Adams Papers

Enclosure: Account for John Adams’ Sundry Expenses, 1781

Enclosure: Account for John Adams’ Sundry Expenses, 1781

No: 3.

The United States to John Adams

To four hundred Dollars, stolen out of my Chest at Dr: Franklin’s at Passy. The bottom of the Box was broke out & the money taken away. . . .
To Expences of a Journey fm. Amsterdam to Paris began the 2d. July & returned to Amsterdam the 27th. Went thro’ Utrecht, Gorcum, Breda, Antwerp, Brussells, Valenciennes &c. The whole expense of Coach & Horse-hire, Expenses on the Road, and at Paris—amo: livrs. 3345.
As I was obliged to take this journey, by my Commissn: for Peace, & the Expences of my family at Amsterdam could not be prevented fm. running on at the same time, the matter is submitted for an allowance.
To Articles in Mr: Grand’s a/c—30th. April. 1781.1 Commissr: at Amsterdam on Livrs: 37348 p ½. pr.Ct. 186. 14. 9
 Courtage 46. 13. 9
 Postage of Letters 127. 10
To Articles in Acct: of Augst: 6th: 1781.,2 Augst: 6th. Commissr: at Amsterdam 46. 10
  Brokerage: 11.12.4. Postage 3 14. 12. 4
House-Rent, Stationary, Salaries of Clerks, Postages of Letters & Extraordinary Entertainments—&ca.

RC and enclosures in Charles Storer’s hand (PCC, No. 84, IV, f. 157–167); endorsed: “Letter 7 Sept 1782 John Adams. Read Feby 10. 1783 Referred to Mr Gorham Mr Williamson Mr Fitzsimmons comee discharged July 8. 1783.”

1Presumably the account enclosed with Henry Grand’s letter of 14 May 1781, which has not been found (vol. 11:316).

2The account enclosed with Henry Grand’s letter of 6 Aug. 1781 has not been found (vol. 11:443–444).

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