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Results 8701-8710 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter was dated Tuesday the 11 th . came in the mail to Charlottesville Saturday night the 15 th . I recieved it the next day 16 th and it requested the mules to be at Poplar Forest on Monday (yesterday) the 17 th which was impossible. it moreover rained all day yesterday and last night. the boys set off this morning. I desired Jefferson to tell you to make out a bill of scantling for...
I have the honour of forwarding to you a copy of a very good chemical work, which I flatter myself I have improved, and of a very Useful chemical table of my own. They may perhaps be worthy of a place in your library, yet I can Scarcely deem of them of Sufficient importance to occupy your attention; but they afford me an opportunity, which I willingly Seize, of testifying my profound...
I had this morning the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 12th Instt: Your approbation of the Book ‘Lacon’ is very gratifying to me—And I hope the small Volume may prove an amusing companion to a good man in the Vale of years—In writing to the man who once ruled the destinies of my country & who took as active a part in obtaining her independence, who Contributed so much to the...
Yours of the 8 th was r ec eiv e d in due time, & would have been acknowledg’d before this had I not been at a loss what to say in reply to it.— The Note enclos’d is accepted with pleasure & with thanks, but I should do myself injustice, not to add, that the disposition which prompted this act & the very friendly regard which it manifests on your part are more gratifying to my feelings than...
La société Linnéenne de Paris desirant associer a ses travaux tous les hommes qui par leurs talents et leurs écrits ont ouvert de nouvelles routes aux sciences naturelles, me charge de vous annoncer qu’elle vient d’inscrire votre nom parmi ceux de ses correspondans. je m’acquitte avec plaisir et empressement de cette agréable mission Nous nous flattons tous, Monsieur, et moi plus...
I have received with much pleasure your Letter of the 9th: instt. and hasten to answer it, that I may assign to you the reasons which deprive me of the satisfaction of complying with your request to come and pass the approaching winter vacation with us— When on taking leave of you at Cambridge at the Commencement of the term, I directed you to pass the Winder vacation at Quincy, for which I...
I have just Published an elegant Edition of the Farewell Address of the late President Washington. If you will condescend to give a Copy of it a place in your Library, you will confer a particular favour on Your Obedient & Very Humble Servant The Work alluded to I have forwarded to the care of Mr Wm Browne of Georgetown D.C. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Rand’s engraved broadside of Washington’s...
The undersigned take this method of informing you—that they are informed that the lumber for the central bu i lding will shortly be contracted for—under this impression they make the following proposition to you as one of the principal directors—to wit—We will furnish lumber for sd. building to the amount of two thousand one hundred dollars at the current prices of the present year allowing us...
Your address to Congress in behalf of your University and Science universally, to have duties removed from rare and valueable books, is evidence that you retain a solid judgment & a virtuous heart.—The name of Thomas Jefferson is dear to my affections— Two years ago, when I was as Saul before he became Paul , a conscientious tory —I ridiculed, I reviled the sage of Monticello .— Now , the dew...
yours of the Novemr. 26th. ulto. came duly to hand, and gratified me, (as all your Communications do), and if my scribbles afford you agreable amusement, it is a Satisfaction that, I am happy to contribute thereunto —I never saw any copy of the Epitaff on the greasy Tables of HC but from the impression it made on my mind at the Time, from reading it, on the Hall Door, as it now lays in my...