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Results 85851-85860 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Secretary of State having recieved from the Commissioners for the State of Vermont a letter proposing these Questions 1. Whether, as that state will not be a distinct member of the union till the 4th. day of March next, the President can, before that day, nominate officers for it? and 2. if he cannot, whether he can nominate them after the recess of the Senate? makes thereon to the...
[ Annapolis, 18 Jan. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “A. S. J. My health better—send what she wants, I will get in Phil. whither shall go in spring.” Not found.]
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mrs Lewis and sends her a few figs some figs, of the few which come forward at this season. if she has cucumbers to spare he will avail himself of her kind offer of them, his own being not yet advanced, and the drought of May & June having left him without lettuce. RC ( ViU : Peter Coolidge Deposit); dateline at foot of text. Not recorded in...
Your letter of the 16th. and mr Randolph’s of the 9th. both came to hand by the last post. since that too I have seen S. Carr who tells me you do not mean to include Virginia and Anne in your visit to this place. against this I must remonstrate. every principal respecting them, and every consideration interesting to yourself, mr Randolph or myself, is in favor of their coming here. if Virginia...
In two packages, distinct from this letter, I return you your father’s meteorological diaries, which you were so kind as to lend me, and a piece on paper money recieved from you some time ago. From the former I have made out tables of rain and snow, and a calendar of animal and vegetable matters announcing the advance of seasons. Having now compleated 7. years of observations since my return...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 23 d , informing me of the deposit of Dum-fish with mr Gibson which I shall direct the first boat from this place to call for; & I shall be glad to recieve by the same conveyance 4. kegs of tongues & sounds, such as the one you sent me some time ago, to be lodged also with mr Gibson who will pay this in addition to the amount of the fish. I thank you for...
On my return to this place I found here your letter of Sep. 10. complaining of the outrage committed on your vessel on the coast of Africa by the Commander of an English armed vessel. I have, in a letter to our minister at the court of London, desired proper representations to be made on the subject, as I had before done in some similar cases. But this will only go to prevent a repetition of...
The importance of your Works to the operations of War will doubtless point them out as a proper object of destruction to the desolating Enemy now in the Country. They are at this time at Westover and will possibly embark there. Their next expedition we cannot foresee; lest it should be to demolish your Works , I write to Genl. Weedon to take measures for protecting them: In the mean time I...
I set out for Poplar forest tomorrow to be back on the 24 th and think it safe to send you my note for the Virginia bank lest it should be wanting. the others endorsed by my grandson go to Cap t Peyton his agent. I shall recieve a sum of money, in Bedford
I have just recieved some Capsicum of the province of Techas , where it is indigenous as far Eastwardly as the Sabine river . it’s roots are perennial there, and it is believed it will stand our frosts with a little covering. it grows in great abundance there and the inhabitants are in the habit of using it as a seasoning for every thing as freely as salt, and ascribe much of their health to...