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Results 8651-8700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I do myself the honor of submitting to your consideration a letter from the late Secretary of the...
Residing as we do, in a remote part of the State of New Jersey, it cannot be expected, we can...
I have received your Letter, and am much concerned to perceive your Apprehensions that Affairs...
Your favor of 4th Inst. I receiv’d this Morning —As the Movement of the Enemy & their Designs are...
ALS : Yale University Library I sent you some time last Fall a Set of Chinese Prints, or rather...
Your letter of the 7th of December was put into my hands by Mr Thornton; and I must request you...
I just now received your Lordships letter requesting absence for one week —to this I shall not...
I have this Moment your s of the 28. I thank You, Sir, for your kind Invitation to my three Sons,...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 2, 1729. The attacks of the Busy-Body, Keimer’s...
Your favor of the 18th I duly received. I could not obtain from the Auditors Office the...
I have the honour to enclose three copies of the Statement and Report on your account, with the...
I have the honor to enclose a list of the articles which it is intended to send to Algiers with...
To hear of your health and happiness my dear Madam is always pleasing to me when ever you can...
1 September 1812, Washington, Kentucky. Encloses resolutions concerning the Nonimportation Act...
I inclose you a midshipman’s warrant for young Webb, but I wish there may not be a misnomer in...
I hand herewith a/c sales the last five Hhds: of Tobacco, rec d from Lynchburg, on your a/c,...
Ce n’est qu’a la Derniere Extrémité que je prends la liberté De vous représenter que la 2 e Demi...
The day before Yesterday Mrs. Adams was delivered of a daughter; but it grieves me to add, Sir,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer la Copie du Traité, la...
I now Inclose you a list of articles furnished to Capt Bishops Company. I am sorry that the...
I take the liberty of presenting you with a corrected copy of “A Review” of the Address of the...
As there is Some prospect of mr Russels being appointed to Sweeden I hope to convey Letters to...
Your favor of July 14 th with the pamphlet of letters addressed to D r. Calkoen came to hand a...
Received , this 18th day of January 180 6 . of The President of the U. States, Four Dollars,...
I have duly recieved your letter of the 8 th and with it a copy of your pamphlet on the Maryland...
I have the honor to enclose a letter of the Commissioner of the revenue, enclosing a copy of the...
I am now set down to write to you on a Subject of Importance, & of no small embarrassment to me....
I had the honour on the evening of the 11th instant to receive from the hands of the Secretary of...
I beg leave to inform you that I have this morning put Cortes’s letters into Mr. Crosby’s hands...
(a) and which have been encreased by peculiar circumstances in the W. Indn Seas; yet in the more...
I take the liberty to inclose you a resolution from the Senate for amending the Constitution of...
I can scarcely hope you will trouble yourself with a serious perusal of this letter. Not that I...
I am to thank you, my dear Sir, for forwarding M. D’Ivernois’ book on the French revolution. I...
You will probably hear various Opinions as to the political cast of the Characters Selected in...
Copy: Library of Congress I received and read with great Pleasure the Letter your Excellency did...
ALS : Harvard University Library Mr. Vernon proposing to return from a Visit to America thro...
Bristol, 31 Dec. 1792. He wrote on 24 Dec., but as the ship Charles is detained by contrary...
Mad: agrees wth. Wilson in his difinition of executive powers—executive powers ex vi termini, do...
4 April 1803, Cádiz. “I had the honour of writing you the 12th. October ultimo, since when I have...
I have recd. your letter of Mar. 3. on the subject of your “Life of Washington written in Latin...
By a resolution of this House an adjournment will take place on the 23d. I am personally...
At the earnest request of M r Tyler with whom I am Acquainted—and who has executed that...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Messrs. Roches freres, acknoleges the reciept of the...
Having received full authority from mr William Short to superintend & controul the disposal of...
I hope you will Excuse the Fredom I Venture at, In recommending any Publick Matter, and I hope...
I have written to you several letters on a Variety of Subjects in which I thought the public...
[ New York, December 6, 1787. On December 6, 1787, Hamilton wrote to Angelica Church “I this...
The President of the United states To John Barnes, 1805 March 6th. { for 6 loaves best single 2/....
The past week has scarcely been marked by any occurrence worth relating in a letter, the weather...
I have had the honnour to write Several times to your Excellency, to Beg the favour of Being...