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Results 851-900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The 25th Ult. by an Express from Colo. Fry I receiv’d the News of your Honour’s arrival at...
Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital; From its first Rise, to the Beginning of the Fifth...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I had at length the pleasure of hearing from you per the...
ALS : The Royal Society The very great Honour you have done me, in adjudging me your Medal for...
To answer your Honour’s Letter of the 25th by Mr Birney —I shall begin with assuring you, that...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur Druillong, with Monsieur LaForce and two Cadets I beg leave to...
Since writing the other, I have still stronger presumption, indeed almost confirmation that they...
This by an imediate express, I send to infm you that Yesterday I engagd a party of French whereof...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Peters has communicated to me a Paragraph of your...
Since my last we have arrived at this place, where 3 days agoe we had an engagemt wth the French...
Mr Gist brot Yr Letter & the very agreeable Acct of Yr Killing & taking Monsr Le Force & his...
Mr Geo. Croghan, a Gent. well acquainted with Indn. Affairs is engag’d by me to serve His My as...
I heartily wish that YrSelf & Officers had not at this Time discover’d an Uneasiness on Acct of...
The Half King with abt 25 Familys contg near 80 Person’s including women and children arriv’d...
On the Death of Colo. Fry I have thot it proper to send You the enclos’d Como. to Comd the Virga...
We had the agreable news of the victory obtaind by the Partie under your Command I heartily...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 6 June 1754. On 17 June 1754 John Carlyle wrote to GW : “I...
Copy: New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress The Pennsylvania...
Copy: New-York Historical Society; also transcripts: Library of Congress and Harvard College...
Yours of the 1st, 2d, & 4th Ulto I receivd by the Post and return your Honour my hearty thanks...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 23th of April, by Capt. Robeson, has been...
I received your favour of the 6th by Mr Gist & am Very Sorrey that its not In our power to Supply...
I Received your Letter dated the 15 May, Which gave me both pleasure and pain, the first to heare...
I rec’d Yr Letter of June 3d & I am very glad to know by it that the Half Kg with 80 Persons is...
Copies: Public Record Office, London; Rhode Island State Archives; John Carter Brown Library; New...
Draft: New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress I inclose the papers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In my Last of the 12th Ultimo I made proposal for Dealing...
The agreeable and long wished for News of the detachments under the Command of Major Muse and...
DS : Franklin Institute; transcript: Department of Records, Recorder of Deeds, City of...
This will (I hope) be deliver’d You by Colo. James Innes, who has my Commission to command in...
Yr Letter without Date I recd am sorry You have occasion to complain for want of Flouer &ca it...
Copy: New York Public Library The first four days of the Albany Congress were devoted to...
I was agreeably favour’d with yours of 31st March last & would have wrote you sooner but was...
I reced both your favours by Wm Jinkins & am Sorry you have so just Grounds for Complaints from...
At a Council of War held at Mr Gists Ju⟨ne⟩ 28th 1754 After the Junction with our own Detachmt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my Last to you I received your Favour advising of not...
Reference Above the Mouth of Shan[andoa]h there is but one fall and that is smooth and shallow...
“Reasons and Motives”: MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Vaughan, ed., Political,...
MS notes: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission The “Short Hints” which the committee...
890II., 3 July 1754 (Washington Papers)
Capitulation accordée par ⟨M.⟩ de Vill⟨iers Capitaine⟩ D’infant⟨erie⟩ Commandant des troupes de...
I came hither at our Governor’s Request to view Captn Clarke’s Compa. & Captn Rutherford’s under...
I have this moment received your Express & am verey glade to find you are Joined. I wish My...
Copy: Public Record Office, London; also copies: Rhode Island Archives, John Carter Brown...
I did my Self the Pleasure to write to You by Majr Thos Clarke now on his March from Alexandria,...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I am very sorry that our unexpected long Stay at Albany...
896I., 19 July 1754 (Washington Papers)
The third of this Instant July, about 9 o’Clock, we received Intelligence that the French, having...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I wrote a Line to you from your Landing, promising to send you...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 28 July 1754. On 3 Aug. 1754 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am just return’d from Albany, where were Commissioners...
MS not found; reprinted from Jacques de Romas, Mémoire, sur les moyens de se garantir de la...