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Results 8601-8650 of 184,431 sorted by author
Instructions to the Hon. John Adams, for the treaty of peace, dated 14th August, 1779 . Sir—You...
I have received your favor of the 17th & thank you for the information & opinion you give me...
I have received your favor of the 11th. of March and, with a pleasure far exceeding all my powers...
Mr John Adams, to whom the printed Paper herewith enclosed, is directed, certifies that he has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I do myself the Honour to introduce to your Excellency Mr...
I nominate the following Persons to be Commissioners under an Act of Congress passed in the...
* * * * * * I have several letters from your mother, who, I thank God, appears to be in good...
This Morning received yours by Mr. Ayers. I can say nothing to the Contents at present, being...
I have read all the Dispatches inclosed in your favour of Aug 26 and have now time only to thank...
M r. Hartley, his Britannic Majesty’s Minister Plenipotentiary for negociating the definitive...
861111 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant day . The first Day of Court. Nature and Truth or rather Truth and right are...
I have received your letter of 23 of this month relative to Col. Smith’s Letter: your letter of...
A brave fellow from Boston Captn. Carr, gives me an Opportunity of writing one Line, to let you...
Inclosed are letters From Judge Law of Connecticut & Capt Hinman recommending Capt Richard Law...
8615Sunday [22 December]. (Adams Papers)
At Home, with my family. Thinking.
8616Tuesday [27 May]. (Adams Papers)
At home. Read, in Naval Trade and Commerce.
Have you read certain Strictures upon Painters and Paintings in the Newspapers? What do you think...
I am often afraid you will think it hard that I dont write oftener to you. But it is really...
In answer to your kind Inquiries concerning my health, in your favour of the 14th, I can inform...
I received last night your favor of the 23d. My ideas are perfectly conformable to yours in your...
Bac. 3. 599. Tit. Merchant. “Where a Policy is a perfect Cheat as where a Person, having certain...
Accept my thanks for the comprehensive Syllabus, in your favour of Oct. 12. The Psalms of David,...
I have promised you, hints, of the heads of Mr Otis’s Oration, Argument Speech, call it which you...
Your letter of the 2 n d is, like all your other letters, a cordial to me. I seem to be...
2 Horses—10th. of Octr. 1758. One Pound L.M. To answer J oseph F ield &c. in a Plea of Trespass,...
I have received your favor of the 18th. It has been an invariable usage these twelve years, for...
On my first arrival at Paris I found my Colleagues engaged in Conferences with M r: Oswald. They...
The Congress have seen such a Necessity of an able Commander in Canada, as to destine you to that...
8629June 1756. 1 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Majors. The Reasoning of Mathematicians is founded on certain and infallible...
I have a great desire to read the olive branch of which you are the publisher and reputed author,...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 20th of April and in answer to...
In your favour of the 15th of November, you ask, in the Name of your eldest Son, the Liberty to...
In your Letter to D r Priestley of march 21. 1801 , you “tender him, the protection of those laws...
It is a long time since I had a Letter from you. In the last I think you prophesied “Wonders in...
I had the honor of your letter of the 19th last night and have read the inclosures. Dr. Rushes...
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me, on the fifth of this month and...
863726 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a very rainy Day, as it has remained since yesterday-morning. By reason of my...
8638Monday [4 September]. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Dr. Peckers, with the Clubb. Mr. Otis introduced a Stranger, a Gentleman...
8639Ap. 25. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather again. My Time has been employed since I have been on board, in writing Answers to...
Braintree 5 November 1760. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
I have received your Letter of the 16th. My letter to Col Daniel Putnam of the 5th. is at his and...
I have received your Letter of October. 27. 1814. and that of 26 of November. I congratulate you...
In compliance with the request in one of the resolutions of Congress, of the 21st of December...
I have only Time to say, by Mr. Taylor, that I am not worse than I have been—that however, I...
Satt out from Mr. Bishops, oated, at Norwoods alias Martins, and reached Brother Cranches at 12 o...
I once more wish you a prosperous Voyage an honourable Conduct and a happy Life. Remember your...
I thank you for your favour of the 10th & 12th. I can only say that I wish you a pleasant voyage,...
Be pleased to accept my thanks for your polite and obliging letter—of the 30th December—and for...
I cannot let this opportunity slip without sending you a Line, but the Gentleman waits and it can...
The Bearer of this Letter Mr. Thomas Boylston, is one of the clearest and most solid Capitalists,...