Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Mary Lewis, 12 July 1811

To Mary Lewis

July 12. 11.

Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mrs Lewis1 and sends her2 some figs, of the few which come forward at this season. if she has cucumbers to spare he will avail himself of her kind offer of them, his own being not yet advanced, and the drought of May & June having left him without lettuce.

RC (ViU: Peter Coolidge Deposit); dateline at foot of text. Not recorded in SJL.

1Preceding three words interlined.

2TJ here canceled “a few figs.”

Index Entries

  • cucumbers search
  • figs; grown at Monticello search
  • food; cucumbers search
  • food; figs search
  • food; lettuce search
  • lettuce; impact of drought on search
  • Lewis, Mary Walker (Nicholas Lewis’s wife); letters to search
  • Lewis, Mary Walker (Nicholas Lewis’s wife); TJ sends figs to search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); fig trees at search
  • weather; drought search
  • weather; effect on crops search
  • women; letters to; M. Lewis search