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Results 85801-85850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
My last to you was of May 25. since which I have recieved yours of July 7. and Sep. 3. we have...
A disposition to an amicable adjustment of our differences, exists at Madrid. A minister has been...
I am this far arrived on my way Home. Give Me Leave to introduce to your Notice Mr. George Lux a...
As your merits led to your appointment of Minister Plenipotentiary to one of the first Courts in...
I have to answer two Letters from you—one of 28 October, and the other of 13. November—Tant va la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A l’instant je recois une lettre de la nouvelle Orleans en...
Bordeaux, 16 Dec. 1791 . Although he has only considered the matter for two days, he feels...
I have duly recieved your favor of Apr. 26. in which you are pleased to ask my opinion on the...
I make use of the oppy. by Mr. Davis to forward you the contents of the weekly packet recd...
Since the dismission of Mr. Pearce from the Service of the Society, it appears that many articles...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with inexpressable Grief that I am Obliged to give you...
The American Captains in this Port labour under some Circumstances which are injurious to their...
J’ai reçu la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 13 de ce mois. Je suis...
A letter just recieved from mr Cathalan of Marseilles informs me he has sent me a case of...
That I recd his of the 6th March—on the 7th Inst. That the returns of the Artily Artificers...
85816[Diary entry: 17 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday—17th. Dined at Mrs. Houses, & made an excursion with a party to Grays Ferry to Tea.
Enclosed you have copy’s of a letter from me to the United States Atty for this District, with...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] November 17, 1778 . Orders McDougall to Danbury. Df , in writing of...
I was duly honoured with your letter of the fifteenth Inst. and am highly gratified in the...
When I last had the pleasure of seeing you I mentioned Mr George Hoffman a young gentleman of...
I Yesterday receivd Your very Polite Letter by which I think myself highly Honour’d on this...
Not knowing whether you may have obtained mr Barber’s acceptance in the visit you proposed, I...
I inclose you a letter from mr Barnes on the subject of your affairs here. a loan at an interest...
The Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants of The District of St. Marys in the State of Georgia...
University of Virginia. It had been expected that this institution would have been opened on the...
I have duly received your favor of Jan. 10. and applied to the Waroffice, from whence I received...
In my Tour up the Missouri I was deeply impressed with the belief that the region South of that...
8 March 1802, London. No. 56. Reports that Austria is “highly dissatisfied, as justly she may be,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Cape. du Brigantin le Gates nommé Joseph Newman, m’ayant...
A delay of the post office put it out of my power to answer your’s of the 20th. by the first...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With the inclosed I recvd two large Packets, one for...
After I had written you in my last Letter that you needed not to answer it, because I expected to...
Permetez moi de vous récommander Mr. Neef Professeur; il va à Philadelphie pour tenir une École,...
85834Circular to Pilots, 5 October 1779 (Washington Papers)
An event may very soon take place which will render your services of the greatest importance to...
The subject of the proposed mission to France is so important, that whether it proceed or be...
It was with great satisfaction that I hev seen the National bill past for a Bank of this Uni[o]n,...
3 May 1790, New York. “Your hint as to addresses from the H. of Rep. to the National Assembly was...
Rough Stone work done to the South Wing of the Capitol June 20th to 25th 1803 All the walls of...
858391778 Oct. 7. (Adams Papers)
Captain Richard Grinnell of Newport Rhode Island says, that the English have this Year 17...
85840[Monday July 22. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday July 22. 1776. The Congress resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into...
I recieved your favor of the 8th. instant announcing the misfortune of the vessel having my nail...
I am happy to have it in my power to offer for your perusal the result of my observations and...
§ From Anthony Merry. 26 August 1805, Philadelphia . “I have received the Honor of your Letter of...
85844General Orders, 10 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
Whilst the Troops continue in their present position the Adjutant General will attend the...
I receivd Your ’s Letter of the 27th of May, and assure you that nothing is more agreeable to me...
It would be a proof of either ignorance or apathy, if an obscure individual, a stranger, and a...
85847[Diary entry: 21 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
21. Foggy Morning, but clear and pleasant afterwards.
Since my last to you, I have Received Complete Returns from All the Election Districts in this...
Ja s Monroe’s best respects to M r Jefferson — He hastens to communicate to him the very...
85850[Diary entry: 3 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Daingerfields Negro Bricklayer Guy came here to work. Three William Daingerfields were...