Adams Papers

From John Adams to the Duc de La Vauguyon, 28 January 1783

To the Duc de La Vauguyon

Paris. 28th. January. 1783—

Monsieur le Duc,

I had, the day before yesterday, the pleasure of receiving the letters your Excellency did me the honor to write me on the 12th, from Versailles, & on the 21st. from the Hague—1 Mr: Jay’s letters, inclosed, I delivered to him yesterday—

I should have been very happy in the honor of the Conversation your Excellency intended with me before your departure. I hope to have the satisfaction of meeting you again, sometime or other; but, at present, cannot foresee when or where— But, whether this is intended for me or not, I shall carry with me, wherever I go, the highest respect & esteem for your public & private Character, and a pleasing Remembrance of those Scenes, in which I have had the honor to live & act with you at the Hague—

I have the honor to be, Your Excellency’s / Most Obedt. humle: Servt. &c

LbC in Charles Storer’s hand (Adams Papers); internal address: “The Ambassador of France. / At the Hague—” APM Reel 108.

1In this letter of 21 Jan. (Adams Papers), La Vauguyon indicates that he was sending a packet addressed to JA that he had found on his return to The Hague. No letters to “Mr: Jay”—whether it was to John or James is unclear—are mentioned, indicating that they may have been enclosed in the packet.

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