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Results 85851-85860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have the Honor to enclose you Copies of certain Communications which have been made to me, respecting the Detention of the Registers of Vessels of the United States in some of the Islands of his Christian Majesty, in order that such Measures may be taken as shall appear advisable, towards preventing in future a Practice which has a tendency either to interfere with the Policy of our Laws, or...
J’ai eu l’honneur de parler sommairement à Votre Excellence d’une marque de souvenir et d’estime, que M. le Mis. de La Luzerne peut être dans le cas de recevoir des Etats-unis. Vous avés été temoin, ainsi que tous les Patriotes Americains, des longs et importans services que ce Ministre a rendus pendant la guerre. Son attachement inviolable pour les interêts des Etats unis, son zêle, sa...
We are now about making up our minds as to the presents which it would be proper for us to give to diplomatic characters which take leave of us. For this purpose it is important to know what are given by other nations. Not foreseeing that I might ever have any thing to do with the decision of such a question, I did not inform myself of the usage even in the court with which I resided. Perhaps...
I received your two kind Letters of April 1 & 5 I am extreemly sorry to hear that mrs Norten is afflicted in the way that you write me she is, but tell her to keep up a good Heart. I can Sympathize in her Sufferings a Bath of Hot Herbs was the most salutary means made use for me. a poultice of Camomile flowers is also very good, but I hope she is relieved before this time. painfull experience...
I am not willing you should want Information from the Seat of Gov t: but I can do little more than send you a Newspaper. This Day twelve months I first took the Seat in which I now sett, and I have not been absent one Moment, when the senate has been sitting, excepting one Day when my own Salary was under Consideration. This Confinement will injure my health, if I cannot soon take a Journey. M...
[ New York, April 21, 1790 . On April 29, Allibone wrote to Hamilton : “I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated april 21st.” Letter not found. ]
Herewith you have Copy of the Act for the establishment and support of lighthouses beacons, bouys and public piers. Amongst other things contained in it you will perceive that it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to provide by Contracts to be approved by the President of the United States for rebuilding when necessary and keeping in repair the Lighthouses, beacons, buoys &...
85858[Diary entry: 21 April 1790] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 21st. The Morning being clear & pleasant we left Jamaica about Eight O’clock, & pursued the Road to South Hempstead passing along the South edge of the plain of that name—a plain said to be 14 miles in length by 3 or 4 in breadth witht. a Tree or a Shrub growing on it except fruit trees (which do not thrive well) at the few settlemts. thereon. The Soil of this plain is said to be...
I am further Obliged by your Favr. of the 4th. & two Packets of papers accompanying it. I congratulate you on having that ill-judged & improper measure of Assuming the State debts, ’ere this determined; & tho’ a large Majority on so important a Subject, was desirable, yet I shall be glad to hear it is finally negatived even by a decis[i]on from the Chair. It has fix’d a Suspicion of a...
Dialogues of the dead. Charlemain Frederick, Rousseau Otis. Rousseau. have you Seen Franklin, Since he passed the River? or has the Boat been too full of Passengers to bring him over? Otis. I know not.— I have very little Curiosity to know.— I care nothing have no solicitude for Steel Rods nor Iron Points— I am very glad his Points were not over my head: They might have detained me in the...