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Results 8471-8500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wrote you last on the 23 d. of May. your favor of that date did not come to hand till the 19 th. of June. in consequence of it I wrote the next day letters to mr̃ Lamb & mr̃ Randall, copies of which I have now the honour to inclose you. in these you will perceive I had desired mr̃ Randall, who was supposed to be at Madrid, to return immediately to Paris & London, & to mr̃ Lambe, supposed at...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of my letter to the Secretary of state, & your pamphlet, with the paragraph which I mentioned. Mrs Gerry unites with me, in best respects to yourself & Lady, & complimts to Mrs Smith and Your family— I remain dear Sir with sincere / attachment Your most / obedt Sert MHi : Adams Papers.
when I view you as a father of a Great people, and as Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, I flatter myself you will deign to hear me for a moment, and in your wisdom give me a suitable answer. I have a Son Sir, a youth of about Seventeen years of age, who Inconsiderately Enlisted into the United States Company of artillerists (Commanded by Capt. Amos Stoddard,) a...
Respectfully Sheweth– That the Citizens of this Parish, always joining with the general voice of their Country, for a restoration of a good Understanding with the French Republic, must express at this critical Period a deep sense of regret, at the failure of the attempt to negociate with that Nation.— That we consider this eventful Period, pregnant of the greatest importance to the safety and...
Permit me to recommend to your notice Mr. Samuel Johnston of North Carolina, as a person well qualified, to discharge the duties of a circuit Judge, I do this the more cheerfully, because you were acquainted with him, when he was a senator from No: Carolina in the senate of the United States, He is now one of the supreme Judges of the state. I am with due respect / Sir / yr most obt. Sert— MHi...
A continuation of poor health makes me an irregular correspondent. I am therefore your debtor for the two letters of Jan. 20. & Feb. 21. it was after you left Europe that Dugald Stuart , concerning whom you enquire, and L d Dare , second son of the Marquis of Lansdowne came to Paris . the
It was always my sincere intention, but you have made it my indispensible duty, to support your administration. a good disposition is requisite, & so is ability. diplomatic politics I am not much versed in, & my inexperience will demand assiduity. If I should err then, you must not impute it to the want of attachment; for in such a case I would certainly retire: conceiving as I do, that the...
Every information I can get with respect to a Certain affair I Shall take the Liberty as Early as possible to Communicate; the unfortunate business of the Collector is now becoming generally known, and is the principal Topic of the day. I have learn’d from a gentleman Some information that you were desirous to know before I left you. I mean whether any intimacy subsisted between Coll. Burr Mr:...
Yours of the 17th. Ultimo I have received, As to the Massachusetts raising more Men—would say, the seaports are driand very much by there going a privateering &c. and the late success of One belonging here (Cap. White) who with Another has taken four ships &c. two are in att the Eastward. One between 4 and 500 hhds claid Barbadoes Sugars, the Other from Antigua. His success, now with two other...
It is a long Time to me since I did myself the Honor and Pleasure of writing You. So unproductive a Correspondant as I had been, I was fearful would be thought to have taken up more than his Proportion of your important Moments. As some Excuse however I felt, I was confident, a Glow of sincere Friendship towards You, equal to any of the more agreable or beneficial.—I have been touched, and...
Permettez moi de Vous adresser, par triplicata , une Copie de ma Dépeche du 24 mars 1798, que Mr. Caro, mon compatriote a eu l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence de falmouth le 10 may suivant.—L’objet etant de la plus haute Importance, et les Accidens de la guerre ayant pu contrarier l’arrivée des deux premiéres, il m’a paru prudent de Vous l’adresser de nouveau. Depuis le Départ de ma...
En réponse aux ordres dont vous m’avez honoré, conjointément avec Son Exc e. Mr. Jepherson, en date de Londres Août 5 e. , Nous avons vaqué tout de suite à la Commission en question. Mr. Short est occupé à rendre un compte à V V. E E. de ce qui a été fait & de ce qui reste à faire, auquel je suis persuadé d’avance que je n’aurai rien à ajouter, que l’assurance de ma juste sensibilité à la...
I am now to advise you, that John Rowe Esq r. Cap t. Patridge Cap t. Dashwood & myself have applied to our General Court, for their aid and assistance, to recover our money of Gen l. How, for goods taken from us the 11 th. March 1776. our cases being Similar, altho’ in some instances, altogether different from many other persons, who as well, as we, have lost their goods by the Kings troops,...
Considerations purely of a private Nature having brought me to this Kingdom I take the very first Moments to present your Excell y. my most respectful Regards & to regret that the Length of my Voyage has deprivd me of the Opp y. of doing it personally as I am inform’d you have left this City very lately. I also take this Occasion through our respectable Friend M r. Laurens to forward a Packet...
Premit me to request the favour of your Excellency to grant Docr. St Medard a Warrent as Surgeon in the Navy of the United States. I had not the smalest conception untill this moment, that he had remaind untill this day without one, or otherwise should have apply’d for one yesterday, the Docter has ben in the Constitution ever since last December, and his long experience in his profession in...
