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Results 85681-85710 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : Library of Congress The enclos’d which you sent me contain’d a Letter from Mr. Hartley, in which he acquaints me that on the 17th. Lord North had made his Propositions towards a Conciliation with America, and ask’d Leave to bring in two Bills, one to renounce all Claim of Taxation, the other to impower Commissioners to treat with any Persons or Bodies of Men in America on a Peace; which...
ALS and copy: Harvard University Library; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; copies: National Archives (four), University of Virginia Library (two), South Carolina Historical Society We have maturely considered your Letter of the 30th past. And tho’ we cannot see the mischievous Consequences of the 12th. Article which you apprehend, yet conceiving that Unanimity on this Occasion is of...
Yours from Lebanon 28 Sept. is just come to hand. I wish the Mass. happy in their Governor. It would not have been otherwise, as you Suggest, had an Absent Citizen been at home. Popularity is a Witch. The Gentleman chosen has long been So, to a great degree. The Absent one could Scarcely ever be Said to be so. So it has ever been. Objects must be set up for popular Admiration, Confidence, and...
L : Harvard University Library Messrs. Franklin and Deane present their Compliments to Mr. Arthur Lee, it not being likely that the Dispatches can be ready at 12. O Clock beg Mr. Lee, would change the time of his coming to half past 5. at which time there is no doubt but that every thing will be ready. Mr. Franklin juniors respectful Compliments to Mr. A. Lee and reminds him of his Engagement...
I am much obliged to you, for your kind Congratulations on my Arrival, and M rs Adams returns you her Compliments and Thanks. The Accession of Virginia, to the New Constitution is a great Event.— You and I Should not materially differ, I fancy, if We were to compare Notes of a perfect Commonwealth. But I consider the present Project, as a commencement of a national Government, to be a valuable...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letters you did me the honour of writing to me, the 23th. Inst: informing me of the Passport I had before given you being expired and desiring another. Inclosed I have the Honour of sending it to you. With great Respect, I am sir, your most obedient and most humble Servant Actually the 13th, above. We have not located the passport. The present letter...
I am much obliged to you for the suggestion you do me the favour to make in your Letter of the 11th, as I shall at all times be for any others which may occur to you advancive of the public Service. I am so entirely convinced of the absolute necessity of a large and immediate foreign aid of money, to the continuanc⟨e⟩ of the War, that I should be happy to do any thing I could with propriety to...
I had the honor of yours of August 7th. yesterday. The letters inclosed are sent to their Destinations. I have long since taken such measures, as depended upon me, and continue to do all that Decency will permit, to induce the States to send a Minister to Congress. I am convinced it will not be done before next Spring. To give You a compleat detail of the Reasons of this would cost a tedious...
Your kind favour of April 12th. is yet unanswered. With nothing at all to do, I am as busy as ever I was in my Life. Whether any good will result from it time must discover. I have undertaken to inform Congress, a little more particularly than they are want to be informed, of Some Things that have passed in Europe, which will ultimately affect them: but I find it is in vain to put my Eyes out...
AL : Yale University Library Dr Franklins & Mr Adams Compts to Mr Lee & inform him Mr Monthieu is here, and being bound to Nantes is desirous of settling his account. Beg Mr Lee to come, directly if he can, and bring, any of Mr Monthieus Papers if he has any. Addressed: Mr Commissioner Lee Endorsed: F. & A. about settlg Montieu’s accts. In JA ’s hand. The Monday preceding Lee’s comments on...
We duly received the Letter which you did us the honor of writing on the 9th. of Feb. accompanyed with a Letter from Mr. Pringle, herewith you have the Draught of an Answer to that Gentleman, which you are requested, if you approve of it to subscribe and forward. As Mr. Lee is best acquainted with the Places, Persons and Officers to which Mr. Pringle must apply—it is requested of Mr. Lee to...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received no Answer relative to the Proposition you mention. Perhaps without waiting longer for an Answer, thro’ Versailles it might be as well for you to apply directly to the Spanish ambassador for the Information you desire. With much Respect I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedt. humble servant In response to Lee’s of the previous day.
(I) and (II) LS : Harvard University Library; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I have the honor to communicate to you herewith Copies of Resolutions of Congress, of Sept. 11. Sept. 14. & Oct. 22. I shall endeavour strictly to comply on my Part with the Commands of Congress contained in the latter; which are at the same time perfectly agreable to my...
AL : Pierpont Morgan Library Dr Franklin and Mr Adams present their Compliments to Mr Lee, and request that the Journey to Versailles may be postponed to Sunday at 8 O Clock in the Morning for several particular Reasons besides the bad Weather.— Addressed: The Hon. Mr Lee / Chaillot Endorsed: F. & Adams Notation: Recu La Lettre une de mieur a pré [une demi-heure après] que Monsieur Leé a etté...
