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Results 8651-8700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
If a man were to note the Coincidencies of his day, he might find a bookful of amusement in the...
We beg to refer you to the annexed annual report upon Tobacco &c. The Sales of last month have...
As a friend to Science, and as a native of Virginia , I feel an interest in the progress of the...
I recieved duly your favor of Dec. 22. and felt sincere satisfaction at the assurances it...
It is of considerable interest to myself, and of some to Cap t Paxton that the inclosed letter...
When I was at the Natural bridge I mentioned to you that I would endeavor to procure a copy of...
I have every disposition to do any act of service to you within the limits of propriety. but...
I inclose to you a letter to mr Ochiltree, Leyburn , because I wish you to be informed of it’s...
8659Jonathan Bull & Mary Bull, 1821 (Madison Papers)
Jonathan Bull & Mary Bull, who were descendants of old Jno. Bull, the head of the family, had...
8660Memorandum Books, 1821 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 7. Hhd. xp. .25. 14. Drew on B. Peyton in favr. Joseph Gilmore 27.D. being the balance due...
Il s’est déjà ecoulé vingt ans, depuis que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous remettre une lettre de...
I take the liberty to send you the enclosed Address,—not with the ambitious hope or expectation...
The inclosed paper was handed to me by our dear Martha , with a request that I would consider it,...
M r Russell presents his respects to M r Jefferson and takes the liberty to offer to him the...
My apology for addressing to you the inclosed extract from a manuscript volume of 300 pages and...
(Title) Theism the religion of heaven—all others the offspring of earth. Exemplified in a review...
Dec. 29. wrote to desire him to allow the negroes 2000 ℔ pork and add what is over to the 10 hogs...
The importance of the subject, which induces this address, will I hope be deemed by you, an ample...
Your favor of the 9th. came to hand a few days ago only; and the usages of the season, with some...
I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance, my son in law, M r Henry Carrington — He is the...
I have mourned with your mourning in your No. 9 of the 16th Dec. for the loss of Colonel Trimble,...
Some five or six months since, I addressed a letter to you, from Nashville Tennessee: requesting...
I have just a moment to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 22 d — The subject of amending...
It is with much reluctance that I take the liberty of addressing you, particularly upon such a...
I beg to remind you, of your and M r Yancy s little bond to Hawkin ’s admx in my hands for...
I recieved on the 22 d inst. your Circular of the 1 st with a copy annexed of the Memorial of...
I have rec d a letter this morning from M r J Le Souff Vice Consul of the U’ States London , with...
I learn with real regret, from your favor of the 10 th the several circumstances which have...
While I take liberties with letters of a friend without consulting him, and without any other...
I rejoice to have been introduced this morning, to the knowledge of a Gentleman, whose nativity...
Allow me in the name of the Author of the Map of the United States, & Territories, with the...
Thanks dear Sir for your favour of the 14—Let the epitaph go to oblivion with the tables In this...
Mr. Ths. Munroe son of Ths. Mu[n]roe Esqr. of the City of Washington, having compleated his...
I have just recd. your letter of the 20th. and inclose a few lines, on the subject of it to our...
Th:J. returns his thanks to m r Benton of Missouri for the copy of the petition of the University...
In your letter of Oct. 9. you were so kind as to inclose me a catalogue in which I observe...
I have duly recieved your two favors of Nov. 6. & Dec. 13. requesting me to consent to the...
I send you herewith, a copy of the Moral Instructor, of which I am the compiler, and in part, the...
I have to thank you for the copy of the abridgment of Murray ’s grammar which you have been so...
I thank you for your discourse, delivered at Plymouth on the termination of the second century of...
Altho’ I write with difficulty I cannot resist the temptation and must gratify myself by writing...
Our mail of yesterday brought me a letter from mr Rush our Ambassador at London informing me he...
Our mail of yesterday which brought me your favor of the 12 th brought also the letter and...
on Sunday last M r Gough and his aid young Bagby arrived at Poplar Forest to take charge of your...
–M r Thomas Munroe Jun r a young man of estimable character, and highly respectable family and...
My Son, Thomas, now in the 24th year of his age, who was educated at Yale College, and afterwards...
My Son (Thomas) now in the 24 th year of his age, who was educated at Yale College , and has...
As it appears from present circumstances that the University at Charlotteville of which you are...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to the New York publisher of Colton ’s Lacon for the copy of...
The bills on M. & L. lately sent you expressed the balance due to me as stated in the Acct....