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Results 84421-84430 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Intending that this shall await your arrival in this State, I with great joy welcome you on that Event. I am induced to it from the very great Esteem I bear your Personal Character, and the Hopes I entertain of your relieving us from our Enemy within this State. Could any Circumstance have rendered your Presence more desireable or more necessary, it is the unfortunate one which obliges me to...
I recieved, my dear friend, yesterday evening only your letter of Jan. 21. and this day I write to a bookseller in Philadelphia to send immediately, for you, two copies of the Anonymous Review of Montesquieu , under cover to mr Gallatin , if he be not gone. in a letter to him lately, I begged of him to say to yourself and mr T. that I had not the courage to write to either of you, until I...
I was very happy, My dear Marquis to receive lately a letter from you. It inclosed one from Général Dumas, which also gave me pleasure. I fear, shall hardly have time to write to him by this opportunity; but I beg you to assure him of the interest I take in what ever concerns him. As to the affair of Mr. de Beaumarchais, while I was in the office of secretary of the Treasury, I procured his...
At the earnest request of Mr Jorre I make known to you, that he came over to this Country with an idea of obtaining some appointment under our Government; but he now finds that idea to have been false; for propriety, as you, my dear Sir, well know, would not admit of a foreigners being prefered to Office before one of our own Countrymen, who suffered so much to effect the revolution, and who...
A few days ago I wrote you a letter in much haste. the cause a sudden notification of Monsr Gerards having changed the place of his embarkation from Boston (as was expected) to Philadelphia, & the hurry Monsir de la Colombe was in to reach the latter before the Minister should have left it. Since that, I have been honourd with the company of the Chevr de la Luzerne, & by him was favourd with...
[ Peekskill, New York ] August 5, 1780 . Regrets that the Chevalier de Ternay is adverse to entering New York harbor. Entreats Lafayette to “ascertain the probability of a succour coming from France and the West Indies.” Df , in writings of James McHenry and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Copy: Library of Congress It is a long time since I did myself the honour of writing to you: But I have frequently had the Pleasure of hearing of your Welfare. Your kindness to my Grandson in offering to take him under your Wing in the Expedition is exceedingly obliging to me. Had the Expedition gone on it would have been an infinite advantage to him to have been present with you so early in...
I will not conceal that my numerous correspondencies are daily becoming irksome to me; yet I always receive your letters with augmenting satisfaction, and therefore rejoice with you in the measures which are likely to be productive of a more frequent intercourse between our two nations. Thus, motives of a private as well as of a public nature conspire to give me pleasure, in finding that the...
Yours of the Seventh of this month, was yesterday brought me, by Mr Ridley, and I thank you for your kind Congratulations, on the Progress of our Cause in the Low Countries. Have a Care, however, how you profess Friendship for me: there may be more danger in it, than you are aware of. I have the Honour, and the Consolation to be a Republican on Principle. That is to Say, I esteem that Form of...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 390–1. … In answer to your questions, Mr. Oswald is doing nothing, having neither powers nor instructions; and being tired of doing nothing, has dispatched a courier requesting leave to return. He has I believe received no letters since I saw you, from Lord...