Adams Papers

To John Adams from Joseph Frye, 4 March 1776

From Joseph Frye

March 4th: 1776


Capt. Gordon Hutchins1 the bearer hereof, being a Man of Experience in Military Service, the late war with France, had a Company the last year in the Continental Army, and is very desireous of entering the Same Service again. I therefore take leave to recommend Him to you for that Purpose, if there Should be any room for His admittance. If that Should be the Case, and your Honour Should please to afford Him your Countenance in the affair, I trust it will be of Service to the Cause we are Engaged in, and will be received as a favour By your Honrs: most obedient Humble Servt.

Joseph Frye

RC (Adams Papers).

1Until Dec. 1775 Gordon Hutchins had been a captain in the First New Hampshire Regiment and subsequently served as a lieutenant colonel in Baldwin’s regiment of New Hampshire militia (Heitman, Register Continental Army description begins Francis B. Heitman, comp., Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution, new edn., Washington, 1914. description ends , p. 312, 83).

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