Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Jefferson, 9 April 1793

From Thomas Jefferson

Philadelphia Apr. 9. 1793


Having received full authority from mr William Short to superintend & controul the disposal of his property in the public funds,1 I take the liberty of desiring that no property of his of that kind, whether standing in his own name or in that of mr James Brown2 or any other person in trust for him may be permitted to be transferred or to [be] paid to any person whatever. I have the honor to be Sir

Your most obedt. humble servt

Th: Jefferson

The Secretary of the Treasury.

ALS, letterpress copy, Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress; copy, University of Virginia.

1In addition to serving as Jefferson’s secretary in Paris during the seventeen-eighties, Short was a protégé and close friend of the Secretary of State.

On at least two occasions in the spring of 1792 Jefferson wrote to Short that he was disturbed by the manner in which Short’s public securities were being handled by Short’s agent in the United States (Jefferson to Short, March 18, April 24, 1792, ALS, letterpress copies, Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress). On November 30, 1792, Short authorized Jefferson to supervise his financial interests in the United States (ALS, Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress).

2James Brown of Richmond, a merchant and stockbroker, was Short’s business agent in the United States.

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