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Results 8451-8500 of 184,431 sorted by author
8451[Thursday Feb. 22. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday Feb. 22. 1776. Two Letters from General Washington, were referred to a Committee of the...
I received your friendly letter of the 30 July a few days ago. The People of America in general...
I last night rec d. y r: favor of the 12 th. and I must repeat to you that I still persist in a...
I have the Honour to inclose to Congress, the latest News Papers: As they contain the Speech at...
The United States to John Adams Dr: To four hundred Dollars, stolen out of my Chest at Dr:...
You must expect for the Future, to find in me, Situated as I am by a blissfull Fireside,...
8457Sunday [26 April]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
84581771. Saturday June 8th. (Adams Papers)
Bissill says, there are Settlements, upon this River, for 300 Miles— i.e. from Seabrook Saybrook...
The enclosed very respectable recommendations from Mr Senator Green, Mr Edmund Trowbridge Ellery,...
8460Monday May 26. (Adams Papers)
I hope for News to day, from the Hague. Probably concerning the sailing date of P. J. van...
I nominate Henry Prebble Esqr. of Massachusetts to be Consul of the United States at Cadiz in...
I have no authority to interfere, in the Direction of the Continental Goods, which Mr Gillon...
Know Ye, That reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Abilities and Integrity of William...
Your Favour of the 14 of July is before me. I am happy to find your Sentiments concerning the...
I agree with you that The Ocean ought to be and must be the Theatre of the War. Our Government...
Upon the receipt of the Dispatches by Barney, I sent off your Letters for Mess s. Willinks & C o....
I ought not to neglect an opportunity by Colo. Smith to assure you by a few lines, of the...
Mr. Lovell goes tomorrow. In him We shall find a Man of Spirit Fortitude, and Patience, three...
8469May 17 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home. Dr. Dubourg, and Mr. Parker and another Gentleman dined with me.
I received yesterday your favor of the 21st. thank you for the intelligence & rejoice that our...
last night, I received your Favour of the 17.— if both Governments are possessed of the Contents...
I had the Pleasure of a Letter from you, a few days before I Sailed from Boston, which I have...
I Shall certainly comply with your Wishes, expressed in your favour of 31st Octr. The...
Dr. Church returns to Day, and with smarting Eyes, I must write a few Lines to you. I never had...
I was, for sometime apprehensive, that it would be necessary, on account of the contagious...
Although the writer of the inclosed letter is as unknown to me as any stripling in the moon, the...
I received from Capt Caller through the postmaster Gen. in due season, your unanimous address of...
8478Ap. 30. Jeudi. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Mareschall De Mouchy—with the Duke and Duchess D’Ayen, their Daughter the Marquise...
84791771. Wednesday June 12. (Adams Papers)
Sat out upon my Return home, oated at Warreners, in Brimfield, caught in a cold Rain, obliged to...
I have received your favour of 26 of Decr and request you to insert my Name among the Subscribers...
Not long after the foregoing letter, but I know not how long, the Marquis of Verac communicated...
A Treaty with the Mohawk Nation of Indians, has by Accident, lain long neglected. It was executed...
I have received and read with great Pleasure, your modest Sensible, judicious and discreet Letter...
By Some Accident or other the Original Papers concerning the Conspiracy against the Laws and the...
I am honoured with your letter of January 9th. 1823. It would give me great pleasure, to send you...
I nominate the Gentlemen contained in this List, for the offices in the Navy sett against their...
I wrote you the 23 Ult. and expect your Answer by the next Post. To Day I have yours of 26 Ult...
I had, the day before yesterday, the pleasure of receiving the letters your Excellency did me the...
Your Letter of May 14. with your Account inclosed I received: I have also received your Letter of...
8490July 19. 1796. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A plentifull Shower of Rain with Thunder and Lightning this Morning. Took a Tea spoonful of Bark...
The bearer of this letter is a gentleman of eminent literary character in this State & as a...
The fit of recollection came upon both of Us, so nearly at the same time that I may, Sometime or...
I embrace the opportunity by General Marshall one of our Envoys Extraordinary to France to...
I thank you for your favours of 25 and 27. the last of which I recived this Moment. The Baltimore...
After the signature of the definitive treaty on Wednesday, the third day of September, 1783, we...
8496May 21. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
8497Thursday. July 4th. 1771. (Adams Papers)
Dined with D. Wyer, in Company with his Father, Farnum, Sewall, Cushing, Sewall, Lowell &c....
M r. Adams’s Books & Papers being at the Hague, it is impossible for him to give M r. Grand a...
Some time ago I requested permission, to write to you certain facts in Confidence which I wish to...
Paris, 5 June 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 102–105). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers...