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Results 85681-85710 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In all the events of my chequered life, I have ever considered you and Mrs Madison, my best & dearest friends, to whom I owed more than to all the world. Through good and through evil report, you were always the same and I therefore experience much delight in announcing to you both my marriage with Mrs Ann McLean, the widow of the late munificent John McLean, which took place on the 4th inst....
I have rec d your letter of the 25 th . inst. & am happy to hear that Nancys Health has improved and that Maria is well enough to go to Rye. I am sorry for the Death of Major Lyons but hope that his sufferings have been attended with a Blessing. I know very little of what is going forward at Albany, but fear that the federalists in the assembly are driving Bargains in a manner not very...
In consequence of Colo. Tilghman’s letter of the 18th I granted a warrant on the Treasury for one thousand dollars for the purposes therein mentioned, and as he intimates that your Excellency would wish to know how you are to be supplied with money in future, whether from me or from the military chest. I should certainly refer you to the latter were I sure of a regular supply to it—I think...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Asks Board to explain what is meant by “the line of the army.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Mr. Le Coulteux a assuré au Cte. de Moustier qu’il y avoit ordre de recevoir toutes les lettres qui arriveroient au Havre pour l’A.S. [Amérique Septentrionale] toutes les fois que les Paquebots auroient été detenus par les vents contraires. L’ordre est même que les paquets soient renouvellés de quatre heures en quatre heures dans tous les cas de retard, si dans un pareil intervalle il arrivoit...
[ New York, March 17, 1789. ] On this date Hamilton’s name was listed as one of the subscribers to the New-York Manufacturing Society. The [New York] Daily Advertiser , March 17, 1789. The New-York Manufacturing Society had been organized on January 7, 1789. At a later meeting it was resolved to raise a fund by subscription for the establishment of a woolen factory, the shares to be £10 each....
I have been honored with your Excellencys Letter of the 10th instant. Congress having, by several Arrangements, given me reason to believe, that their sense of the prelimininary Articles is such, that there is no doubt but they will terminate in a definitive Treaty; I cannot suppose that these will be a Necessity of the further Continuance of the French Troops in the United States. Nor can I...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 8th of this month. I would observe with respect to the request to station one of the regiments for the ensuing campaign in the State of Rhode Island, that at this time, it is impossible to give your Excellency any decisive answer. Whether it will, or will not be in our power, or whether it will be necessary, depends so much on the...
I have received your circular letter of the 28 of February last. I consider it as addressed to me, in the capacity of a fellow soldier, and in that capacity, I now acknowlege and answer it. Respect for you, Gentlemen, and for those, on whose behalf, you write, does not permit me to be silent—and, in replying, the frankness which is due to you and them, and, which is not less due to my own...
85690[Diary entry: 30 October 1785] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 30th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—63 at Noon and 60 at Night. Thunder and lightning about day Break and Raining more or less all day, attended in the forenoon with very high Wind from the Westward. Mr. Shaw went up to Alexandria after Breakfast, & stayed all Night.
I have recd your favor of the 10 ult. and am happy to find that the officers had been sensible of the impropriety of the manner and state of their representation and that the detachment had marched to the Southward. From the situation in which matters were I cannot blame you for the prompt execution of Hawkins—The necessity of the case, especially in military concerns, must often justify what...
General Wayne this day shewed me a letter from Lieut. Colo. Bayard in which he informed him that he had agreeable to order procured near three hundred Bayonets, which were fitted to Muskets, and was just preparing to send them down, when they were stopped by the Executive Council who alleged that they had positive orders from me to reserve all the Arms, belonging to the State, for the Militia,...
Valley Forge, May 29, 1778 . Orders Parker to return to Camp. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parker was colonel of the Fifth Virginia Regiment. He resigned July 12, 1778.
I was duly favour’d with Your Excellency’s Commands of the 19th and 20th Inst.; the former came to hand in the night, and as soon as it was day I dispatched a Dragoon with orders for Generals Woodford and Muhlenberg to take post with their Brigades, according to the directions contained in it; but the Horseman return’d last evening, without being able to find either of them, I have this...
Agreeably to an act of Congress entitled An act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of the United States, passed 3d. March 1795, and the Acts in addition thereto passed on the 2d. March 1799 and on the 27th. March 1804, I have transmitted to the Collector of the Customs at Philada. 57 Copies of the Laws of the United States 1st. Session 9th. Congress, being the proportion for the...
