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Results 8501-8550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I believe it will afford you a little satisfaction, to read the enclosed Sermon, not only on...
I will be very flattered if I am the first to inform you that the Provincial States of Utrecht...
At the time the Militia were assembling to march against the Insurgents to the westward an...
This morning, the accord with France and the mediation were resolved in the states of Holland. It...
You will perhaps be not a little surpris’d at viewing a letter from an inexperienc’d Youth, who...
At length I have the pleasure to send you a copy of my life of James Otis . I can hardly express...
About three years Back, The Philosophic Society in Philadelphia, offre’d a premiom for the Best...
The French Frigate Nimphe Commanded by the Chevalier Senneville returning directly to France I...
J. Lloyd has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the letter of Mr Adams, numbered 2, under...
After I had closed my last to you acknowledging the receipt of your’s of the 22 d. of Dec r: , my...
I have to acknolege your two favors of Feb. 16. & Mar. 2. and to join sincerely in the sentiment...
I Love to recieve Letters very well much better than I love to write them, I make but a poor...
The acquaintance I had the honor to make with you in 1776 & the high opinion I then entertained...
After a very laboured trial, Fries who led the armed Party at Bethlehem, has been convicted of...
I write this to request information of you, what is necessary, right, & proper to be done by me...
I cannot omit the Opportunity of writing by Monsr de le Etombe who is going to France & will take...
Je viens d’avoir un Entretien avec un des premiers personnages de ce pays, dont ce qui suit me...
I am glad to hear that my Cousins got home well. Poor Boys I believe that they had their Coats...
Persuaded from the religious and benevolent character which you have hitherto sustained, you’ll...
As D r. Jeffries is about to return to America, I have desired him to take charge of a Letter...
Your affectionate and instructing letter of Decem r 2 nd: did not reach me ’till yesterday.— I...
Depuis ma derniere du 13e. qui en renfermoit une de France pour vous, je Serois en peine de son...
It was only the day before yesterday that Mr Andrew Eliot handed me your letter dated the 5th of...
I wrote you largely by Cap t. Cushing who sail’d from hence about 3 Weeks ago. I therein take...
This day three weeks I left Home, since which I have not heard a word from thence. I wrote you...
Under an expectation that after our personal interview at Cambridge, you would provide yourself...
Inclosed is a Letter which I have this morning received from a particular Friend of mine, who is...
I did rise yesterdaÿ morning with Severe headache—and espied, entering the room a Letter on the...
I have no time to write you by this post. Your Son is in good health, but I fear he will not find...
Pleas to allow me the freedom of informing your Honour that in the year 1755 in August, I...
You I presume are so much occupied and fatigued with the duties of your station that you can get...
I have continued to read your defence of the American states and admire the intelligence sagacity...
It is now about a year ago that Mr. Dana was so kind as to satisfy my curiosity by sending me...
I shall need no apology for addressing you on a subject which you will not deem unimportant as...
I came to Town yesterday and have engaged My passage on Board the ship Active Capt. Lyde,...
I am not conscious that I have been deficient in a return to all the Letters you have written to...
Just as I had finished the above yours of the 2d. came to hand. The packet mentioned by Mr....
Last Evening we had an Account from Newbury that a Vessell was Arrived there from Bilbao, but...
It was not untill yesterday that I received your Letter & mrs Cranchs. mr mccomick came up &...
J’envoie aujourd’hui le troisieme et dernier feuillet à Son Excellence Mr. Franklin, de la...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the Vice President and sends him the...
By two Gentlemen who went in Ships bound for London, and of whose arrival in that City accounts...
Knowing how much you have at Heart the Establishing the Currency of this State and the United...
To regulate the trade of the United Colonies, being a field of vast extent, far exceeds my...
We have had very severe weather almost ever since you left us. About the middle of Febry. came a...
M r Lindsey presents his due and most sincere respects to M r Adams, was much mortified that he...
Agreeably to your Letter of 12th instant, I have the honor to enclose a Warrant for Mr. George...
Dans une Lettre de ce même jour, qui est déjà à la Poste, j’ai oublié de vous faire part d’un...
Le tems peut sans doute avoir detruit le souvenir dont vous m’honoriez, lorsque les interêts...
Permit me much respected Sir, to congratulate Your Excellency, as well as the good Citizens of...