Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 1 February 1807

Washington Feb. 1. 07.


Your letter of Jan. 17. came to hand last night. if I ever saw or heard of a mr Norris of Baltimore, I do not remember either his name or person. I never saw or heard of any list of names of the adherents of Burr; still less of one containing your name. I never have seen, or heard your name coupled with Burr’s but in a newspaper paragraph mentioning that you were gone from Stanton to join him, which, as it went through several newspapers, you have probably seen yourself and certainly I never named you to any one as having any connection with Burr, much less gave any one liberty to announce it from me. Accept my salutations.

Th: Jefferson

P.S. I return Mr. Harrison’s letter

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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