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Results 8701-8710 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I receiv’d yours of the 7th Instant, and Consider’d the Contents. To comply with every part, so as to make it Inteligable so far as fully to explain every part of the duty of each of those Officers you Mention, wou’d take a small Volume, but will Endeavour to give you some General Account of their Duty—as to their Qualifications you will be able to Judge of it. The duty of a Quartermaster...
I have taken leave to Send you Enclos’d herewith, a brief account of the Several Stations in which I have Serv’d my Country in a Military way—as a history of all occurrences and Personal Sufferings in that Service would have been too tedious for your Patience, I presum’d not to trouble you with it. Therefore Shall say no more here than that, any Notice you Shall please to take of me on your...
In 1745 He was an Ensign of a Company in Colo. Robert Hales Regiment at the Reduction of Louisbourg. In 1746, He was made a Lieutenant in Major Moses Titcombs Company in Brigr. General Waldo’s Regiment, design’d to Serve in an Expedition against Canada under the Command of General St. Clare Saint-Clair —but as the Expedition hung in Suspence, It was propos’d by the Government of...
I have this minit received the Inclosed account and Imbrace the oppertunity of Conveying it to you by Mr. Pain. I am Sir your most obediant Huml Sert., NB: I find my Brother has not Been so perticuler as I Could have wished—he has not Given any account of his former Campain—he was an officer at the reduction of the Newtrel frinch at Noviscotia in the last war about two years. RC ( Adams Papers...
I have received a Line from my Brother which informs me of your desire of a particular Account of the Action at Charlestown. It is not in my Power at present to give so minute an Account as I should choose being ordered to decamp and march to another Station. On the 16 June in the Evening I received Orders to march to Breeds Hill in Charlestown with a party of about one thousand Men consisting...
I have been, the happiest Man, these two Days past, that I know of, in the World. I have compared myself, in my own Mind, with all my Friends, and I cannot believe any of them So blest as myself. In the first Place, Rest, you know, is Rapture, to a weary Man; and I was quite weary enough to enjoy a state of Rest for a Day or two in all its Perfection; accordingly, I have Slept, by the best...
You was inquiring the other Day into the Office of Judge Advocate. I will now acquaint you with some Particulars in that Department which will give you an Idea of that Officer’s Duty in the Continental Army. As Judge Advocate, I have his Excellency’s (the Commander in chief) Orders, in writing, “to attend every General Court Martial, not only those of the Line but of each Brigade throughout...
This afternoon came to Hand your Favour of August 26. May you ever have it in your power to expatiate this Largly on your own Happiness, but I would not have you Imagine when you in your sixteen hours Nap and Dreaming of the Feilds of Arcadia, and are Enraptured with the Happy Elisian and paridisaic scenes at Braintree that you are the only Happy Mortal among your Numerous Circle of Friends. I...
Watertown, 6 September 1775. Printed form with spaces filled in appropriately ( Adams Papers ); signed by Perez Morton, Deputy Secretary, and fifteen Council members; on the verso in an unidentified hand: “J. Adams Esq.”; docketed in later years by JA : “Commision.” This commission, listed in Council records under the date of 8 September, was approved at the same time as similar ones for John...
I please myself with the probability that before this you are safely arrived at Philadelphia, after having fine weather for Journeying. I hope you will not be disappointed in your wishes with regard to the Spirit and Temper of the Congress. I should have wrote you before if I had been well, but from A Cold I took in the long storm we had here, have been much Indisposed since you left us. Am...