Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Smith, 21 November 1789

To Thomas Smith1

Treasury Department Novr. 21st. 1789


In Consequence of your Application,2 I have this day issued a warrant in your Favor on the Treasurer of the United States3 for 22.250 Dollars in Indents of Interest,4 which he is directed to forward without Delay.

I am, Sir, Your Obedt. & humble Servt.

A Hamilton
Secy of the Treasury

For Thomas Smith Esqr.
Commr. of the Loan-Office for the State of Pensilvania.

LS, Breckinridge Long Papers, Library of Congress.

1For background to this letter, see “Treasury Department Circular to the Continental Loan Officers,” October 12, 1789 (PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). description ends , V, 440–41).

2Letter not found.

3An item in the Blotters of the Office of the Register of the Treasury under the date of November 21, 1789, reads: “Dr. to Samuel Meridith Treasurer of the United States h/a of Interest Indents

“For the … following Warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury and countersigned by the Comptroller, on said Treasurer in favor of the following Loan Officers for which said Loan officers are accountable and subject to a charge hereafter of such Fractional parts of a Dollar as they may add to said Indents.

“Thomas Smith Commissioner of the Loan Office for the State of Pennsylva h/a of Interest Indents for Warrt. No. 1 in his favor for 22250.” (RG 39, Records of the Bureau of Accounts [Treasury], Blotters of the Office of the Register of the Treasury, 1782–1810, National Archives.)

4For “indents of interest,” see Nathaniel Appleton to H, February 5, 1791, note 1 (PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). description ends , VIII, 8–9).

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