85351To George Washington from Marx Christoph Graf, 26 February–20 March 1790 (Washington Papers)
Augsburg (the Capital in Suebia) Mylord! febry the 26th[–20 March] 1790 The worthy Speech of Your Lordship of 8th Jany to the Congress, containing among other matters—accordg to the News Paper of Leyden No. 14 “ mais je ne saurois m’empecher de Vous faire sentir l’avantage qu’il y auroit a donner de l’encouragement effectif tantal introduction d’Inventions nouvelles & utiles de l’Etranger,...
85352[Diary entry: 26 February 1790] (Washington Papers)
Friday 26th. A numerous company of Gentlemen & Ladies were here this Afternoon. Exercised on Horse-back this forenoon.
85353To George Washington from John Fitch and Henry Voigt, 26 February 1790 (Washington Papers)
His Excellency the President of the United States the Petition of John Fitch and Henry Voigt humbly beg leave to represent That being convinced of the Necessity of Establishing a mint for Coining of money in the United States and the necessity of Coining Copper Cents being so obvious we doubt not but Congress will Immeadiately order a mint to be established Should that take place we humbly beg...
85354To George Washington from Henry Knox, 26 February 1790 (Washington Papers)
In obedience to your orders, I have received the communications of Colonel John Pierce Duval Lieutenant of Harrison County in Virginia; the result of which I have the honor to submit to you. The paper Number 1 is a representation from the field officers of the said county, on the subject of their exposed situation. Colonel Duval states, that there are five counties of Virginia lying on the...
85355From George Washington to Beverley Randolph, 26 February 1790 (Washington Papers)
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 13th inst. enclosing the duplicate of an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, authorizing the Governor to convey certain lands to the United States for the purpose of building a Light-House. Upon receiving your letter of the 18th of December, covering the first copy of the above act, I immediately transmitted it to the Secretary of the...
85356To George Washington from Josef Ignacio de Viar, 26 February 1790 (Washington Papers)
I have just now Receiv’d three letters for your Excellency under Cover of the Post-master General of St Augustin at East Florida, which I have the honor of sending to your Excellency herein enclosed without losing the least time. Sir I am with great Regard and esteem Your Exellency’s most obt and humble Servt ALS , DNA : RG 59, Notes from the Spanish Legation. These letters have not been...
85357To James Madison from John Dawson, 26 February 1790 (Madison Papers)
You’ll be pleasd to accept my thanks for your favour of the 31st ulto which I recievd in due time. I am by no means astonishd at the reports of the two Secretaries given rise to a variety of opinions. The subjects to which they refer are both incricate [ sic ], and the interest of different persons will induce them to adopt various opinions. Mr. Hamilton’s plan, altho it discovers knowledge &...
85358To James Madison from Samuel Vaughan, Jr., 26 February 1790 (Madison Papers)
With this letter you will receive a Pamphlet, you was so obliging as to lend me, & which from inadvertency I never returned. I was much surprised on opening my things here to find it among them. I congratulate you most heartily on the facility you are likely to meet with in the various objects of the Legislature. It was always my opinion that you might be bolder, particularly in your...
85359Assumption of the State Debts, [26 February] 1790 (Madison Papers)
JM’s amendment to the assumption resolution was still before the Committee of the Whole. On 25 February, White moved to confine the assumption to the surplus funds a state had “advanced beyond its just and equal proportion of the expences, incurred in the defence of the common rights of America.” After two days’ debate, this motion was defeated by a vote of 32 to 18. Mr. Madison Then begged...
85360To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. P. Derieux, 26 February 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
Charlottesville, 26 Feb. 1790 . Encloses letter to his aunt, hopes TJ will write her as she would be distressed to receive his alone, and cannot call in person because he is “ indisposé de ma Jambe. ” [ In postscript :] After what TJ had replied concerning his desire to buy Colle if the price did not exceed its value, he had hoped to confer at length with TJ, but his affairs and precipitous...