On the 16th. Instt. I had the pleasure of addressing Mr Jefferson, Via Bourdeaux, to care of Mr Lee, communicating the agreeable intelligance of the destruction of the Frigate Philada. in the Port of Tripoli; of which Mr Jefferson will have recd. the particulars from Commodore Preble.—I have now the Satisfaction, previous to my departure for Naples in my route for Sicily, of Explaining the...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 14 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “I have the favour of your letters dated the 11th & 14th.”
My spirits are quite sunk, at the Loss of a Brother that I loved most affectionately —he poor man has left behind a young Widdow & three small infants; she poor woman will want a Comforter, & the poor Children a father, Both of which they must find in me, my tender Feelings for his distrest family, with our having promised each Other in a most Solemn manner, that whenever it pleased god that...
I. HENRY DEARBORN’S PRELIMINARY DRAFT [10 MCH. 1802] II. HENRY DEARBORN’S SECOND DRAFT, WITH JEFFERSON’S REVISIONS [20 APR. 1802] Among the myriad duties that devolved on Jefferson as president of the United States was the periodic review of general courts-martial proceedings. According to federal law, such proceedings were to be forwarded to the president in times of peace if the...
Although I have not the honour of an intimate acquaintance with you,—I am too well acquainted with your true character, and ardent love for the best interests of our Common Country, and of mankind, not to felicitate my fellow Citizens on your elevation, or refrain from expressing to you, those feelings of satisfaction, and that confidence which is inspired in my breast on the present occasion,...
I am, My dear Madam led by Various Motives to take My pen to Scribble a few lines at least by this conveyance. The first is that you May be Sensible of My readyness to Acknowledge the favur you have been pleased to shew Me in Answering My Short letter in such a descriptive Manner as to make it quite Needless for Me (to wish) to cross the line to become acquainted with the Mind the form the...
A Servant of the De Neufvilles going to Amsterdam early in the morning gives me an opportunity of sending a letter to you for Mr. Ridley in Maryland which I beg you to give to the first safe hand bound to America. We are still without any authentic accounts from N. York or the quarters of the British Army tho the general Town report is that Ministry have been some days in possession of bad...
Dr Jarvis in his Seventh page has truely observed that “the Indians can not communication in relation to their religion.” I have made the same observation. I have Seen a Strong and marked Aversion to converse or Say any thing upon the Ssubject. Many great Opportunities have presented themselves, in the old Congress and while I was Vice president, and in the very numerous deputations from...
From a knowledge of your candour and inclination to receive the address of the individual citizen hath fostered in me a hope the following will not appear Irksome In July last the Revenue Cutter of this District appeard destitute of Officers by the death of both the Master and first Mate—I segnifyd my intentions to a number of the most respectable Inhabitants this City affords who cheerfully...
The wines for which I asked you to make a remittance to N.Y. were but a part of what I had written for. there were yet 5. cases and a cask of red wine to come which have since arrived at Boston consigned to Henry A. S. Dearborne the Collector, who has pd freight and duties for me 31. D 30 which I must request you to remit him, and to mr E. Copeland j r of Boston the further sum of 52. D 10 the...
The enclosed came to my hands yesterday afternoon.—The documents respecting the dispute between Majr. L’Enfant an Dan Carroll of D. have been sent for the Attorney Genl. to form his opinion upon the case.—The whole are sent for Mr. J.’s perusal previous to the conversation he proposed to have with Majr. L E.—The President has not read the Papers, nor is he in any hurry to do it. RC ( DLC );...
During a long visit to this place I have had leisure to think of your house. you seemed to require 6. rooms, neither more nor less, and a good entrance or passage of communication. the inclosed is drawn on that plan. the ground plat is in detail, and exact; the elevation is merely a sketch to give a general idea. the workman, if he is any thing of an Architect will be able to draw the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The last that I did miself the honour to writh to you of the third instent, I was Just arived from a journy of a Hundred milles, & then with a fever; which together with my Others wants, I was under the Nessasity to go to the poors hosphithal of this Place; where I begin to recover my strent; but where to go from hence with nothing is my present distres....
In compliance with the object of your letter of the 15. instant, I have put in motion two companies of Artillerists from Fort Jay (Henrys and Cochrans) who are to embark at ten this morning for Amboy and to proceed from thence by way of Brunswick to New Town in Bucks County. There (at Brunswick) Lt: Boote with his party is instructed to join them. The two companies as they march will exceed...
I am much obliged and flatterd by your great attention to my son; The obligation will be much increased if you will honor me with a few lines expressive of your opinion of his figure and improvement. I am more anxious to hear of him from you than any man in Europe because you are the best judge, and I am sure you will not flatter the hopes of a fond Father. The Delegations to the Convention of...