought by the British...
87460Report on Foreign Loans, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
In obedience to an Order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit...
87461Enclosure I: [Statement of the Several Sums which Have Been Borrowed for the Use of the United States], 3 January 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
Statement of the Several Sums Which Have Been Borrowed for the Use of the United States by Virtue...
87462Enclosure II: [Statement Showing the Particular Periods when the Bonds Were Distributed], 3 January 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
Statement Shewing the Particular Periods, when the Bonds Were Distributed, and the Monies...
87463Enclosure III: [Statement of the Bills Which Have Been Drawn by the Treasurer], 3 January 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
A Statement of the Bills Which Have Been Drawn by the Treasurer of the United States, upon the...
87464Enclosure IV: [Particular Statement of the Bills Drawn by the Treasurer], 3 January 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
A Particular Statement of the Bills Drawn by the Treasurer of the United States, Shewing the...
87465Report on the Several Persons Employed in the Treasury Department, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
I have the honor to transmit herewith, six lists, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, shewing the several...
87466Enclosure 1: [List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury], 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States,...
87467Enclosure 2: [List of Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury], 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of the Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury of the...
87468Enclosure 3: List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue. Names. Station. Salary...
87469Enclosure 4: List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Auditor of the Treasury, 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Auditor of the Treasury of the United States....
87470Enclosure 5: [List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Treasurer], 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of Persons Employed in the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, With Their Salaries...
87471Enclosure 6: [List of Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Register of the Treasury], 3 January 1793 (Hamilton Papers)
List of the Several Persons Employed in the Office of the Register of the Treasury, With the...
87472To George Washington from James Pilling, 3 January 1793 (Washington Papers)
The Wisdom & Equity of the Laws; the genuine Freedom, both Civil & Religious, that prevail in...
87473William White to Tobias Lear, 3 January 1793 (Washington Papers)
In Regard to the benevolent Design of the President, communicated to me by you the other Day, I...
87474To James Madison from Hubbard Taylor, 3 January 1793 (Madison Papers)
Your favor by Majr Lee of the 29th. Sepr. was duly received. I am much oblige to you for your...
87475From Thomas Jefferson to Harry Innes, 3 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
No list of the Votes of the Electors of your district for a President and Vice President at the...
87476To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 3 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
My St. Croix friends have mentioned that it might reach you, that a Mr. Durant would be more...
87477To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Pinckney, 3 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Your several letters of the 6, 8th and 13th November (under one cover) and 20th of the same month...
87478From Thomas Jefferson to John M. Pintard, 3 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of Oct. 5. has been duly recieved. The Consular fees recieved at Madeira and Lisbon...
87479From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 3 January 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
My last private letter to you was of Oct. 16. since which I have recieved your No. 103. 107. 108....
87480Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 January 1793 (Adams Papers)
our son brought me your favour of the 19 december on sunday last, by which I find that the same...