I have the Honour of your Letter from Paris of the fifth of this Month, in which you inform me that by Advices from America, your Ennemies are determined to impeach your Attachment to our Country and her Cause, and in which you request my Opinion on that Point from the Knowledge I have had of your Conduct, while We acted together in Commission. At the Same Time that I lament the Necessity of...
Copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library I did write to the Gentlemen at Nantes concern’d in fitting out the Vessels for America, offering them the Alliance as a Convoy and order’d her to Nantes accordingly. They did not chuse to accept that offer Knowing, as I Supose, her Weakness, but Sail’d for Brest, to go with the french Convoy without waiting her arrival and would probably...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives We duly received the Letter which you did us the honor of writing on the 9th of Feb. accompanyed with a Letter from Mr Pringle, herewith you have the Draught of an Answer to that Gentleman, which you are requested, if you approve of it to subscribe and forward. As Mr Lee is best acquainted with the Places, Persons...
The Bearer, is first Lt. of the Boston—was sent by the Navy Board at Boston to S. Carolina and thence to France Commander of the Dispatch: but was taken. I think our Rule has been to lend Lts. of the Frigate’s twenty Guineas, but considering Browns unhappy Circumstances on Account of Cloaths, and knowing his long Attachment to our Cause and his uncommon Merit, I wish he could have more but...
AL : Harvard University Library Mr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr. Lee, and acquaints him that M. Bertin (the Minister) requests his Company at Dinner on Tuesday the 26th Inst. at Chatou. Mr. F. also reminds Mr. Lee of their being expected at Dinner to day, at M. Chalut’s (Fermier General) Place Vendôme. Addressed: A Monsr / Monsieur Lee / à Chaliot Endorsed: May 19. 1778 Invitations...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I had no Knowledge of the Gentleman, & he said he had lived in Virginia, I referr’d him to you, imagining you might know something of his Character, and whether it would be proper to give him the Pass he desires. If upon conversing with him you apprehend it may be safely done, I would do it on your...
AL : Pierpont Morgan Library; copy: University of Virginia Library Mr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Messrs. W. and A. Lee, and has the honour to acquaint them, that Mr. Deane is return’d from Versailles, where the Ministers have agreed to dispatch another and stronger Fregate from Brest, to carry the Dispatches of the Commissioners: They have accordingly sent an Express thither, to day...
Having in consequence of my appointment as Secretary of the Treasury determined on William Duer Esquire as my Assistant, I have concluded from his situation with the late board that a delivery of the books papers and seal belonging to the department should be made to him. If this mode is agreeable to you I need only add that he is authorised on my part to carry it into execution. I have the...
Since my Letter to you of the 9th. looking over the Answer to the Letter inclosed in it, I find it, of more importance than I was aware, and least it should be lost with me, I now inclose you a Copy of it. It will be Evidence, of some against some Misrepresentations, which have been made, and may be repeated, as injurious to the French Court as to you. I have the Honour to be, with great...
Treasury Department, March 18, 1791. Directs Lee to supply funds for any notes George Washington may desire to exchange on the President’s southern tour. LS , RG 56, Letters to and from the Collector at Alexandria, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives. This is the same letter that was sent to John Daves on this date.
Mr. Lowrey a Merchant in your district presented at the Treasury some time ago the within certificate of your Deputy when he was informed that the direction to refund at the office where the Tonnage was received had been given in a circular letter to the Collectors of the 20th. August 1790. To prevent further difficulty a memorandum of the date of the letter was made on the back of the...
Mr Boudinot, at Comy Lorings request, met at German town yesterday; from whence he is just returned, after having agreed on a final exchange of yourself and other Officers with that Gentleman. That delay may not produce danger, I shall send in a flag tomorrow for your parole—when obtained, I shall most cordially, and sincerely, congratulate you on your restoration to your Country, and to the...
You were right in declining to pay the order which was made upon you by the District Court in relation to Charles Page. It was altogether irregular, and of course I cannot authorise its being complied with. I am with consideration   Sir   Your obedient ser ALS , RG 56, Letters to and from the Collector at Alexandria, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set...
Your favour of the 5th Ulto from Williamsburg (the first I have receivd from you since you left this City) came to my hands by the last Post. I thank you for your kind congratulations on our Possession of Boston—I thank you also for your good wishes in our future operation’s—and hope that every diabolical attempt to deprive Mankind of their Inherent Rights and Priviledges, whether made in the...
Inclosed you will receive a Copy of Sundry Resolutions of Congress, which came to hand since I left the Plains. They will discover to you their Opinion as to the necessity of taking the most early measures to levy the New Army. The Resolves cannot have any Operation but in the instance of the Rhode-Island Regiments, Commissioners having come from the States of Massachusets & Connecticut and...
My Servant did not return with your letter, and the Papers therewith, until Nine o’clock last Night; so that I have scarcely had time to read the several Conveyances—In that from Mr & Mrs Dulany to me there is a capitol error. the Land held by the deceased Mr French, under the Proprietors Deed to Stephens and Violet, is no part of the Land exchanged. The original grant to Spencer & Washington,...