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Results 8641-8650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I arrived here on the 30 th ult: and took my seat in the senate on 31 st . My general health is good, & the disease in my ear considerably diminished. I feel myself in a situation to return zealously & vigorously to the duties of my station, and for that purpose have taken up my lodgings at the Eagle Hotel . I trust there will be no relapse in my ear, and as to my general health my morning...
Your favor of Dec. 12. with a note of the duties & charges on the articles you recieved for me from Marseilles was long on the road and is recently recieved. I have this day written to Col o Bernard Peyton my correspondent in Richmond to remit you immediately the amount noted of 78. D 23 C which I hope will get safe to your hands. the object of the present is merely to inform you of it and to...
Our last mail brought the letter of Dec. 22. with which you were pleased to honor me, and in which you ‘request my answer to the following interrogatories. Should the legislature cancel the bonds and release the University from it’s debts to the literary fund will the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia ensure that no further applications for appropriations from the revenue of...
At the time of recieving your letter of Oct. 29. I did not advert that an answer was required to that part which mentioned your thought of removing to Washington . your subsequent one of Dec. 7. first called my attention to it. there is at George-town a mr Millegan , a boo an Englishman and bookbinder equal to any in America . he always bound for me until I transferred my work in that way to...
Since the 2 of November last I have repetedly solicited a settlement of my worke with the Proctor , of this fact, their is evidence—on yesterday I renewed the subject again when he positively refused to do any thing with it—and decleared that I should not receive one cent of pay until it suted him to give it—I am advised to make an appeale to Mr Jefferson and to give a statement of the...
It is I sincerely regret that any difficulties should arise between mr Brockenbrough and yourself on the subject of your contracts, but this it is totally foreign to my office to intermeddle with them. I cannot entangle myself in the labyrinth of questions between the Proctor & undertakers. as the contracts are made with him, with him they must be settled as they would be with any other...
Our river has been so blocked up with ice that the boats could not run till now. the day before yesterday Wood ’s boats took off 50. barrels of flour for me, which will be followed as fast as I can a e ffect between the difficulties of the mill and boats.— mr James Pleasants informed me some days ago that he had in his hands for me a sum of something upwards of 100.D. which on the 26 th ult. I...
I yesterday rec d from the custom House at Boston , thro’ Gen l H. A. S. Dearborn , twenty five Boxes Wine & Oil for you, & also a Medal:—    The Wine & Oil I have this day forwarded by a careful Waggoner to Charlottesville , care M r Ja s Leitch :— the Medal I have retained, to send by some private hand, lest it should be lost.—all which I wish safe to hand.— RC
M r Pendleton a Director of the Literary Fund has within this hour agreed with me to complete the Loan to the University , out of money now in Bank. He authorizes me to assure you of his vote when the Bond arrives, which renders the transaction sure. I need not observe that if M r Griffin s proposition to cancel the debt due from the University should prevail, the loan authorized by the act of...
I have transmitted to Mr. Quincy, extracts from two of your letters, relative to the name and family of Keimper. — I rejoice in all your joys and wish you many returns of your happy anniversary.— I agree with you in the merit of Govr. Clinton.— In all elective governments there is a perpetual conflict for power between two great parties, among the people. I have been astonished and confounded...