James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas Munroe, [ca. 24 December 1821]

To Thomas Munroe

[ca. 24] Decr 1821

Dr Sir

I have just recd. your letter of the 20th. and inclose a few lines, on the subject of it to our E. Exy. & M. Plenipo: at St. Petersburg.1 I am not sure that I could properly take the liberty of addressing them to the Emperor himself.

I sincerely wish Sir that your son may find in the course he has chosen, all the success, which he enjoys in prospect: and that he may return with all the acquirements suited to gain him distinction in his own Country and gratify the feelings & expectations of his parents. Be pleased Sir to accept my esteem and my good wishes.

Draft (DLC). Day of month not indicated; conjectural day assigned based on comparison with Munroe to JM, 20 Dec. 1821, and JM to Middleton, 24 Dec. 1821.

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