I received your favor of the 16 March sometime Ago. The fleet and Army are still att Rd. Island by the arrival of Admiral Graves the british are superior. There intention Against Rd. Island seems to be laid aside. The french fleet and Spanish were att the Cape about 20 days Ago. We were in hopes they were bound to Jamaica. Several privateers belonging to Salem, Cape Ann And Newbury have made a...
I have been this day honoured with your letters of the 14th & 15th. I am very happy that you and Mrs. Adams approve of my letter to the Freeholders of Prince Edward County, Virginia. This morning I recd. from Mr. King a letter dated June 20. in which is the following passage. “Notwithstanding his pretended delicacy, Hauteval by no means denies the agency ascribed to him in soliciting the Bribe...
I am just honored with your letter of the 5th. inst. and am truly gratified to learn that my sketches of Mr. Henry have afforded you entertainment. If I could have anticipated such an effect, I would have taken the liberty, on the first publication of the book, to have ordered you a copy, as a slight proof of that sincere respect, which, in common with my countrymen, I feel towards you as one...
This I expect you will receive by my collegue General Marshal, who carries with him the last letter of Mr. Tallyrand to the american envoys & their answer. on the day when we sent the latter, I received a letter from the minister, a copy of which & my answer is inclosed. I have not sent these to the Secretary of State, because I have not time to prepare a letter to accompany them. indeed I...
This morning has honored me with your most esteemed favors of the 26 th May—for which be pleased to accept my sincere thank[s—] All on this side of the Atlantic, who speak of the affairs of these United States, joyn in the Opinion you express, “that they must soon take a turn for the better or become much worse—[ ” ] Most of our Citizens appear too unconcerned, falsely supposing that they now...
Constantly afflicted with the gravel, and the gout in my kidnies, the unfortunate fruit of sufferings at Sea, and by a winters journey through Spain, I am not in a condition to undertake a voyage to America at this late season of the year; nor if I were there, should I be able to discharge my official duties. I must therefore pray you, Sir, to accept this my resignation of the office of Chief...
It is not through want of attention that I have omitted to this time, to acquaint you of our arrival in this City. We reached it, after some perils, on the 27th. of Augt. N.S. sufficiently fatigued I assure you. For from Leipsic I began to travel day and night, and continued this practise all along the remaining distance. At Berlin we rested, or were rather stopped, nine days by the...
Mr. Chase will excuse the late Neglects and Inattention of Mr. John Adams to him, upon the express Condition, that in future he constantly communicate to Mr. Chase every Matter relative to persons or Things. Mr. Chase flatters himself with seeing Mr. Adams on Monday or Tuesday fortnight with the voice of Maryland in favor of Independance and a foreign Alliance, which are, in Mr. Chases...
The Secy of the Treasury in obedience to the command of the President of the US requiring the opinion of the Heads of the Executive Departments, on the Memorial of sundry Citizens of Baltimore, praying that a pardon may be granted to Levin Jones late Master of the American Brigantine David Stewart, respectfully submits the following Report. It appears that the said Levin Jones is charged in a...
The News papers which I do myself the honour of enclosing are the remains of Mr. Adams’s subscription. Mr. Adams left this place on the twenty eighth of June for Rotterdam, (with Mr. T. B. Adams) whither I had the pleasure of accompanying them. He requested me to send to you, Sir, the “Nouvelles Politiques” and I rejoiced in the opportunity of at once following his wishes and of paying to you...
We are in the disagreable necessity to acquaint the Hon ble. Commissioners of the Board of Treasury of the United States of America, that Mess. De La Lande & fynje who at the present moment are debtors to them for the Amount of ƒ112,000, have Stopt payment, and we take the Liberty to Send your Excellency inclosed the Letter to Said Gentlemen, which we left open in order you may peruse it for...
Permit me to solicit your attention to some few questions, having no other means of information that I can rely on, & being desirous of drawing it from the fountain head. If you will have the goodness to order me an answer it will prevent a law suit and lay me under a lasting obligation. 1st. Q. If I purchase patents of Lands, situated in Franklyn County in the State of Georgia, granted to...
The Day; perhaps the decisive Day is come on which the fate of America depends. My bursting Heart must find vent at my pen. I have just heard that our dear Friend Dr. Warren is no more but fell gloriously fighting for his Country—saying better to die honourably in the field than ignominiously hang upon the Gallows. Great is our Loss. He has distinguished himself in every engagement, by his...
Without wanting to disagree with any of the good reasons you gave me in your letter of the 12th regarding the prompt publication of the resolution of Congress, I would, however, have wanted it to be postponed for at least another day, for all the reasons which I have had the honor to tell you. The printed copy that you have was a sufficient guarantee of the démarche that I could have made in...
I returned to this place on the same day You left it, & was extremely disappointed to find You had passed thro’ on your journey to Philadelphia—as I had supposed it probable You would not set out so early from home. I intended to visit my Friends at Boston and Braintree last summer—but about the time I had calculated for the journey, the Smallpox broke out in my neighbourhood, my family had...