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Results 8701-8730 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
8701 Jefferson, Thomas Hemmings, John (Hemings) Thomas Jefferson to John Hemmings, 18 December 1821 1821-12-18 Your letter was dated Tuesday the 11 th . came in the mail to Charlottesville Saturday night the...
8702 Macneven, William James Jefferson, Thomas William James Macneven to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December … 1821-12-18 I have the honour of forwarding to you a copy of a very good chemical work, which I flatter...
8703 Burtsell, Peter Adams, John To John Adams from Peter Burtsell, 17 December 1821 1821-12-17 I had this morning the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 12th Instt: Your approbation of...
8704 Hatch, Frederick Winslow Jefferson, Thomas Frederick W. Hatch to Thomas Jefferson, 17 December … 1821-12-17 Yours of the 8 th was r ec eiv e d in due time, & would have been acknowledg’d before this had I...
8705 Thiébaut de Berneaud, Arsenne Jefferson, Thomas Arsenne Thiébaut de Berneaud to Thomas Jefferson, 17 … 1821-12-17 La société Linnéenne de Paris desirant associer a ses travaux tous les hommes qui par leurs...
8706 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 16 December 1821 1821-12-16 I have received with much pleasure your Letter of the 9th: instt. and hasten to answer it, that I...
8707 Rand, Benjamin H. Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin H. Rand, 16 December … 1821-12-16 I have just Published an elegant Edition of the Farewell Address of the late President...
8708 Harris, James Jefferson, Thomas James Harris and Robert McCulloch to Thomas Jefferson … 1821-12-16 The undersigned take this method of informing you—that they are informed that the lumber for the...
8709 Page, Edward Postlethwayt Jefferson, Thomas Edward Postlethwayt Page to Thomas Jefferson, 16 … 1821-12-16 Your address to Congress in behalf of your University and Science universally, to have duties...
8710 Adams, John Sewall, David From John Adams to David Sewall, 14 December 1821 1821-12-14 yours of the Novemr. 26th. ulto. came duly to hand, and gratified me, (as all your Communications...
8711 Roane, Spencer Thweatt, Archibald Enclosure: Spencer Roane to Archibald Thweatt, 11 … 1821-12-11 Last night I duly received your favour of yesterday. I had before received the pamphlets and...
8712 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard … 1821-12-12 Sales 44 Blls: super & 16 Fine Flour by B. Peyton 1821 Rich’d for ℀ Thomas Jefferson Esq r Dec r...
8713 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 13 … 1821-12-13 The unexpected Visit of Judge Smith to my Cottage, was highly interesting, and acceptable—and I...
8714 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 13 December 1821 1821-12-13 I hand herewith Sales your last parcel 60 Blls: Flour at $5¾, which has been the standard for...
8715 Thweatt, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas Archibald Thweatt to Thomas Jefferson, 13 December 1821 1821-12-13 I hope the motive, which induces me, to break in upon your valuable time, will afford some...
8716 Adams, John Burtsell, Peter From John Adams to Peter Burtsell, 12 December 1821 1821-12-12 It is my duty to thank you for Lucon—it is entertaining and instructive enough to be an Antidote...
8717 Madison, James Carey, Mathew From James Madison to Mathew Carey, 12 December 1821 1821-12-12 I have received your letter of the 1st. inst. and am sorry that neither my memory, nor my...
8718 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Jefferson, Thomas Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Thomas Jefferson, 12 … 1821-12-12 After a great many inquiries I have at length discovered two copies of Cardelli ’s busts of M r...
8719 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell Jefferson, Thomas Henry A. S. Dearborn to Thomas Jefferson, 12 December … 1821-12-12 I enclose the invoice & letter of Messrs Dodge & Oxnard , & on the other side, is a memorandum of...
8720 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Henry A. S. … 1821-12-12 Mem o of sundry expences accrueing on the importation of certain goods, by Tho s Jefferson in the...
8721 Jefferson, Thomas Harris, Levett Thomas Jefferson to Levett Harris, 12 December 1821 1821-12-12 I have to return you thanks for mr Adelung ’s view of the languages of the earth, and to pray you...
8722 Thompson, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas Jonathan Thompson to Thomas Jefferson, 12 December 1821 1821-12-12 I have rec’d ⅌ r the Ship Imperial from Havre , a letter from M r Beasley , the U. States Consul...
8723 Jefferson, Thomas Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Cabell Breckinridge, 11 … 1821-12-11 Your letter of Dec. 19 . places me under a dilemma which I cannot solve but by an exposition of...
8724 Jefferson, Thomas Carey, Mathew Thomas Jefferson to Mathew Carey, 11 December 1821 1821-12-11 The enquiries in your letter of the 1 st inst. I am not able to answer with exactness from...
8725 Hemmings, John (Hemings) Jefferson, Thomas John Hemmings to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December 1821 1821-12-11 Plese to examon the boy befor he Leves hear that he starts right he must Car e y the same mules a...
8726 Jefferson, Thomas Robertson, Duncan Forbes Thomas Jefferson to Duncan Forbes Robertson, 11 … 1821-12-11 I am certainly greatly much indebted to you for the kind partialities expressed in your lre of...
8727 Nelson, Hugh Jefferson, Thomas Hugh Nelson to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1821 1821-12-10 Your letter of the 5 th Instant came to hand in the due course of the Mail—The papers contained...
8728 Pleasants, James Jefferson, Thomas James Pleasants to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1821 1821-12-10 I, as surviving commissioner for carrying into effect the decree of the court of Chancery in the...
8729 Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian Jefferson, Thomas Francis Adrian Van der Kemp to Thomas Jefferson, 10 … 1821-12-10 I should hesitate, to intrude on your moments of Leisure, with my unprofitable correspondence,...
8730 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 9 December … 1821-12-09 The information in yours of the 30 Nov. & that we have from Susan of the health & spirits of you...