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Results 851-900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I have received a Letter from a very respectable Person in...
About a fortnight since arrived here Mr. Fristel with G W. Fayette son of the Marquis. The...
I regret, that So often I must wearÿ you with mÿ complaints about myself, and yet I must do it,...
It affords me at all times great pleasure, to see that my countrymen, either at their private or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will we trust pardon Our boldness in...
Some investigations in which I am engaged induce a wish to be able to form as accurate an idea as...
857General Orders, 5 November 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Craig[,] Lieutenant Colonel...
Sometime between the appearance of Federalist 64 in March 1788 and the Doctors’ Riot, which...
I received in due time your letter of the 21st Ult. and with due sensibility to the subject of...
I have the honor to forward a dispatch recommended by the president of Congress, to be sent to...
Colonel Rawlins who as well as his officers in general distinguished himself at the affair of...
862[Diary entry: 23 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear and warm Wind fresh from So. Wt.
A Captain who escaped from New York on Saturday Evening and who arrived here this morning,...
I Received the favour of yours of the 3d Instant by Mr Custis which I feel myself highly honoured...
I have just returned to this place from Mount Vernon, where I found and left poor Whiting in a...
Your letters of the fifth sixth and sixth seventh, instants have been replied to except as to the...
867[Diary entry: 16 May 1780] (Washington Papers)
16th. A very great dew & fog. With little wind in the forenoon & very warm. In the afternoon it...
Your letter of the 6th Inst came to my hands a Post or two ago and the answer delayed longer than...
Your favor of the 25th in answer to mine of the preceeding week, came safely. At the time I wrote...
The difference between a communication & sollicitation is too obvious to need suggestion. While...
I take the liberty of begging your acceptance of my Address, &c. herewith Sent. I have only to...
872[Diary entry: 13 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
13. Cloudy forenoon but, tolerably Clear afterwards without any frost. Wind Westwardly but...
873March [1780] (Washington Papers)
1st. Raining in the morning and drizling all day with very little Wind but a thick fog. Roads...
Enactments to be proposed to the Visitors of the University of Virginia, for constituting,...
Copy: Library of Congress I am much obliged by your kind attention in sending me from time to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of people, as usual, sought Franklin’s help to...
The Secretary of state submits to the Secretaries of the treasury and war, whether the inclosed...
Your note of the 19 th Ult o Covering a Copy of an Instrument signed by Burwell Logwood , Rob t...
AL : American Philosophical Society <Whitehall, May 7, 1771, a note in the third person. A...
880[Diary entry: 2 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
2. Again very warm with a brisk westwardly breeze.
I have considered the circumstances you state in your Letter of the 6th inst. respecting vessels...
I send to your Excellency, under the auspices of Mr Pomroy, a young Gentleman who was a Captain...
Petition to the Burgomasters and Regents of Amsterdam . The subscribers, all merchants and...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is easy to perceive the Disposition of the...
On a conjectural view of the money likely to come in to the Treasury between this and the 15th....
Your two agreeable favors of the 19 and 22 Ulto came to hand, which I now have to acknowledge. I...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 15, 1780 . Regrets that the shortage of men makes it...
(private) This morning I received the inclosed letter from Mr Dayton, expressing fully his...
Finding it convenient to make a draft on you for $150 dollars in favor of Mr. A J. Levy of...
I accept with singular pleasure the Ensign of so worthy a Fraternity as that of the Friendly sons...
Since my last by Lieutenant Smith I have been able to collect no assisstance, the Malitia of...
I have the most melancholy Task to perform, that was ever yet imposed upon me; that of making you...
The Legislature of the Union during their last sitting passed two Acts (which you were pleased to...
The Petition of William Cross most respectfully represents. That he is a mechanic of the City of...
Mr. James Taylor Jr informd me he had sent by Capt Stephen Moore two pipes of Brasil wine & had...
Having transmitted to the President your letter of the 6th: I have just received as his decision...
8976th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D rode out in the afternoon. Pretty good weather.
In answer to your letter of this day, I have the honor of stating to you, that I have no...
Incon⟨venient as it was to⟩ my finances, I have been ⟨induced⟩ to erect convenient to the...
The late President of the U.S. M r Jefferson being desirous of knowing how & where he could...