Adams Papers

Abigail Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 16 June 1801

Abigail Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson

Quincy June 16th 1801

my dear Madam

Last Evening we received Letters from Berlin of April the 14th with the agreable intelligenc of Mrs Adamss safe delivery upon the 12th of a son, tho She had been very ill & remaind so for three days. mr Adams writes, that she was then much better, and he hoped out of Danger— I congratulate You my dear Madam upon this Event

I wrote to you last week.1

with an affectionate remembrance to all Friends— / I am Yours &c

A Adams—

RC (MH-H:Autograph File, A); addressed by JA: “Joshua Johnson Esqr / Washington”; notation by JA: “J. Adams.”

1Not found.

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