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Results 851-860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I have received a Letter from a very respectable Person in America, containing the following Words, Viz “It is confidently reported, propagated, and believed by some among us, that the Court of France was at bottom against our obtaining the Fishery and Territory in that great Extent in which both are secured to us by the Treaty; that our Minister at that...
About a fortnight since arrived here Mr. Fristel with G W. Fayette son of the Marquis. The former, who is in capacity of Tutor to the latter, requested me to mention their arrival to you, and that they meant to retire to some place in the neighbouring country ’till they should receive some direction from you. Thus at least I understood him—and accordingly they are gone to a house between...
I regret, that So often I must wearÿ you with mÿ complaints about myself, and yet I must do it, in apologÿ to myself, when I write a dull Letter. I have again be tortured with head-ache, and enjoÿ now only a little relief, which I am apprehensive Shall not last long—but I must take hold of this interval, to give me the pleasure, of answering your last favour of the 2d inst. I believe, I Shall...
It affords me at all times great pleasure, to see that my countrymen, either at their private or public meetings express themselves grateful to you for the blessings they have enjoyed under your Administration.— On the 4 th of July last , an Oration was delivered here in S t Michaels Church , in which the Orator never once mentioned the good that resulted from your Administration, that of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will we trust pardon Our boldness in adressing you on the present Occasion, And we therefore without further apology for the intrusion, beg leave to acquant you that Our Vessel De Brunetta Cap’n Thomas Griffiey with a cargo of Wine & Fruit from Oporto was Seized upon, on the nineteenth of August in Lat: 49”11 Long: 7”3 from Teneriffe by the...
Some investigations in which I am engaged induce a wish to be able to form as accurate an idea as can be obtained of the usual product in proportion to the value of cultivated lands in different parts of the United States. As I am persuaded no person can better assist me in this object than yourself, I take the liberty to ask the favor of your assistance. It has occurred to me that if the...
857General Orders, 5 November 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Craig[,] Lieutenant Colonel Johnston[,] Major Hamilton[,] Brigade Major Darby Morning Orders November 5th Major Knapp is appointed Field Officer of the day, for this day, vice Major Throop, furloughed. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Sometime between the appearance of Federalist 64 in March 1788 and the Doctors’ Riot, which occurred in mid-April, Jay wrote his seminal paper, An Address to the People of the State of New-York, on the Subject of the Constitution, Agreed upon at Philadelphia, the 17th of September, 1787. The Address was expected off the press by the 12th of April, based on Jay’s draft letter to Washington of...
I received in due time your letter of the 21st Ult. and with due sensibility to the subject of it. Such, however, has been the effect of a painful Rheumatism on my general condition, as well in disqualifying my fingers for the use of the pen that I could not do justice "to the principles and measures of the Colonization Society in all the great and various relations they sustain to our own...
I have the honor to forward a dispatch recommended by the president of Congress, to be sent to you by a particular conveyance. Lieut. Stokely is charged with it, and directed to deliver it into your own hands. Lord Cornwallis was at Birds yesterday, from which place he retired with his main body, into Williamsburg. We have been pressing his rear, with our light parties, supported by the army,...