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Results 85681-85710 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
85681 Lee, William Madison, James William Lee to James Madison, 9 November 1830 1830-11-09 In all the events of my chequered life, I have ever considered you and Mrs Madison, my best &...
85682 Jay, Peter Augustus Jay, John To John Jay from Peter Augustus Jay, 28 January 1819 1819-01-28 I have rec d your letter of the 25 th . inst. & am happy to hear that Nancys Health has improved...
85683 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 20 March 1782 1782-03-20 In consequence of Colo. Tilghman’s letter of the 18th I granted a warrant on the Treasury for one...
85684 Washington, George Board of War George Washington to the Board of War, 21 October 1780 1780-10-21 Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Asks Board to explain what is meant by “the line of...
85685 Moustier, Elénore François Elie, Comte de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Moustier, 28 September 1787 1787-09-28 Mr. Le Coulteux a assuré au Cte. de Moustier qu’il y avoit ordre de recevoir toutes les lettres...
85686 Hamilton, Alexander Subscription to the New-York Manufacturing Society, [17 … 1789-03-17 [ New York, March 17, 1789. ] On this date Hamilton’s name was listed as one of the subscribers...
85687 Washington, George La Luzerne, Anne-César, chevalier de From George Washington to Anne-César, chevalier de La … 1783-04-23 I have been honored with your Excellencys Letter of the 10th instant. Congress having, by several...
85688 Washington, George Greene, William From George Washington to William Greene, 28 March 1780 1780-03-28 I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 8th of this month. I would observe with...
85689 Hamilton, Alexander Officers of the Massachusetts Line From Alexander Hamilton to the Officers of the … 1792-06-26 I have received your circular letter of the 28 of February last. I consider it as addressed to...
85690 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 October 1785] 1785-10-30 Sunday 30th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—63 at Noon and 60 at Night. Thunder and lightning...
85691 Washington, George Febiger, Christian From George Washington to Christian Febiger, 2 March … 1782-03-02 I have recd your favor of the 10 ult. and am happy to find that the officers had been sensible of...
85692 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 14 May … 1778-05-14 General Wayne this day shewed me a letter from Lieut. Colo. Bayard in which he informed him that...
85693 Washington, George Parker, Josiah George Washington to Colonel Josiah Parker, 29 May 1778 1778-05-29 Valley Forge, May 29, 1778 . Orders Parker to return to Camp. Df , in writing of H, George...
85694 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam … 1779-07-21 I was duly favour’d with Your Excellency’s Commands of the 19th and 20th Inst.; the former came...
85695 Madison, James Williams, Robert From James Madison to Robert Williams, 23 April 1807 1807-04-23 Agreeably to an act of Congress entitled An act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of...
85696 Barnes, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barnes, 25 March 1804 1804-03-25 On the 16th. Instt. I had the pleasure of addressing Mr Jefferson, Via Bourdeaux, to care of Mr...
85697 Washington, George Smith, Charles From George Washington to Charles Smith, 14 July 1758 … 1758-07-14 Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 14 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “I have the...
85698 Spotswood, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Alexander Spotswood … 1777-10-09 My spirits are quite sunk, at the Loss of a Brother that I loved most affectionately —he poor man...
85699 Sentence in the Court-Martial of John Spence: Editorial … I. HENRY DEARBORN’S PRELIMINARY DRAFT [10 MCH. 1802] II. HENRY DEARBORN’S SECOND DRAFT, WITH...
85700 Heath, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Heath, 25 February … 1801-02-25 Although I have not the honour of an intimate acquaintance with you,—I am too well acquainted...
85701 Storer, Hannah Quincy Lincoln Adams, Abigail Hannah Quincy Lincoln Storer to Abigail Adams, 3 May … 1785-05-03 I am, My dear Madam led by Various Motives to take My pen to Scribble a few lines at least by...
85702 Digges, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Digges, 20 September 1780 1780-09-20 A Servant of the De Neufvilles going to Amsterdam early in the morning gives me an opportunity of...
85703 Adams, John Shaw, William Smith From John Adams to William Smith Shaw, 21 June 1821 1821-06-21 Dr Jarvis in his Seventh page has truely observed that “the Indians can not communication in...
85704 Fowler, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Fowler, 11 December … 1806-12-11 From a knowledge of your candour and inclination to receive the address of the individual citizen...
85705 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 18 December … 1824-12-18 The wines for which I asked you to make a remittance to N.Y. were but a part of what I had...
85706 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [15 January … 1792-01-15 The enclosed came to my hands yesterday afternoon.—The documents respecting the dispute between...
85707 Jefferson, Thomas Harrison, Randolph Thomas Jefferson to Randolph Harrison, 28 September … 1815-09-28 During a long visit to this place I have had leisure to think of your house. you seemed to...
85708 Mouret, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Mouret, 8 January 1781 1781-01-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society The last that I did miself the honour to writh to you of the...
85709 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 18 March 1799 1799-03-18 In compliance with the object of your letter of the 15. instant, I have put in motion two...
85710 Shippen, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Shippen, 22 April 1788 1788-04-22 I am much obliged and flatterd by your great attention to my son; The obligation will be much...