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Results 8631-8640 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your favour of the 27 th. ult o. came safe to hand yesterday. I attended the Convention last week and after choosing a President &c we heard the Constitution Read by paragraps with the objections which were verry few and of no great importance, and were fully answered a Committe was then appointed to draw a Bill of Rights with such Amendments as they tho’t necessary. which they Reported and...
An absence of 5. or 6. weeks, on a journey I take three or four times a year, must apologize for my late acknolegement of your favor of Oct. 12. after getting thro the mass of business which generally accumulates during my absence, my first attention has been bestowed on the subject of your letter. I turned to the passages you refer to in Hutchinson & Winthrop , and with the aid of their...
The Secretary of War in conformity with the orders of the President has the honour to offer the following observations and suggestions relative to the objects of the Presidents letter of the 15th Ulto. With respect to the speech. It appears adviseable that it should be chiefly if not wholly confined to the foreign affairs of the country giving to these with France the primary and prominent...
I have the Honour of your Esteemd Letter of the 18 June, and find it out of your Line to Give Introductions in Affairs of Commerce With which I Rest Satisfied, but more So as Not any Business of Consequence can be done with the States from hence, before the Navi n: of the Medeterranian becomes Entirely free for thier Flag I find I have Commited an Error in writing to the Moroccan Minister, as...
I wrote you last from Plymouth about three weeks ago after which I was detained at Home longer than I Expected and did not get here till last Tuesday. I Understand that Letter and one wrote at the same time to Mr. Adams went by the Post. As I wrote with some freedom I should be glad to hear of the receipt of it. Since I have been here I have had the pleasure of yours of the 17th. Feby. and am...
I am honoured by the receipt of your Excellencys Letters of the 17th and 20th Instant. Considering the former Conduct of Mr Fox in the Early part of Life one cannot but be astonished at what He is now doing. His Ideas are vast and his Fortitude wonderful in these Times; but to tell your Excellency truly I can never trust a Man entirely, whose principles and course of Life were once so loose...
I have been here, almost ever since I had the Pleasure of seeing you at Fairfield, and have attentively observed the Conduct of these People’s Leaders; and, according to the best of my slender Judgement, think that their Councils are stampt with Folly, Timidity, and Treach­ ery. But to trace the whole Labyrinth of their Inconsistency and Perfidy, would be irksome and endless; therefore I shall...
Enthusiasm is as necessary to the science of Politics as of Religion: without zeal in the Cause there can be no success— Such zeal was once conspicuous, and this enthusiasm has borne us hitherto through a difficult & dangerous war. But that it should now leave us, all at once, is disagreable—not more so, however, than apparently true— What can have become of this said public spirit I cannot...
It has long been a favourite object of my literary ambition to become the biographer of yourself and a few other the great & eminent men of our country. The varied scenes which have passed in review since you came upon the stage, & the important part you have acted in that novel & splendid drama which has been exhibited in the theatre of the new world, have created a public interest in your...
I received the honour of yours of the 29th. past from Nantes. I hope you are before this time safely arrived at L’Orient. M. De la Luzerne is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, and you will soon see him. He and the Secretary of the Embassy are both very agreable and sensible Men, in whose Conversation you will have a great deal of Pleasure in your Passage. What Port the Ship will...