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Results 85751-85800 of 184,431 sorted by author
Printed text ( Boyd, Papers of Jefferson Julian P. Boyd et al ., eds., The Papers of Thomas...
I have just received your favor of the 14th. inst. from New London, and expect this will find you...
Since my return to this place I have examined my papers relative to the demands stated in your...
Presuming that my Catalogue has by this time answered all the purposes of information as to the...
I wrote you on the 23d. and yesterday I received yours of the 17th. which was the more welcome as...
I inclose you 700. Dollars, of which be pleased to pay to James Walker 100. D. John Perry 100 D....
Roads Poplar Forest Callaway ’s mill bridge . 5. } soon after passing Callaw ’s mill a right hand...
It is high time I should make my acknolegements to you for the piece of cloth of your manufacture...
Raggi called on me yesterday while at dinner with company whom I could not leave to open the...
The letter which in yours of the 18 th you mention to have written to me in the last fall never...
[ Annapolis, 16 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Loan office debt established—requisitions...
I have to acknolege the receipt by the last mail of your favor of Mar. 24. addressed to the...
A powerful army forming by our enemies in the south renders it necessary for us to reserve as...
Great Britain receives our Pot and Pearl Ashes free, while those of other Nations pay a duty of...
I wrote to you on the 26 th of Apr. requesting you to send me the Herodotus 3. v. Thucydides 2....
I have laid before the President of the United States the letters of Nov. 30. and Dec. 6. with...
Both your favors of Oct. 30. and Nov. 2. came safely to hand, and I have the pleasure to know...
Messrs. Brown and co. returned to me Lilly’s draught . as their refusal to recieve paiment in...
On the vacating of Judge Pickering’s office I shall be obliged to nominate another before the...
Your favor of the 14 th has been duly recieved. the Visitors of the University, at their meeting...
A letter which I wrote you by express to bring you on here will have informed you of the...
Davy arrived last night with your letter of the 23d. and as he will stay some days, & then return...
I take the liberty of inclosing for your perusal and consideration a proposal from a Mr....
My long and frequent visits to this place make me a very inexact correspondent. your letter of...
Th: Jefferson thanks mr Rawlins for the form of the Notice which he has been so kind as to send...
Richmond, 16 Jan. 1781. This letter is virtually the same as that to Abner Nash of the same date,...
Your letter of the 21 st brought to my mind Col o Bentley’s business. I immediately examined the...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President, sends him the draught of a letter to Madame de...
Your letter of the 2d. inst. is but this moment come to hand, & by the arrangement of the post...
Your favors of July 31. and Aug. 6. are both at hand. I considered that of A J uly 31. as...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 19 th with the 300.D. inclosed. I was sorry to learn that...
Un quartier du loyer de la maison de M. le comte de Langeac etant echu ce mois ci, je lui ai...
An absence of 6. weeks from home has prevented my earlier acknolegement of your letter of Nov. 22...
At the date of your letter of Oct. 16. I was in Virginia. It was sent to that country after me,...
In your letter of Aug. 26. you suggest a disposition, among other lines to write that of my self,...
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Doctr. Franklin and sends him some newspapers received from...
Your favor of Feb. 7. is recieved. you mention having enclosed in it one of your proposals for...
You will have received my letter of Nov. 22. two or three days after the date of yours of the 26....
Your’s of the 16th. was recieved by the post of last week. I authorised mr Shoemaker to give some...
The Executive are Shortly to proceed to the reformation of the State Forces according to a...
Your two letters of July 30. did not come to my hands till yesterday. I have directed a...
I recieved yesterday the inclosed letter & papers from Governor Mercer, requesting my approbation...
May 16. Murder commd by Moorhead & Little, British subjects on a person within the limits of the...
We are now under way, with a hopeful breeze. The Montgomery for New York on board which is...
A very sudden dispatch of a vessel to the Mediterranean with orders from the Navy department...
I duly recieved your favor of June 25. and have to express my thankfulness for the kind...
I have been detained by the carriage maker at Charlottesville far beyond my expectation. the...
I have had the pleasure of finding your friend Soria alive and one of the most considerable...
Admist the anxieties which are felt for the favorable issue of measures adopted for promoting the...
According to the desire of the Senate, expressed in their resolution of the 10th. inst. I now...