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Results 851-900 of 184,431 sorted by author
you are very good dear William in your attentions towards me, and I receive the papers regularly...
I inclose a pamphlet upon darying which when you have read, be so good as to give to Pheby...
I believe that Mr. Storer is going to leave Us in good earnest. He has so long and so many months...
I have already written you a long letter giving you an account, of my journey, this must relate...
I received your’s of April 27 th & 30th together with the Pamphlets last Evening. two of them...
Last Evening we received Letters from Berlin of April the 14th with the agreable intelligenc of...
Join with me my dearest Friend in Gratitude to Heaven, that a life I know you value, has been...
I would not omit writing you, because you seem to think you have been agrieved. I do not...
I yesterday received a congratulatory Letter from you, upon the safe arrival of my dear Charles,...
I have omited writing by the last opportunity to Holland; because I had but small Faith in the...
Suppose you have had a formidable account of the alarm we had last Sunday morning. When I rose...
I wrote to you by your brother making a proposal to you which you might not consider me in...
So good an opportunity offering, tho I had not wrote before I have detaind the Bearer, just to...
I went from my own little writing room below stairs just now into your Pappas; where Mr. Storer...
Your agreable favour of March 15 reachd me yesterday. I most sincerely thank you for every token...
My fourth Letter I begin to you. I dare not reckon the Number I have to write; least I should...
Yours of March 11 th reachd me yesterday I have the satisfaction to anounce you our Parents Life,...
When you address me again, let it be by the endearing Epithet of Mother, instead of the formal...
I have not received a Line from you, nor heard a Syllable Since yours of November 18th, which I...
I have been informd to day, that a paper from N york the daily advertizer was received in Town on...
I return you thanks Sir for the trouble you took in exchangeing my Money, our currency is some...
I received Your Letter yesterday. I know from what I Saw and heard whilst I was at home that...
Excuse me I have time only to tell you that I designd to have written, but the captain sails...
My Heart Shall not reproach me so long as I live said the Psalmist; alass I cannot say so, for...
what can you expect me to write you from this village; where I hear & know no more what is...
Your Letter dated the 9 th the blundering Post carried with him to Barnestable, so that I did not...
Your Friendly Epistle reach’d me a fryday morning, it came like an Infernal Mesenger, thro fire...
My habitation, how disconsolate it looks! My table I set down to it but cannot swallow my food. O...
I received your Letter on saturday the 26 th by Brisler who with his family arrived here in...
I received your Letter this morning of the 12 th and one from N york by your Brother Charles, who...
I wrote you last Night till my Eyes were almost out by the post, but Mr. Eliot has taken pains to...
When I wrote you last I did not know that petit had taken places in the Stage & paid for them....
Your favour of 15 sep br I have not yet replied to. with regard to the House, I wish it was as...
I have neither Seen or heard of any unpleasent remarks or strictures upon your late addresses....
I this day Received by the Hands of our Worthy Friend a large packet, which has refreshed and...
I received your Letter of Jan’ ry and observed Your communication, somewhat alterd to better suit...
Tis with a sad Heart I take my pen to write to you because I must be the bearer of what will...
It is now four weeks since Capt. Newman arrived in the Brig Gates and brought me your Letter of...
Your Letters of july 6th and August 15th were duly received. The accounts containd in Yours of...
I was sadly dissapointed to Day when James returnd from the Post office without one Single Letter...
I do not expect to date you any more letters from this place. Delighfull and blooming Garden, how...
I have not written to you since I received yours of January 5th. I go from home but very little,...
I fear you will think me tardy in not acknowledging sooner the Receipt of your Letter of the 11...
Did you ever my dear Betsy see a person in real Life such as your imagination form’d of Sir...
I wrote to you ten days ago and informd you that my Family were very sick. I did not then...
Thus has my son given me a legal right to address you. I feel also, that I have an affectionate...
If I have not written to you my dear Neice it is not because I have not frequently thought of...
Accept my thanks for your kind Letter of March 18th and for the pleasing favourable account you...
A very bad whitloe upon the finger of my right Hand has prevented my holding a pen; or useing my...
Altho I have heithertoo felt a diffidence in addressing a Lady with whom I have not the pleasure...