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Results 871-900 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
871 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 22 August 1831 1831-08-22 I inclose the answer of Mr. Scott on the subject of Bishop Madison, as just received that you may...
872 Coles, Isaac A. Madison, James Isaac A. Coles to James Madison, 18 August 1831 1831-08-18 This will be handed you by my friend Mr. John Barney of Baltimore, who proposes to call & pay his...
873 Madison, James Carr, Frank James Madison to Frank Carr, 11 August 1831 1831-08-11 Yours of the 9th. was handed to me by Mr. Jacobs. I could give him no direct information on the...
874 Carr, Frank Madison, James Frank Carr to James Madison, 9 August 1831 1831-08-09 This will be handed you by Mr. Jacobs principal of the deaf & Dumb asylum, Danville Kentucky. He...
875 Madison, James Serurier, Louis James Madison to Louis Serurier, 5 August 1831 1831-08-05 We are glad to learn by your kind letter of the 30th. Ult: that you all got safe back to...
876 Madison, James Bernard, Simon James Madison to Simon Bernard, 3 August 1831 1831-08-03 J. Madison presents his respects to General Bernard and asks the favor of him to take charge of...
877 Madison, James Lafayette James Madison to Lafayette, 3 August 1831 1831-08-03 My last letter of Decr. 12th. was written with a hope that Genl. Bernard then abt. to visit...
878 Madison, James Adams, John Quincy James Madison to John Quincy Adams, 2 August 1831 1831-08-02 J. Madison presents his best respects to Mr. Adams, and thanks him for the Copy of his Oration on...
879 Madison, James Palfrey, John G. James Madison to John G. Palfrey, 2 August 1831 1831-08-02 J. Madison, with his respects to Professor Palfrey thanks him for the Copy of his Address on the...
880 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 1 August 1831 1831-08-01 Received of James Madison one hundred and twenty dollars in full of interest on his note up to...
881 Madison, James Gray, William F. James Madison to William F. Gray, 1 August 1831 1831-08-01 It is so long since I asked the favr. of you to let me know the balance I am in debt, that I...
882 Madison, James James Madison: Temperance statement, July 1831 1831-07-01 Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from Medical testimony that ardent...
883 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Madison, James Arthur S. Brockenbrough to James Madison, 28 July 1831 1831-07-28 The late very extraordinary, harsh, cruel and unjust proceedings of the Visitors towards me...
884 Madison, James Carey, Mathew James Madison to Mathew Carey, 27 July 1831 1831-07-27 private I have recd. your favour of the 21st. with your commencing address to the Citizens of S....
885 Stokes, Montfort Madison, James Montfort Stokes to James Madison, 26 July 1831 1831-07-26 I have received your letter of the 15th. instant, accompanied with a copy of Lawson’s History of...
886 Madison, James Waln, Jesse James Madison to Jesse Waln, 26 July 1831 1831-07-26 I have duly recd. your letter of the 22d. with the papers it refers to. Being restrained by a...
887 Brockenbrough, Lucy Madison, James Lucy Brockenbrough to James Madison, 24 July 1831 1831-07-24 Nothing but an unwillingness to intrude upon your goodness, and to disturb the quiet of your mind...
888 Johnson, Chapman Madison, James Chapman Johnson to James Madison, 23 July 1831 1831-07-23 I returned from the university day before yesterday, the visitors having finished their business...
889 Madison, James Wheeler, D. E. James Madison to D. E. Wheeler, 22 July 1831 1831-07-22 I recd. by the last mail your letter of the 15th. instant, notifying the appt. which associates...
890 Waln, Jesse Madison, James Jesse Waln to James Madison, 22 July 1831 1831-07-22 Immediately after my return from Europe at the suggestion of many Friends well known to you, and...
891 Carey, Mathew Madison, James Mathew Carey to James Madison, 21 July 1831 1831-07-21 I take the liberty to send you by this Mail, three numbers of a series of Essays, in which I have...
892 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 20 July 1831 1831-07-20 Your favour of 11th has been received at this place, & we equally lamented your absence and the...
893 Madison, James Bernard, Simon James Madison to Simon Bernard, 16 July 1831 1831-07-16 I have just recd. your letter of the 12 inst. However much you may overrate my title to the...
894 Madison, James Stokes, Montfort James Madison to Montfort Stokes, 15 July 1831 1831-07-15 I observe in a Newspaper paragraph, referring to the late fire in Raleigh, a remark that nothing...
895 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 15 July 1831 1831-07-15 Your letter of was duly recd. Finding that I did not possess the means of complying with its...
896 Wheeler, D. E. Madison, James D. E. Wheeler to James Madison, 15 July 1831 1831-07-15 Through the liberality of two of our Citizens "The American Peace Society" is about to offer five...
897 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 13 July 1831 1831-07-13 We much regret your being prevented coming here by indisposition, but hope for the pleasure of...
898 Madison, James Carr, Frank James Madison to Frank Carr, 12 July 1831 1831-07-12 J. Madison returns his best thanks to Dr Carr for the remedy kindly sent for the Rheumatism; but...
899 Madison, James Ringgold, Tench James Madison to Tench Ringgold, 12 July 1831 1831-07-12 I recd. in the due times your two favors of July 7.& 8: the first giving the earliest, the last...
900 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 12 July 1831 1831-07-12 Your 2 letters of the 7 & 8 have been duly recd. I have complied with the suggestion in the first...