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Results 8651-8700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
8651 Franklin, Benjamin Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste From Benjamin Franklin to [Jean-Baptiste LeRoy], [22?] … 1769-09-22 ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Soon after my Arrival in London, [I sent you] by Mr....
8652 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 September 1769] 1769-09-22 22. Went a huntg. & killd a bitch fox in abt. an hour. Returnd home with an Ague upon me. Mr....
8653 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 September 1769] 1769-09-22 22. Clear with the Wind pretty fresh from the Eastward.
8654 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 September 1769] 1769-09-23 23. Went a huntg. again with the Compy. aforesaid & suppose we killd a fox but coud not find it....
8655 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 September 1769] 1769-09-23 23. Clear, Calm and pleasant.
8656 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 September 1769] 1769-09-24 24. Mr. Fairfax & Mr. Montgomery both went away after breakfast.
8657 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 September 1769] 1769-09-24 24. Clear and pleasant. Wind Northwardly but not cold nor hard.
8658 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 September 1769] 1769-09-25 25. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run & Mill.
8659 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 September 1769] 1769-09-25 25. Clear, pleasant and still.
8660 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 September 1769] 1769-09-26 26. Rid into the Neck. Found Mr. Stedlar here upon my Return. Mr. Geo. Alexander dined & lodgd here.
8661 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 September 1769] 1769-09-26 26. Clear and pleasant with but little wind.
8662 Washington, George Sanford, Lawrence From George Washington to Lawrence Sanford, 26 … 1769-09-26 In Return for my Venture of Fish, which are committed to your disposal, I should be obliged to...
8663 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 September 1769] 1769-09-27 27. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg run and Mill. Mr. Alexr. went away this morng. & Colo. Fairfax & Lady...
8664 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 September 1769] 1769-09-27 27. Also clear, still and pleasant.
8665 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 September 1769] 1769-09-28 28. Mr. Stedlar went away. I rid to Alexandria to see how my House went on. Returnd to Dinr. GW...
8666 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 September 1769] 1769-09-28 28. Much as yesterday with a light breeze from the Southward.
8667 Franklin, Benjamin Folger, Timothy From Benjamin Franklin to Timothy Folger, 29 September … 1769-09-29 AL (incomplete): Yale University Library; extract printed in The Boston Evening Post , December...
8668 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 29 September 1769 1769-09-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society When I returned lately from France, I found among other...
8669 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 September 1769] 1769-09-29 29. Miss Sally Carlyle went away. I rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run and Mill.
8670 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 September 1769] 1769-09-29 29. A Breeze from So. West in the Morning with some appearance of Rain—but clear & calm in the...
8671 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 September 1769] 1769-09-29 29. Finished getting Ditto at Muddy hole.
8672 Franklin, Benjamin Cooper, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Cooper, 30 September … 1769-09-30 ALS : British Museum Your Favour of Aug. 3 has given me great Pleasure. I have only time now to...
8673 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 September 1769] 1769-09-30 30. Went a Hunting. Catchd a Rakoon but never found a Fox. One Doctr. Harris of Goochland dined...
8674 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 September 1769] 1769-09-30 30. Light showers between day break and Sun Rising—with thin Mists afterwards till Ten Oclock....
8675 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 September 1769] 1769-09-30 30. Finished getting Do. at Doeg Run. Note. The Fallowed Ground above mentioned containd abt. 40...
8676 Madison, James Madison, James, Sr. From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 30 September … 1769-09-30 I recieved your letter by Mr. Rosekrans, and wrote an Answer; but as it is probable this will...
8677 Fitch, Samuel Fitch’s Assignment of Errors: Middlesex Superior Court … 1769-10-01 In the Case of Ann Jocelin against John Harrington heard and Adjudged at the Court of General...
8678 Adams, John Adams’ Minutes of the Arbitration: Boston, October 1769 1769-10-01 Silvanus Snow and Amos Knowles. Captains. Have been long acquainted with the Customs of Whaling....
8679 Washington, George [October 1769] 1769-10-01 Octr. 1. Dined at Belvoir with Mrs. Washington and Patcy Custis. Returnd in the Evening. 2. Colo....
8680 Washington, George Acct. of the Weather—in October [1769] 1769-10-01 Octr. 1. Clear, Wind being fresh from the No. West till the Evening. 2. Wind fresh from the...
8681 Washington, George Cash Accounts, October 1769 1769-10-01 Cash Octr 16— To Cash of Messrs Carlyle & Adams £150. 0. 0 17— To Ditto for the Virga Justice...
8682 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 October 1769] 1769-10-01 Octr. 1. Dined at Belvoir with Mrs. Washington and Patcy Custis. Returnd in the Evening.
8683 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 October 1769] 1769-10-01 Octr. 1. Clear, Wind being fresh from the No. West till the Evening.
8684 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 October 1769] 1769-10-02 2. Colo. Carlyle and two Daughters—Captn. Brady and Captn. Posey dined here. captn. brady :...
8685 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 October 1769] 1769-10-02 2. Wind fresh from the Southwest all day—and clear.
8686 Perkins, Buchanan & Brown Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Perkins, Buchanan & Brown, 2 … 1769-10-02 Having entered into some engagements with our worthy Friend Mr: Thos. Adams for Mr: Jordan by...
8687 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 October 1769] 1769-10-03 3. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run, and Mill.
8688 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 October 1769] 1769-10-03 3. Wind Northwardly and cold in the forenoon, but mild afterwards.
8689 Washington, George Boucher, Jonathan From George Washington to Jonathan Boucher, 3 October … 1769-10-03 On the 26th Instt I expect to be at Fredericksburg on my way to Williamsburg—Mrs Washington and...
8690 Washington, George Ellzey, William From George Washington to William Ellzey, 3 October … 1769-10-03 The repeated and pressing demands of Mrs Savage for Money obliges Mr Fairfax and myself (as...
8691 Washington, George Remarks & Occurs. in Octr. [1769] 1769-10-04 Octr. 4. Finished getting Fodder in the Neck. 12. Finished Hoeing over my Swamps at Doeg Run &...
8692 Franklin, Benjamin Williams, Jonathan From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, 4 October … 1769-10-04 ALS : American Philosophical Society Before I went abroad this last Summer, I left Orders with my...
8693 Franklin, Deborah Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Deborah Franklin, 4 October … 1769-10-04 ALS : American Philosophical Society The preceding letter from Deborah, written on August 31,...
8694 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 October 1769] 1769-10-04 4. Rid to Alexandria to see how my Carpenters went on with my Ho. Returnd to Dinr.
8695 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 October 1769] 1769-10-04 4. Still & clear till Evening then Cloudy with drops of Rain.
8696 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 October 1769] 1769-10-04 Octr. 4. Finished getting Fodder in the Neck.
8697 Parker, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 5–9 October … 1769-10-05 ALS : American Philosophical Society Ever since my last of the 11th Sept. have I been laid up, by...
8698 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 October 1769] 1769-10-05 5. Went after Blew Wings with Humphrey Peake. Killd 3 & returnd by Muddy hole.
8699 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 October 1769] 1769-10-05 5. Clear & perfectly calm till Evening, then a little Wind from the No. West.
8700 Montgomerie, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Montgomerie, 5 October … 1769-10-05 Nothing else than Mr Grayson’s not returning Home untill the day before yesterday, could have...