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Results 8511-8560 of 184,431 sorted by author
8511October 18. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Sat off, at ten from the Arms of Amsterdam with Mr. John Thaxter and Mr. Charles Storer....
I thank you for your kind letter of December 13th. And above all for the gift of a precious...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft) and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have...
Inclosed are two letters—one to Mr Jefferson—which I pray you to present to them with my the...
Passy, 14 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
The Post of the day brought me, your kind Letter of 26. Ult. The more I am charmed with your...
85171774 Saturday. Septr. 24. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Charles Thompson, with only Mr. Dickenson, his Lady and Niece in Company. A most...
I have received your polite letter of the 26th, with the samples of American wines, Burgundy,...
8519July 23. 1796. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Rode down to the Barley and Black grass at the Beach. The Barley is better than I hoped. The...
Yesterday, I took a ride to a beautifull Hill eleven Miles out of Town. It is called Rush Hill....
I was made very happy by your letter, from New York 20th: September. I regretted your short visit...
I heartily congratulate you on your fortunate escape from a dangerous accident. I was so very...
8523[September 1775] (Adams Papers)
At Woodstock. Heard Mr. Learned Leonard from Is. 32:16. The Work of Righteousness is Peace, and...
By Letter I received yesterday fm—Mess rs: Willinks & Van Staphorsts of Amsterdam, I learn with...
I have two of your Letters to acknowledge, at once. The Treatise on the Spleen I have read, and...
As Eloquence is cultivated with more Care in free Republicks, than in other Governments, it has...
8527[August 1766] (Adams Papers)
Satt out with my Wife for Salem—dined at Boston—drank Tea at Dr. Simons Tufts’s at Medford...
8528November 9. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
The M. de la Fayette came in, and told me he had been to Versailles and in Consultation with him...
I will not afflict you with lamentations over the Confinement of your Parents during the greater...
I thank you, for y our Letter in an swer to mine of 21. May, and for your kind con gratulations...
I read, within a few days an Address to General and Governor Gage, from the Barr, and the Name of...
I thank you for your letter of the 4th. November I am very glad to hear that you are so nearly...
I have received your favours of March 11 and 14th. In answer to the first I wish to know whether...
I received yesterday your letter of the third of this month.—The Commissions inclosed I return...
At twelve o’clock the Senate attended upon the President of the United States at his own House,...
The Sentiments and Affections of a People, may be learned from many little Circumstances, which...
85371774. Fryday. Octr. 14. (Adams Papers)
Went in the Morning to see Dr. Chevott Chovet and his Skelletons and Wax Work—most admirable,...
8538August 2. 1796 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Wrote to Mr. Sullivan by Dr. Tufts an Answer to his Inquiries concerning Mitchels Map and St....
8539October 22. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Visited Mr. William Lee, in the Place de St. Mitchell with Mr. Jennings. Mr. Lee said that the...
Your Favour inclosing a certain Copy, I have recd, and in exchange Send you, two others,...
Pardon me for the Liberty I take in Sending a Billet to a Gentleman of your exolted Station and...
85421777 Septr. 21. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
It was a false alarm which occasioned our Flight from Philadelphia. Not a Soldier of Howes has...
Mr Ticknor will go with your Sons. Let me introduce him to you. His Reputation is that of one of...
I thank you Sir for your kind letter of the 17th and am much obliged by your attention to my...
Sewall. Action of slander. Not directly charging Perjury. Things contrary to Truth and contrary...
I have received, by M rs Adams, the Letter you did me, the Honour to write me on the eighth of...
Inclosed is a letter from Augustus de Grasse. I know not why his pay is withheld I pray you to...
I have the honor to inclose a Copy of the letter of the Comte De Vergennes, to me, of the 21st....
I can hardly believe my Eyes when I look upon your letter of the 13th. of October at...
I have Official Information that Mr Bayard and Mr Gallatin are joined with you in a Negotiation...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Day before Yesterday, Mr. Boudinot called upon me,...
I owe you many thanks for your favour of the 15th. and espicially for your address which abounds...
85531774 Saturday. Novr. 5. (Adams Papers)
Break fasted at Austins of Suffield. Went to see a Company of Men exercising upon the Hill, under...
855427 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
The Stream of Life sometimes glides smoothly on, through flowry meadows and enamell’d planes. At...
I have received your letter of the 18 th of this month and have communicated that to the...
8556November 13. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This is the Anniversary of my quitting home. Three Years are compleated. Oh when shall I...
The President of the United States, requests the Secretary at War to take into his consideration...
I received yesterday your favour of the 22nd and will begin at the end of it you must not utter a...
Just a Line, by our venerable Friend, President Laurens, with whom your Communions will be sweet....
It is very difficult to discover, with Certainty the secret springs which actuate the Courts of...