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Results 8641-8650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am much indebted to my enemies for proving, by their [little] tale of my death, that I have friends. the sensibility you are so good as to express on this occasion is very precious to me. I have never enjoyed better nor more uninterrupted health. I ought sooner to have acknoleged your favor of June 15. which came to hand in due time as did that of the 6th. instant. [I] thank you for your...
Leitch Daybook MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL, on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand , p. 341, 12 Dec. 1821 :   . 76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order        
Your Solicitude for your Papa is charming: But he is afraid to trust you to the uncertain Elements, and what is infinitely more mischievous, the follies and depravities of the old world, which is quite as bad as that before the Flood. He has therefore determined to come to you, in America, next Summer, if not next Spring. Duty and Affections where due. RC or Dupl , in Charles Storer’s hand (...
I was very sick yesterday, and obliged to take an Emetic, to clear of a quantity of Bile, which the dr said was the occasion of my sleepless Nights. I hope he may be right; for they weaken me much. I was very much worried with it. I took it at half past three, pure delicious Indian Root and it never closed its opperation, until eleven at night. It is slow you know in its opperation. I did not...
Bordeaux, 12 Aug. 1791 . Being greatly alarmed by what he learned on arrival, he expressed his fears in his of the 27th, sent by brig Hetty , Captn. Drinker, for Philadelphia.—This day his fears confirmed by letter from Carmichael, a copy of which he encloses. He is thereby arrested at the threshold, unable to advance or retreat. He cannot in any sense hold TJ responsible, but appeals to him...
[ Philadelphia, February 24, 1783. The description of this letter reads: “Referring to a plan for carrying the 8th article of the confederation into execution, etc.” Letter not found. ] Luther S. Livingston, ed., American Book-Prices Current (New York, 1906), 717. See the first and second “Continental Congress. Motion on Evaluation of State Lands for Carrying into Effect Article 8 of the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Latrobe. he delivered yesterday to Colo. Tatham (who said he was to meet mr Latrobe at 10. oclock, and therefore came to ask them) every drawing of the capitol he was able to find, & which, as he then supposed, he possessed but after he was gone he found another which he suspects to be exactly the one mr Latrobe desires, as he observes in it a part...
Instead of presenting a particular account against the State for my Services as one of their agents to manage their Controversy with Massachusetts, and as one of their Delegates in Congress, I shall only state Facts, and submit it to the Legislature to make such order on the Subject, as may be most consistant with their Sense and Construction of the Laws respecting it. In order to be at...
The board of General Officers to whom your Excellency referr’d the settlement of the rank of Majors Mentges, Murray, & Nicholls, beg leave to report. That from an examination of the parties it appears, That the Committee of Arrangement from Congress at White plains assisted by B. G. Wayne did arrange the above Gentlemen as follows Viz. Mentges Murray Nicholls That it also appears by a...
ALS : Dashwood Papers, Bodleian Library I apprehend there will hardly be room for so much , in Characters large enough to be read from below. If the Sculptor should be of that Opinion, perhaps it may be well enough still, if we begin with the Words, Almighty God being , &c. and end with, Persuasion , omitting what is before and after. I happen to be engag’d at Dinner, but purpose waiting on...